27 June 2022



 26 JUNE 2022. 
So, putting it all tighter, cartoons and writings out of my own Italian American Decameron, and it is dreaded, it is disliked, and pooh-poohed by they who like their wops as Scorsese like n*ggers for fun and profit, –we must censor in the land of the Sopranos, and where uppity Jews who made Hogans Heroes  alas too made the Godfather, –seeing what has happened here today, I must send out this part that never got a dinner, The American Decameron, day Four Emma, not ever been posted there and here. As the curia that so deserves it gets it, as Ma would Say what you wahts is what you gots, I say the last living member of the Original caste album of Oh, Calcutta is getting you what you’d deserves, as when you walk with those who limp…or fall of Bikes, anyway, There is day Four, about Abortion, which WASN’T MADE LEGAL AGAIN REALLY UNTIL the race of my father and other southern and eastern catholic Europeans came along, the nuns noticed that, and how it was used as seen by me, and by whom, …will the Fascia that hangs of the wall of that hall of a hundred segregationists, will it and all the goons and aldermen within, will they ever, worse than they ever been, ever be on the side of abortion no less…?, and be as filthy as the Tidal Basin of Wilbur Mills actually seem to be
…stay tuned kids, as all is a kiddies show, same bat channel! It is about how it was made in ways that gave me as usual attaboys and accolades. But, because I SAW TODAY that so important is this to the Cyclops, that they didn’t miss a beat to make sure The Price is Right was right here it was supposed to be, as Bob Barker has always been more important to this Roman diocese than Earl Warren will ever be. Now, be careful as the Prater who comes with Arthur Murray, Sam Drucker like footprints with numbers of the floor telling him when to swerve, I hope he don’t cry too much, cause somewhere on linen scrolls on that fake Roman mausoleum, the collected fake Roman drag annals of that hall of segregationists, his name is scrawled on the Hide amendment. [I found it wouldn't  go through,  a fairy drawing post, elsewhere,  when I write “Hyde Amendment”, but did when I changed it , showing again what devotion means in the time of Bidey the Nincompoop.] Who said that Uncle Spunky Steverino would be playing with cartoons and puppets soon enough in a Paddy Chayefsky Nightmare before all was said and burned. AOC is out there, demeaning Palestinians like Indifata. Put down that box of Chicken delight ladies, to hit the pavement, do dah, do dah…But unlike starving them, will soon enough be like Amber, and be sighted at the TJ MAXX. Sue him back to the stone age, doll…! So, happy New Year 1970, girls.





It may mean nothing, but, I was awfully glad to see that the rats left at Uncle Stan's ghetto had to apologize and I would guess pulping the pages of seen by Pop and the nuns as scurrilous and venial and plebeian art, comics, is coming soon enough, as the house of Stan had to actually apologize for some black Thor they made erred in judgment, in their quickly unraveling series of disliked boilerplate. I recall when comics never had to be when not censored, because they were seen as garbage. Nothing that happens to the creeps and con artists who helped drive Wally Wood to suicide bothers lil ole me, Jesuit Tony, as I can recall  when sister Cecilia, who also warned  me about Abortion and the cesspool in fact this place  was, as my father warned me so. Its okay when we riot, didn't you read Sallust, Bill…?, which I'm not sure, but not only when you make your greatest enemy Caesar can you not be a Roman in modern dress or not, I don't think they let you pretend to be Paladin anymore either, much less Bret Maverick. AS NO traitor pointer at-er Queen deserves more screaming lesbians without feminine hygiene products throwing wire hangers Ala Diana from Network, in later too much pancake makeup- Paddy we miss you, you jew bastard. Until this party understands that Pride parades where uniforms are verboten, haven't we come far since the Spartan barracks, if not the SS, are done on the graves of Italian grandmothers, Castro streets and the Pillozzi family are vacated until further notice.



My elders sisters birthday, as I feel exceedingly badly as I have about knowing that Biden was the pot of something at the end of that rainbow, we made a classical Italian dinner and I bought a bunch of DC comics, my boyhood brand, films at 5 for twenty,  thought they were marked at 20 a piece to begin with.

