14 November 2020


27 October 20. 

Let's see if a third attempt can get through in a dying republic where satirists censor more than Cardinali also did. As on Columbus day liking to recall the Etruscans in your phoney baloney national immigrants day is like to remember those 19 Italianate Americans hung on Ropes after having been exonerated, one reason the ACLU was even started and spoken of by no less than Edward R Morrow on CBS when it mattered. I did lose a cartoon to be published this year when wouldn't give up the last MAD like one page in which a Don Martin looking cop stands there as cornute Colbert plummets to his death from a crumbling Black Rock, as saw now Gore Vidal's Bewitched and Marty and outRegenald Rose's Twelve Angry Men each  script a penguin classic, but don't recall seeing Shylock Borat when house wop Rudy had to stand on the burning city while Clowns cried.My father was right, don't expect decorum from Gumbas and J*w in laws, as the Senate now shows, as I'd hate to see a blue eye molester become Caesar what Brother having wasted so much time reading through all that Ovid and Tacitus. 

Amazingly we now must watch what we all say in Freedom's land. No no no, Brother Bill as furnace like Antony, hateful and hating the senatorial goons,remembering who are at which table, and Biden- if casted at all -as a gloomy jewey as saw him called, Cassius, who as illiterate Colbert ironically showed, always ends up theatrically crying. And why is big Brudder Mario Junior selling a book in a time no one bus is allowed to go to bookstores at the same time a disastrous old  coot is running for Praetor as Any Jesuit could tell you is determined to live out his bad third act…? I never thought this country, called a cesspool by my own immigrant dad, I never thought we'd have to eat thus much shit for an old stupid money grubbing molestor like Bidey, as can't imagine he ever read Ovid, even once.  Cause I'd like to know where all these old Jewish comics were when all those old dago grandmas and soldier upon soldier we're dying or at least where they were when new Messiah Joe was Mark Antony to a Dixiecrat Caesar. 

29 October 20.

Just go show we are all being watched in the muddy Reign that's Rhine, Barbaric, turgid, superstitious and dark as we've become, I have done well this autumn with pieces of a short book I have written called the American Decameron. Liked by many, out and out hated by less than usual, I have a few pieces if it, about to be printed all after election day, but that told me more than not. But in dealing with some in sites of literary attitudes and the like, I had a woman in publishing tell me she much enjoyed the work, and compared it to a book of English fantasy if the highest order to me, reminded this well read girl of the work of Mervyn Peake, a work I hadn't thought if in a long time, as opposed to shit like Tolkien, whose accolutes are so insecure,they never leave us be. 

This was very kind of her, as she especially liked how images of Wendy recalled in her drawings he had done of Princess Fuchsia. Especially now I am glad for her kind words and too she agreed with me, a devotee of the Gilmore Girls, that I too never watched again after Beloved Lauren Graham and that thirty year old waif playing a tennaged girl for twenty years started to quarrel and bicker. If I wanted to hear that I would have hoped a big mouth sister had been home more than she was. 


On cue as the dying Dychy of opening nights is now in wholesale, Hard sell, saw in my Instagram SET UP AND NAMED for a brother , that like most of the internet he heartily avoids, was a sea of Angora and hairclips and Doo rags and all the debris of the Gilmore Girls. A few was cute, but then it like a Fungus or The Remains of Joe Biden, they haunted me, as Khan said, and had to really go thumb nuts to get rid of many grams, until my thumb actually hurt. Also saw a lot of images of Gormenghast, recalling it's loveliness and almost Dantean level of the use of dark and light. Also because of having been dealing with many people with magic realism and Fairy tales and folktales, have gotten much along the ways if that too. Including  occasional book covers of Shakespearean woodcuts, actually better than the crud inside, and as Gore Vidal so brilliantly called him, the dreaded Borges, which is a Spanish-er  than not name my Machiavellian heart has always patriotically disliked. 

