02 March 2024



Sadie Hawkins day 2024.

I took a lot of crap, heraldry being pegged as little more than a on scholarship student anyway at the George town coops before they'd let the darkies and women in, and now we must all with dead grandmothers know that they died to set the drag queens free, though the Bush family called that all decadence once, not too long ago, over my inherent blood in the works, a moral imperative love of the Roman comedians, if not com-media, as a kid. I was to be far too much more middlebrow, and a love of ore on Johnny's then paramount Tonight show told me a love of Juvenal was a perfect shield to imperial madness's, and I wasn't about to read the works of dreadful half educated women named Anne who saw Italian Skulduggery everywhere anyway.

So, I do hope an awful scuttle Jewish poor mans Nail Simon, the dreadful and teh darded Larry Gelbart is alive to have seen as the Saturnalia season in which the deaths of 30,000 people, yes even Darkies, George W. AND THUS EVIL IN THE WAR ON MOTHER Rhea again think that was mine before it was appropriated by Negros and dykes with a thousand thumbs within their cracks, started to have a expense account to Pad, and how...!, from the good folks at War incorporated, where the house n*e'er broads are reduced to a mantra war ethics, by merely whispering in stage whispers as the real-tors of megadeath unravels between ceder berthed disgust, but then, a Negros gots to be paid, shu nuff. DO HOPE our transcriber, the way to the forum translator is traitor of Richard Hooker and Plautus, especially Titus Plautus, never to be seen again on CBS, satire isn't pretty enough for that vainglorious signage, is alove as DO HOPE TO have seen the wonderful Shylock and hook-nosed and vicious accumulate tear human beings apart with anti aircraft fire , as there is still hope that somehow, if alive still, like a direful Francis, he may become Pope, if not translating something else hed get so wrong that the surgeon from MASH, who was expecting what...?, Robert Altman,...?, n*ggers puleeze, had to take his very name off of it, so much the better to a poor mans Carl Reiner, whose own anger Peons to the mush mouthed middlebrow New Yorker, in a blue streak of gibberish I have seen twice in this vary Bloody winter in less than Pompeii.

I am always right, as an auger should be. Sister Barbara Ann said of me I am not always playing GE COLLEGE BOWL like some and always trying to get Art Flemming then the correct answer in some split second flat, but instead am deliberate and end up getting a better result than any other whiz kids who are perpetual as pressing whatever panic button is around. BUT , alas I never saw the American dream as anything other than a con-job an ABC GAME SHOW, IF THAT, AS I HAVE ALWAYS HAD A STRANGE AFFINITY for Lets make a deal , and always saw myself as a kind of Monty Hall, without the sincerity. 



There, in the darkness of the morning, I was full on with the acita we all feel now as the cornered toothless sugar tiger is left in the corner of the tiled floor, and I put on a TV set as the nightlight it has alas morphed into being a while ago. I, as in drakish, a grayer morning, and I turned on the television to see that my brother had been watching it as I drowsily made it to the wall, or door, and my brother had been here and left already, and watched the Dreaded Today show for nothing more than the daily dirt's weather reports. At here, in mid ancient relic of a show, a Jimmy Olsen boy reporter from the Neanderthal Broadcasting network as talking to the close enough to Harrow boy, Anglican Henry Higgins for TV Jews, John Olivier, the pompous little creep who gives the idiots from Harvard who did rape jokes only it seems weeks ago, a certain type of cover that they love at the Jew Yorker and like classicism of newsprint and the mummy wrapping of vizier of the long lost age of Capote, who now they make movies of exceedingly as soon as Andie Poo the lisp of God can get the drafts with Mumsy in them breakthroughs he was if I recall Tru, Capote's greatest inquisitor, and now sonny boy gives us the telecasts PRAVDA TEAR SHEETS. BUT, I WAS caught here by hearing Jon Stewart, his master, his mentor , his whoever that was show taught Alexander the war sonnets of Homer, was returning, which to be fair was only a a day a week but infinatly more than he did when CNN was pushing Trump to give it to Hilly but good. And i watched as a moment of what MACHIAVELLI CALLED THE MOMENT OF FROZEN REALIZATION CAME TO A HEAD AT THAT MOMENTA S THIS JACK LARSON at GE towers was in fact saying something that the pudding faced smiling idiot who they give Emmy with electric wings to, to on unwatched ceremonies, as Colbert seems just a bit too, you know...and I watched, as the Boy from Oxbridge, aren't they all...?, was caught unawares by this all, that Johnny boy was coming back to the squalid puppet show that television was, according to my pop who told me I'd be better off to forget it all. Looking for whatever wrong box he was, John 2 WAS CAUGHT LIKE A DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS OF A oncoming car, his dead little malicious eyes lost what little pious twinkle that they had at all, even the ,malice was a cataract that had dissolved, and his eyes became black holes like in the netter of the milky way, ready to implode upon themselves, as I could see him thinking, oh, Bodicca queen of English fags, when will I be free of this Jewish vulgarian, when will I ever be free of this cretin whose crime was giving me a platform....? He caught himself, and called him a new Jordan, again LeBron didn't make the cut, and muttered something, but he would be tgsrahe by those who never said a word about he or anyone else casting like they were too good for Clinton, but made the fat jokes about his fallen out of the closet secretaries, Dellas, bouncing along like out of PLAUTUS, ANYWAY. It didn't last a week.