The movie is World's finest, I guess, though paranoid Batman fears Superman, as destroying the Senate is seen as a straight line, though it was implied Leheay got it,  and not mentioned again. Someone dropped their flag, but now some barmaid is calling for a wiping clean of the Supremos for anyone she doesn't like, but I wouldn't put that Tabula Rasa, Cleared Slate in the hands of the man who made Iranamuck, a new low he’d pass anyways, with Anita Hill, so again I'm not expecting much. Do, tell the cvnts what the Hyde amendment was, and then leave a post-it for Paar at night. They get downright ornery do the fat chicks and the homos in boas and the rest of the trash of the revolution held here, when someone reminds them that they indeed voted for a segregationist, polluter, molesting goon who voted against Hillary-care once, and that whatever you pretend to believe in now, Jack Paar on CBS YOU'RE THE BEST, well, this old goon, as I remember when Greek Morning TV fun-house queens were doing B AND E’S AT THE CASA DE DuPont, ONCE, he was by general principal, and not faking either, was against it. There was no reason for a democracy hack  to be against anything like Busing or hillarycare then, unless of course,your turgid, worthless, whore mongering, show us your Guns,  son came in with a better deal in the wire transfer. People don’t like being lectured to by a puppet show, as my pop called it, or a New Florence, where a bloated Jewish macher pig from Schenectady was done playing the role of Cosimo at the corner table at Manzoni’s mezza luna Mezzumadade…
The movie, starts with a funeral and ends with one, but gets sad in the middle. We sat and ate and watched this Superman, lets say as opposed to Chris he doesn't look the part, learned all I need from Zero as Titus, I am a parade, and since I cant stand either Ben Affleck or any non Adam West Batman, I found it unpleasant as saw Superman being pummeled as he was, in what seemed to be a deserted Men's room. Happy Pride month, altar boys of America! As all is Stan Lee now, whether you like it or not. I felt an actual wince watching this more Bill Hader than even George Reeves, Ubermench, although my brother, bored, said  this Superman was back to the Reeves -Ruth Buzzi widows peak, than any spit curl, and  two, couldn't they find a black haired girl to play Lois Lane…?, but then such is Waking up in Dizzy land.

A pretty Wonder-woman who has grown on me was the best thing in this, but they did her no favors, who does have characterization in Zack’s flatland after all, but she has great thighs. Dennnnnn, as Artie would say, somehow, who knew…? Doomsday Shows up, my brother asks, IS Betty and Veronica next…?, and Batman decides the first man he will kill isn't Moses from Krypton, all is Biblica, despite the Roman centurion cape and boots, and suddenly Bill Dale meets Mister Fantastic, is devoted to him after pummeling him for about forty five minutes. Ah The Snyder cut. They learned everything from Tolkien's plagiarism of Ariosto, there is no trap door unsprung.

That is the same magical ledger a hard ass named Roberts sued to somewhere over the afternoon made the count go from 6 to three, to whatever it is now, say he did and then he didn't vote against and or For Abortion. sorry Chanley Painter, I KNOW I SAW Roberts’ smirk head shot on the side of the conservatives, but I guess, Tinkerbell was alas mistaken. His first havaing been said to be signaling on to the majority, and wouldn’t young Mister Roberts be crashed if when he was a fire breathing dragoon for old man Reagan to know Nelson Rockefeller would be his Virgil,  guiding him through Hell one day. He finally went Nolo Contedre, but not so much you’d notice. 