Also in this sudden rush of pins as they call them, came much in the way of Italian histories. I got an Amazon gift card as payment for a latest, published A Bunny's Cartoon, and my brother got one for reupping his Walled Street Journal, as he is wondering which rag will,be should the nightmare of Biden win, it not lost in his less than triumphal Life, will be first to clutch for the Ipikack when buyers remorse sets in. He always attuned to such things told me that Queen Ammilla with a k, but your racial appropriation  is always fine, had a grandfather who sold slaves and brood mates way back in the West Indies. Ouch. Place Redd Foxx joke here. As one can see Beatrice herself, no not my usual one, the haughty Jewish one, look again, as Roscoe Lee Brown as Camilla' s grandpappy says why this man is Black. Well it all evens out in bizzarro calculus, as you have to give Libra her due, and literally toss a Denarris into the golden pot, and it does been out with some old coot who has to call everyone a liar if they recall him standing there in a Confederate flag festooned death chamber where the dead senator's black chillrrren weren't allowed into a funeral where apardhied was the word of the day, as still horse trading Creesus/Marley speaks of how many friends he had from the new and or old south, give or take a lil Abner here or there. Or gaining on you. 

So, took the two gift cards and together bought the house some decent coffee--it isn't great but great portions as it's a gallon tub of this shit, -- Flair's for me and my sister, a used copy of Clouds and Eclipses by Gore Vidal, Amazon calls it uneven so it must be great, and La Cunta Della tutti Cunti, which as I said isn't Hillary Clinton, but a book of brilliant Italian fairy stories. Although if his greatest enemy becomes Praetor, it might be the perfect name for her husband. I bought the Tale of tales, finding out it is a film starting georgious brunette, Selma Hyack, who is so ehnically pretty that it wasn't shocking that Cousin Harvey wanted so hopefully to rape that goddess. I may buy that for the family for Christmas,the DVD, as think if Hillary thought the last few Christmases in exile were a hard pill to swallow, and how!, oh will Saturnalia sting this year when she finds out what doesn't this time come out of a box.The kind, like Biden, suddenly left on the stoop like a Jack Davis cartooned moocher. 

30 October 20.

Three years ago before the flood of belated requiems and vendetta campaigns for the fact that the wife of a rapist didn't live out her Caesarean creed, and recently having then written Bad Verses and calling the age Hillary's long Halloween, I received some static and butchy responses to the idea that Halloween , like Easter, was just another Roman holiday barely in drag as the transvestites of Callimachus and Statius had been. Well, I knew something was brewing as despite having once been lauded for remembering the broken columns of Statius, this time was actually, senselessly castigated for such. But in other places did well as do on Halloween and got my usually zaftig and Raven haired and beautiful witches accepted somewhere else.

I mention this as Halloween apporches as again have done well with my pin up witches, that lesbians seemed to hate sexy witches, in fact sexy anything, which is strange as I noticed to some self imporatnt self important self proclaimed feminist s who had no problem with ugly witches since EC comics days as long as they, as English Hack Dickens said they looked like old Italian women. Of course got a like once for noting the whole iconography of the witch was created by that last generation if Roman women allowed to write and be secretaries once, and thus were followed by women as broodmares and fish wives.

And so, this year was stunned to see in middle brow and worse Submittable no less to see in the onslaught of Halloween themed submissions, that someone actually admitted to the Roman rites to give cookies to the dead that they feared, so much so that the Etruscans did fuck the Romans over by again burying their money with their dead, which is why we still call it a bank vault. This is what they call irony, like say three years if #metoo somehow ending up with a cretin who drug Anita Hill through the Senate by her hair like a thirteen year old Etruscans girl, a line that has done well for me, and which I got from the early history of Livy, a copy of which I have here that doesn't Mock me with it's existence. 

So, got a response that came contemporaneously with a blow hard Yeshiva boy shyster fatso CNN Game show panelist Jew joke incarnate being caught master--no, jacking off to God only knows the caliber of Trade that were the type of girls who've been able to furrow into the dungeons of New Amsterdam elitism. 

A piece of The American Decameron I sent in was seen as "entertaining" a put down if ever there was one at the haunt if fear known as Chappiqua, which to be honest list it's heft and it's a melodramatic qualities each time Our Biden listlessly bumbled his way across the television screens in a campaign as lifeless and listless as anything similar Democrats dirges have given us. But given a sporting contest, this time I took it. As already have larger more magic  realism tinted parts set to be published in literary collections after the election anyway, so made a proposition to call their bluffs as Bill Clinton used to when crafting his own Mutual Assured Destruction, which it doesn't take a Jesuit student admired by Ogletree to see, will be red buttoned that moment of disaster that Floyd R Turbo Biden wheels and iron lungs his way to Parnassus.