As I am always right, and somewhere, maybe on pages of house Negros now unrevealing and being castigated we are all one big happy curia that somehow we weren't when a goon queer at CBS as openly making fun of the forts black President, and the Ecco cackling of the first Italian, of course, strega , to make it up so facto, i'm sure her brains, attuned to lawyers getting ahead. Or worse, staying at the buffet doesn't recall that, at all, as Italians women it seems, principally and perfectly were just little asses to kick and rape according to first poppas show had too be president, no matter what and end up with bad first acts, not as devoted to AUGUSTUS AS EVEN I THOUGHT, ALL POLITICIANS SHOULD BECOME. 

And as a boy I was enthralled with “Laugh in “as a kid, it seemed so Vaudeville and yet so modern, a apostasy to Lucy, whose own ruin of mid sixties, Technicolor shows on upstate New York, until of course,Viv left and she became a human pratfall, too old to be That Girl, she didn't care and became a sixty year old Marlo, playing with her hat. So it was almost with sadness I saw the ruins at which the old coot from the bleeding of Saturday Night was reduced now, one can tell he is hated as Lucius would say, as it wasn't the host of the Tonight show, or OD KNOWS, Cobalt at the cyclops, that Gallianus was given over to, to somehow yuk it up and pout with, no it was the third generation of a David Less Late Night, not what it used to be, that that toothy d student, in ill fitting suit, was sent to somehow humanize the old creep who as I warned, learned long ago Death is the answer to all political questions,and must , must be paid back for having been a Nea Vote to make sure that Pfizer never had a single good fer nuthing ever get so much as an aspirin for that most anti American word, communists and therefore a non starter.

And there, the dared third act of a Roman farce, if not a catastrophe of a hated by me Greek Tragedy, there was in the bowels of the sandstone mausoleum Castillo that carted him, there was old coot Erroneous brought back to the Frankenstein, that's Francensteen, torture chamber beneath a Manzoni contempt, the war Hallar, the armimentarium what which house n*88eers dare not aye anything they've believed so delightedly before, and read it softly as opposed to how he has often read the stage directions that were parenthetically meant for him, there was old coot Biden, sucking on the melting detritus of this pertain ship, glumly eating the tangelo wop ices, that equally doomed enemy of the people , that Hadrian was.