But I want it recalled and packed here today, on a Roman wall in electric courtier new if not my own Roman blood, though Johnny Depp did so prove the Roman aphorism was indeed right, and in fact, he didn't own that very wall. Jesuit me, again, Amber, Id sure subpoena, –it comes from the Latin word for MALLET, NO JEWING DOWN HERE among my people, that motherfucker back to the dawn of man scene in The Sentinel, which again, unlike him, I had to , like Livy,  read in forth grade. I want it here before  the lesbians are unbridled, or like for Amber find the toll was paid to kennel them again,  and race across the vista in a dyke overboard satire of Sallust, where is you, in fact Roman bill, as of Sunday at dusk, i haven't heard a word from him, have you…? Although he was as devoted to it, Abortion,  as much as anything, Ill just bet how many TA and steno girls were led to the sacrament of the drains, whereas as the Romans just killed puppies for good health until, of course, the wrong dog like the later Wrong Daughters from the wrong owners was slain and then, as usual, all hell breaks loose and they call it excommunication for the fairy Flammen who was just following idesers. But Bill, he said it should be rare, you know as opposed to jacking off and free trade. The splitting of differences has left you with Mush. This time, no Charles Nelson Reilly IS AROUND TO host the cartoon shows, cartoons are now real and serious and Spaceship down, as the Rabbits are all sygned to death.
But again I want this known, that as said before My mother noted this story towards the end, in her disgust and her shirring at the in-humanity of it all, when Biden cone again had a death scene from Camille with another dying child, there are more there than for any Caesars since Constantine, who also ends up in  a hell of his own making, Up yours as Dante would say, when the son, now recast as a Some Achilles who died hurling grenades and such in mid battle,was actually digging towards hell because of blood poisoning or whatever it was in a death bed not made out of grass crowns, nowhere near anything in the comic I once made of Sertorius, a  name my brother  would see in his Jew street Times and ask me not to send them anymore anything, the lower class crime family son, he  told his onlooking death incarnate farther, not so fresh from the Maude where he played the hair clogged centrist who believed in nothing, the dying son, on his deathbed sold him this watch that he keeps in his pocket.

The old man was told by a dying son, now, Pops, remember to win the race on old chestnut for Gramps and Molly and the people of Far New Asburyville, but also, poison old hag Hillary, he added, or might as well have, sick ISIS on Hillary he told him, or words to that effect, that if Hillary Got in, their true villain and the man they really hated, Mario was just a saint in the way of the Biden Machine, think Rube Goldberg but alas out of gas, and who sued that line V years ago…? Bill Clinton, the Phantom Menace would again get his sleazy, oily, almost wop, like n8gger our forsakes leader is caught in some New York news station’s  black and white tapes using the word Wop, no less, if he got his slimy salesman foot in the golden doorway, into the Praetorium, the Roman addled boy so adores and loves, and should he get in, like a garden snake in the Gardens of Caesar this boor feels his birthright, why well never know, he would be , the son avowed, a detriment  to us living out this losers creed and being this well off. The Golden age apposes, or is just leaving, I'm not sure. He was as much pro Trump as anyone, as he had this all planned out to go like this, cant you tell…? as Bills hero Marcus Aurelius said, a loser third act is what he's been waiting for and to that self same idiot, any good fortune is a curse merely waiting to hatch like a spider's egg. Yes he did somehow tell everyone , this blabbermouth, this old yenta pussy hes always been, and that he did talk politicians and gave his vow to his dying son that in fact, this can be attested to, as this Aunt Flabby is always prattling on about something no one asked what time it was, or how to build a clock, or anything.

When did Lex Luther become a philanthropist…?, my sister asked me, a bit lost,  she asked me, and then my brother said, wait, didn’t you make a Roman Superboy whose biggest enemy was in fact the biggest War Profiteer of that seventies Boyish time…?, yes, but not that it helped. In a piece I wrote called Paddy Whacked, recalling where we were heading before we go to our theater, Nostalgia is after all a mental disease, I said then that this country would indeed pay for two men segregationists, taking a Roman oath of office behind that much chicken wire, rung about faux Roman temples, where hillbillies and Hunters lurk, as AOC is now being brushed aside for wanting abortions in national Parks, cue the old Eddie Albert commercial, just with more plumbing. Go eat the microphone, old man Biden. Go pray to the wall, Punctura is doing her nails. Next page, shake the wax off the magnets, white ash, rinse and Repeat. On and on and on.


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