As I took a parley, why not...I thought as am one of the few plebs who would get something from Frankenstein's candidate as again he swacks and nodds off and Rhinoplasty his way towards glory, in more ways than one. As so taught by my mother and Gore Vidal whenever I see this creep of creeps on television  makes a sign to ward away the evil eye as Gore often did, living in a Roman colony while the rest of us and my parents especially were living in the Golden age of Happy Rockerfeller. As Told man river Biden is a bag of shit, as worse a candidate as seen since Constantine. As I've used before the idea that after the Mvian Bridge and the Visions of Constantine Lutheran's turned into a dream, you know, too Catholic, maybe like Biden after all, and an Arch he placed up to himself, who else…?, had not one cross or mention of Christ, or the holy Bible or anything so semetuc as that.But Mars, that Roman if God's, was shown vanquishing the real Roman Army commander that Connie, so over come with the lamb of God, drowned like a cat and then paraded around his head on a stick.And Maximinius then, was a better candidate than this old rec room, sweatered hooligan has been. As will say now, should the Silver Rat get into power, I tell you know as know the secret histories and the Discourses as well as I know Bill Persky's overture, that should the Grace's demurely abandon us, and should the winds whip up a revitrovie as never before us, if old coot Biden gets into the Praetorium, whatever you think he will do, I tell you now, it, whatever it is, it's not in his plan. And it never really was. 

So made the bet, and if was right about The Innominato Bill, the pinball wizard can it would destroy Old coot Biden then they will publish the complete That American Decameron day 27 A little night quiet. I take what I can get. As gave wanted as my brother said be devoted to all those Italian grandmother's who died so as three goons at midnight could suddenly pretend that Ex war loving, chicken hawk,there is nothing worse, Bush family swine, John Fucking Bolton, it another boyish trapped boyish toothy Jew scared to death other men's sons won't be killing Arabs in Hospitals with incessant bombing runs while they use pronouns in a way that can always turn into stage Jew Stromboli's calling f@gs a shystery IT. My sharper brother says why did you do that...they're just trying to shut you up before the election.And  what am I, I asked, The New York Post…? As that is how shameless we have --or you--to become when it appears that a idiot living out his CBS swimming to Shoot Creed who started s thus and has a fat little cretin shadowing him and trying thusly to out do his melodrama Creed with images if his own Tiny Tim rancid wretched kid, but then what do you expect when the nothing running for a praetor is making commercials showing the dead kids and wife he was cuckolding dead as doornails only days before Christmas in that eternal 1974 he lived in, until the crime bills caught up to him and his calling citizens animals credo. Merry Christmas, from Norman Lear.

I took the bet as it were, though my brother thought it wasn't above them as venial as this party has ever been, to again keep the plebs quiet. Like one at a time. But there is a difference between a quiet space like a chapel and a theater, and as brother Bill always knew, politics is closer to one than the other. But to use and paraphrase a line by admired and always read by me Asian Comic book Dragon girl editor Jennifer De Guzman, in this most deceitful and awful if seventies campaign, like the triumph if Milton Shaap it the Abe Beame as running for president, not a sliver of light did strike a single pebble of this Stonehenge barbaric Celtic attempt at a Roman temple Roman Bill thought, like that mantle, was forever his own. Not a trickle if light came anywhere near this fruit cellar of politics, as awful and ugly as it's ever been, at least since the era of Mayor Lindsay, but then who before Billy the kid knew that you too could get union folks to vote for free trade, fat women to vote go break the state monopolies on school, and of course Negroes who never worked as much as when evil Cattilibe Trump got them crumbs of an American dream. If black lives nattered why were they asked, as my Shaap brother noted, asked to be in the Roman parade called riots since dear Lucius, while television city kesbis and suddenly on liberty fatso tv dago's spoke if being in foyered prisons. I'm sure old man Joe doesn't even have Sallyst as a hero, much less a fourth favorite tome.

And old coot Budeyboo, in his equivalent bedsheet but with a thousand eyeholes, and willing to promise anything on either side of his mouth, thinks Bills Augustan Mantel 'i'll do just fine as colostomy bags and oxygen all in place should keep him, he thinks, from shitting this imperial bed. Like a father always willing to place a wager on any nag it a game of pitch and toss, I figured there was nothing much to lose, but have as usual been the prince of simultaneous submissions. He was shocked though when called it how smirking hard ass, known of as just that since Jesuit pre law, when he voted against the liberals hoping to let election day become a season of discomfort as everyone isn't Colbert and through dirt on the grave of the person who gave you the job, and to allow that would go against the President yes the perfect word,  of Bush V. Gore, and the only thing that is decent in politics is that when someone was president, it counts more than some hanger on whose been a bat in a marble belfry for as long as Augustus was Caesar. 