As all Parallelogram Roman lives that don't go to the farm end as a farce meets tragedy is said to the admiration of some and the hatred of others with upwardly mobile, then yuppie creeds, and here was his last act of a desperate man, or first act of Henry the 5th,which ever, as he eat at not so much just eating, the Stygian hard core core bought for grampus at the war warehouse and the drone making house of Morgan in tatters like all the rest. There he was, in usual unfit form, with smiling toothy Set-hie, so very democratically close, look Ma, I'm near the corset of the Praetor he was so proud, as I suspect only a Jewish counter jumper, maybe a hosue wop, could be. Jack Davis, as opposed to Biden, drew better Zombies than he was this late winters night, as Sethie , could, feeling the cold of the strangely prevey ice cream haunts of the old coot, this chicken hawk, pre Vidal he had returned his war company towards, as he again made things up on the fly, never a Bill Clinton measure of clarity or even a healthy admiration of Niccolo Machiavelli to keep him from the constant butting of the black ship of state, Pindar, sorry, not the obsessiveness on race that the month hijacked from ROMAN GHOSTS ALWAYS HAD TO BE AND NOW GAME SHOW NETWORK QUICKLY REVERT TO GHOSTS OF WHITE WOMEN, NEVER TAKING A SACCO OR A TARP-EA, ever into their ledgers of blood accounts. One could see the figure of Sethie, playaiang Carsoin dint they all...?, in GE THEATER SUIT AND TIE, like a boy boy now, as the old idiot kept coming up with them, another joke as Groucho said of the critic at the Times he can only say right if told to him wrongly, the old man and the C, the dying old coot, the idiot in twilight time, the last Remanding Sunshine boy, liked his way through a photo op even he cant muck up, and said as Seething Seth, anything to be on TV, was looking for a place to hide, or Hyde as the case may be, and up in the haunts where black women don't hold his tenement of Garret against him, as he may have shown Chuck Noll was exceedingly right, and that Lorne indeed found his life's work when he was writing wall jokes for Ruth and Jo Ann, as a never my type Goldie danced in war paint in a sixties era cage. Something for everyone. For the second time in a month coined to be the times I was to remember Ma as the ash that like so much the Cather Catholics would use to themselves, Constantine, not only with dead children , but a healthy allegiance to the italic Gods of two faces, I AM not Christian, he said to the Nicaea-ists and the over wrought salivation-ed, as to the baptized and the Heraclitus alike, YEW ARE NOW Roman AND THAT AS THEY SAY, WAS THAT. He hearing that Trump, whose campaign he had resurrected with his own show of nun-Caesar- mercilessness worthy more of Alex Raymond cartoon pages liked by me and boyhood Bill, never think things through twice, Joe, I mean stupidity has gotten you this far. Some simp on the dying Clinton News Network, they have alas lost their stars, like SNL did, bitches that he is amazed at how Biden, the bag man, could love war and GE so much that hed put “democracy”in peril over his own marble seta. OH, idiots of empire, how again do you like your crow reserved....? I bet brother Bill hasn't it called it anything but the republic, like me, since I was ten. The bag dun broke. 



Showing again the plebs are on their own., its been a long hard slog since I FEEL YOUR PAIN, REAL OR NOT, STILL, A PERFECT POLITICAL STAGE CRAFT, as the age of a stage television city elitism has taken hold, as bets as it can, but then when you walk with someone who limps or in Praetors Joe's case trip's and falls and face plants as presidents falling at the tarmac inst the boffo comedy routine for some Jewish comedy writing hacks fool as it once was, and my quetsion remains what did ever happen to Tom Davis anyway. But then again, auger I am, I saw once and reported as much, that I saw grumpy old man Mac Kane once, at a senatorial blessing, some men Augustus said when he demanded Cicero's head on a plate as it were, if only to keep the pax, some men were meant to be Senators and nothing much else as is now obvious. I saw old man Mac Kane as a vulgarian Jewish hack comic farted and burped and soft showed his way, at least in his way of thinking, he was all made spite it all a Republican all the way home,., like Biden, don't forget if his praetorian to get you while they can, he was the one , befuddling straight arrow Johnny who Gore brought it up, we once had midnight specials that weren't seen as a place for senators to do much more than play the piano once, and not give unwanted boilerplate so willingly and eagerly, again , the opposite of what he did when the black creep was in, but both were possibly in heels. Saw Makers sit there fuming, no one else saw this, or cared to, or wanted, the papergirls of GE theater do have a cult of the imperial that would make Octavian blush, we are all after all Rodger Mudd, devoted to the curia no matter what casting departments do, and I saw him bumble and become whiter than usual at this ultimate country club assaulted not be merely a Jewish man, no CUOMO OR JAVITZ HE, BUT A CLOWN FROM MIDNIGHT, THE FIRST OF THESE, a vulgar, joke telling, Chuckels the clown, a little song and little dance a little seltzer down your cloak room, and I saw him fig-it in his chair, as he played the part no so well of last sane man in the mausoleum called a senate, it as great once wasnmt it though...?, even he said that reportedly usurping a line of the Gracci boys as Jesus so schlepped himself. But then now, Jews who did black face are given the same awards as Eudora Welty and Tennessee, ah we miss you Tennessee and again I will always recall that that rag that gave is perpetual war once gave a living eulogy for him, American Terrance, even Truman said his comedic airs were unparalleled, and not to a present or a few of them who had to sue death to rally their praetorian troops more than usually did, alight again, Biden, no artist dies in him, has alas taken it too far. 