31 October 20. 

Having used a telephone the whole epidemic, my brother got hold of a cheap iPad. I won't even slightly be a house Wop, we are lousy with them, the local bergermuester dagos thinking this was the year, a journal plauqued year, to start bitching about Columbus statues, I'll leave lines about blimps off. I leave those jokes to house woos trying desperately to keep their shows in their shitty channels, as amazingly though the good liberal politicos seemed to nest there for three years I haven't seen one journey to the now open studios that drunks, and fatso Flounders, Dykes and queens with Don Holliger hair circa 1972 have rehaunted.As he has noticed a lately  influx of acceptances lately that sadly I've made him mail out to me to publishers rather impressed by my take on a epidemic theve reupped to as the screeching negroes as any Jesuit could have told them was again a fool's errand and that again all deep down know as anti hero of them all Lucius said parades and riots, especially when the blacks who suddenly matter show up, are thrown by the same suit praextera warring swells, and about sixteen days ago went back to their national emergency broadcasting time of dictatorship, possible like boys who cried wolf once too often, too late for any good. 

I awoke after if not a bad dream, a fitfullness, that awakened me physically on Halloween. It was fittingly dark, even though morning, and I walked into the living space, saw a sister already nursing coffee as she seems more lucid than usual, although it may be I've been trying to kinder yo her as a yet another Italianate American tragic victim, that Ma told me they never have had enough. My brother was out as like then phone and only tether to the rest of space from Starship Friendly over here, and seeing me she said rather softly that a package had come for me. Sure that Amazon was sending literal garbage filled with cookies to the plebs as said in the Christmas Fog and proven on no less than Insudevedition, I haven't gotten a lot sent here to keep outside germs to a minimum. I was a white envelope that looked like a brick in a white envelope, and sat in a new but old table.


I used the words of old Italian books to navigate this time in more than just literary ways. I read parts of the original epidemic poems, the Decameron, and from Giovanni's brilliance took heed of such things as we all eating more souls and stews, more carrots and vidalia onions, root vegetables from mother Gaea, less meat, mostly baked if possible, and too, each window towards where the sun begins a to horse gallop across the sky, paper blinds as opposed to lats, as paper sucks in germs they were sure, as it turns out wearing BLACK colored masks, as like how they attract ylight, they also allow germs, called Bacteria then, to seep in, but then I didn't get My Mud magazine b+w A Bad day at Black Rock unaccepted because I asked why bumbling, counter jumper Buffon Doctor Facci told people not to wear black masks.Ah, but when your hand picked candidate cried at the open Crypt of Strom, I guess we have to be ostentatious in ways even bells wearing Coriolanus Bill, in a way no Jews did in the park, had to do. 

My sister alone as I slept sat on the sofa where Ma had a few days of comfort, and was already watching Herman and Lily, the only way you'd get a brunette of Yvonne's zaftig, and still gorgeous caliber on William Paley's personal playground. Funny that the show about Jewish Italianate monsters, hummm always be casting, would mention in three years Vietnam, and the more acceptable branch of Mayberry Fantasia, Gomer Pyle wouldn't mention it once. But she likes it even more than I and like letting her use my once previously guarded Wow pens, the best ballpoint pen for arts, at least mine, filled with recrimination. I feel I owe her that much. I feel on the edge of tears lately for her, my mom, myself, Italy itself, but don't want to force it, but it  seems strange that Halloween would affect me so. Therefore as much as just the italic joy of the thrown draught, I wanted no part of this campaign anyway, and see a little snerd will be hosting a meaningless Saturday night live bookending the age I'd say of the Pit and the pendulum of the Poe that is the empire State, and can only imagine how tin eared this big eared frerp will be as have sensed a real desire already among the always hipper and cleaner than this hacks as they suddenly awaken or awoken to the idea that someone who makes Hillary Clinton look like Peracles, either win or lose shall, should he survive the Styx he mistook for the Tyber, will never let you forget how much you owe him for slaying the dragon. 


Using the small notebook recently gotten, I looked much in the way of Skip Bayless and similar shows that make sure that whether they like it or not, Dallas I'd if not American team Television's. I looked up youtube clips of this last autumn, and the almost Dantean slip sliding away of the once great team and how as I noted to my brother making him laugh, that Dying corpse in Big D Jerrah, has a real similarity to the late least last in many ways standard Bearer himself, easy Bill, it's just an expression and I'm sure that the way Colbert trashed you when you had to eat shit and make sure that you were trashed by he goon at midnight, as meet the new boss, nothing like the old boss, as now idiots who never even cracked Ovid open, as opposed to co eds and girl writers who I some to how raced from the writers room at purloined Late night. I'm sure that cheater through Syracuse can't just by being born mean will not use all the banners and sashes if his believed and prayed for power, I'm sure he wouldn't be at all, annual enough to trash the Clinton's he's hated now as seethed for power for thirty years. I'd put money on it...or maybe not. 

I watched a few weeks of First Takes and Undisputed, as still don't understand any blacks hatred of Americans team, the Cowboys, as it was after all, according to Mariniss and his Biography of Lombardi, it was he and Landry who actually started to draft out of Moorehouse and other School dazed black colleges, but then what is the point if being liberal if you can't throw salt to facilitate the souls of Dixiecrats to make it past the kingdom of the two moons and past the milky way and the musical if the spheres. Still get bitchy emails from some reading Reqviem as still those weaned on the New York times still can't not dislike Robert Blake, or for that matter the system if the universe that out if Dante Was drawn as a cartoon by of all people Botticelli. A meeting of the minds. 

One if the more virulent house coloreds here, Steven A., Was having such a ball trashing the poor seventh round sap who was fingered as it were as the new starter, an Italian kid, and who probably thought he'd get more than seven untrainable, without a preseason or even  halves of preseason games to learn a playbook, Hey the perfect time to implement a new 3-4!, -- there's old Jerrah again Wrenches in the works is always great fun. I watched as this was more than mere usual cowboy hatred, no this house everything kept making sure he said his name Been Denucci as if it was a joke itself and that the boy's name itself told what a joke some poor kid off the bench would be. The pretty,  fleshy, smiling, dark haired beauty who is referee as wisely ESPN like Curia tv once,knew if it's cellblock audience in a Plautus sort of way, have her on, and she seemed even as good natured smiling Glee girl shininess and fly girl charms as hold over since the days of Tea time girls, busty and smiling, to be almost depressed by this turn of events. I bet she has a kind if prettiness that has elicited the open acceptable hostility of such good and decent creatures as this house everything, since high school as she is openly and honestly the kind if girl who I silently admired since those days as look back at similar girls who whittled their own marionettes and had her empathetic looks and lively smiles before. But then there is a reason Skip To my Looked all the way to fix, as in the same show he and some other big sexy that Gidell didn't by now dedand the head of, chastised a goofball white boy who is somehow wrong for keep pulling on wayward awful ginger Quarterback Carson Wentz, for being asked to actually play like he was worth the second overall pick in the draft. 

Now why does this matter, ..? Well, because it shows much of what I have been saying, thanks to such garbage as Scorsese has allowed for the Denucci if the world to have to take.But why it really matters is that as said at the time of old coot Rhinoplasty horror Jerry Jones naming the fat bloated piggish Fred Flinstone look alike Mike McCarthy, was the wrong man for this job. A team like an Empire, a republic, any partisan thing, remembers it's turn costs, it's Judases it's wrong men. Like how a team is openly rebelling against a fatso who threw a flag on a brilliant play made by a wide receiver, Dez Bryant, the blue streak, now sadly in a dying citta of colored Ball that can never win, he team itself, it's  very azure and Silver, it's very Stars of Venus and it's collection if ghosts since Bullet Bob and Dandy Don, the North Dallas Forty my brother admired for them the very reasons things like Gent and Henderson couldn't get through their Ghetto and hillbilly minds, but that appealed to my brother and Clinton's Jesuit training, like the RO and spears shone with those self same stars in the night. The Roman army abhores it's Prareae commander, recalls when they were great, the ghosts of Meredith and Lilly they didn't deserve this, in the same way that the party of Cuomo, who mattered and all the others who came before didn't deserve to have an old corpse who sung hymns for the dead carcass of the last segricationist, thus nation didn't deserve, Hillary dear, this Going going gone hack, his stupid staring  cold wolves eyes, his thousand yard stare, his living past the age of Carson to be lauded by a Buffon on CBS to lucklusterly kiss his ass. Cause I think people will remember the dying arthritic old fool who stood as cantor at a funeral for a fiend, who made sure that Pairiea didn't have a Catholic president till a segregationist forever-i like Landslide Lydin thought it was absolutely needed. 