I know when they are, alas, thanks to the classical bents of the Roman loving priests, done as done can be. So, as I blow a kiss as only a Clinton era Jesuit student might,as sister Barbara Ann was right and the d students, shop class, smoking in the boys rooms, greasy grimy cretins might take over the world ,but no matter how many brooks brothers are Taylored, they revert to cigarettes in the t shirt sleeve charms, and they might not keep it, as the fat bloated white women so eager to see rump as a one termed are accounted in their jeer fish eyes by the idea of TRUMP RETURNING FROM THE FARM TRIUMPHANT, AS IT WOULD ALL BE OVER BY NOW HAD YOU MOT MEDDLE WITH An old coot, played by Buster Keaton in better cast farces than this, the credo of the days of want that were so perfectly explained by the true translators as opposed to imperial flatterers of the PEACOCK ON OUR BACKS, ON CNBC, the money launders and beachcombers of our dying republic's going and coming ,see Clinton above, the latest Shylock's who doesn't get the joke, says maybe Tony the tiger is the only meat to be at an American Table at dinnertime, while lisps of God, no crickets, are eschewed and ignored totally. Nothing for anyone, a satire, no just ridicule Tonight, as somewhere a funny think napped on the way to the yellow wood of hell's apron, somehow a cretin who was so against the first black president, elliptically the cackling he did of the stragea putana who had daddy's grave bequeath to her a speaker-ship as all the knives were once out for the Clinton BUT ALAS, WHAT IS THE WORTH OF tragedy when one is dealing with the morons of midnight who didn't know not to come back from their farm as maybe a third act like Cincinnatus and Carson was alas too noble in this month once of the noble ROMAN DEAD AND NOW HIJACKED BY THOSE WHO STILL VOTE FOR A SEGREGATIONIST AND EXPAT NEGROS TO HO DDDEEE DO to da baloot boxes shu nuf!, the clowns of a lesser or dramatic GOD, FARCE A WORST THAN THIRD ACT, THEY FACE A STRIKING OF THE SET THAT have been warning about, as along with a love of Petronius and Roman farce, Since i was 15.

So, good night unto you all, all the republican graves give forth their Prophets, and no amount of clowns at midnight can break their chimes, much less ring them well, one too many begging at the walls of the imperial Birrrrrrrd, old man, one too many chicken hawks, John Bolton is alas doing the bidding of his master Jeb, his masters voice, as the consigliers where always in the Bush party awaiting a dining of blood at the Mantuan cliffs, so I guise no midnight calls to be on your enemies cartoon frolcis, one too many eatracn braves wearing the feathers of same Nobel bird as the Apache, one too many then Apache helicopters broken in the sand, am alas still 15, nobody here buts us chickens, corn flakes for all, and who said that as s joke once, as again the imprimatur strafes back, and in the ruins and the tatters of Roman histories out there who still had to wait for the age of smith corona to give them the Virgil they wanted so, no, you see as I said to the kind people who either rejected me well, or accepted works that before this goon started unravelling even noticeable to Colbert's jaundiced Eye, were unstable by the sanctimonious, too many eagles getting even, too many Roman standards to the ground, a weather vane is in a tempest, too many birds of prey without beaks, too much coops, BIRDS OF A FEATHER MOLT TOGETHER, CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST, Reverend Wright, no body here but us chickens, and war profiteers have to pay 8 dollars a slab of bacon too. Tragedy tomorrow, the farce is over Tonight. Say Goodnight Dick.

I hope somewhere Mario Cuomo is laughing.


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