If the dankest campaign since the old fart whose lace curtains gave us Willie Horton has been a disaster in slow motion waiting to happen , and for forty years at least, as he's been out for blood since they didn't pay him back for yoeman service over Iran Contra and letting Robert MacFarlane and his Gepetto Grandad Bush say I don't recall, in the age of Carson, 154:times.Thus allowed him and consiglieri James Baker to start Wars ad infinitum and always deal off the bottom, and Cleve off the top. I will, should this disaster win, I'll make sure to remember Mario Cuomo each day, somehow, the man he and his vulgaerate minions made sure they trashed as unelectable as he did since Monkey Business and Run Jesse run, as a good blue eyed molester he's always had his fingers on the pulses of coeds, if not worse than that. And showing I was right about the Italianate Ness if it all, and journals if plauqued years long ago, saw a henoius hag, a baggie full of chicken fat and Drug store cometics named Chelsea Handler, like so many should their dexterity at feigned decency, she came out to accuse of all people not this time a mere Trump, but of  all people, Mario Cuomo Junior of raping or just being so overwhelmed by her that he couldn't stop chasing this c#nt, this sexuality is so powerful that men Must possess this Galatia, who has brought a type of entertainment to television that makes Jose Jemenez look like The way we live now. And showing how afraid the dying old coot is of the name Cuomo, added atop this in papers not, it is now openly a rumour, that will not take the Biden cause it flag if deepest, blue, like his varicose charms, that I was right when started the whole new Decameron Enterprise long ago.

So to get this straight, poppa Andrew, having been confronted by a centurion in the preastorian gaurd fucking his daughter, let's call her Julia for old times sake, the father in a Brian Blessed rage, sent the centurion boy in love with the daughter, to the Frozen makes and Tundra if the boarders with Old Canada, far up past the Bills Mafia that thankfully and to the dismay of barrel chested Raj, here the bloated Doge with Bogart's face twice removed, and to the Glee of The plebian Post. So, daddy Andy, here throwing caution to the wind,  sent the centurion to the Battavian swamps where goodfellers buried Italian Americans as if they were unChristian used Apaches to Jews delight, as once again I was right, or maybe my brother was right when I was going to not do anything, he told me someone had to remember the poor old ladies that Andy nailed  into those death chambers called old folks homes, and am seeing that a upsweep of votes in Dallas, where they can't be happy, were I Bidding I would have told Old Rodger to lighten up on bad calls and not suspending coloreds who cheap shit Cowboy QB's , are now topped by a swelling of Voters ith Blue signs, but if Trump and not the coot who according to my brothers Wall Street journal, told those bankers and Shylocks I was after all willing to be this boy. Gore Vidal was right about this nothing and his greedy thin accountants voice, that he dreams of lying in state. 

Opening the package on Halloween, I saw a slightly used copy of The Tale of Tales, another truck of Italianate genius, and this time from the metropolis of my father, Naples itself,  and written in Its, his own, that even the Grimm's brothers praised as the first example of nationalism in literature, dialect, and hoped if old Nick Biden  tunnels his way out if he'll to bat wing his way to the Praetorium, it will be mostly sad because there will be one less piece of The American Decameron out there. I await the Holy day possible delivery of Clouds and Eclipses, called a Thirsty Evil when I was a boy. I hope against him, Biden and not just because have no desire to see another client in Ace Ventura pretend he has ethics as they all suddenly so do,  not because if his political stances, he has none, little Capote there, but mostly, to show I remembered at least the old ladies whose deaths I had recalled in the mouth of Bill Clinton, the pinball wizard. But I've had some effect, as Halloween being Roman, like corrupt Senate's and perpetually wars and tragic love affairs between soldiers and Julia's in the Adirondacks, is now a given, like Bullet Bob in the hall of fame. So, I can't be for someone who took the sides of Catholic swine who threw bricks at black kids who tried to get an education and escape rats and less than Caring teachers and school books that said we'd be on Mars in 1975. The German nun I hated and my ma said should have told her about it so she could have ripped her cvnt out, as in Italian it sounds poetic, she hated busing, that cow, and the Pointer Sisters. After my eulogy for Romeo. ..? So think I'm done for the year, though like Haloween fair well with Saturnalia, like Halloween, with Angelica's who all resemble Wendy Fiore, as who else would they...?I sit and remember as I sit on my hands and I already sent out an essay to accompany a drawing I did much liked called Virgil, and being in a round robin about this dankest campaign, that's no Martian, It's Lemuria. 



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