Happy Columbus day.
I made a Roman Superman.
Like the Democrats, the comics swine have forgotten not too long before
your spasm of sanctimony,
you had bloated pigs who bundled money for imperial fish wives
raping starlets from Italian movies
and then making fun of their big hair.
I only came back here because after losing three jobs last year,
as dont get a ton of acceptances anyway, had to have this or
twitter as a good housekeeping
seal of approval like Suoerduperman wearing 'chicken fat' on his chest.
And thought, i might as well,
and know enough Ovid, like some, to know,
that the censor is usually the least incorporated
of the curia, as they are the first censored.
your spasm of sanctimony,
you had bloated pigs who bundled money for imperial fish wives
raping starlets from Italian movies
and then making fun of their big hair.
I only came back here because after losing three jobs last year,
as dont get a ton of acceptances anyway, had to have this or
twitter as a good housekeeping
seal of approval like Suoerduperman wearing 'chicken fat' on his chest.
And thought, i might as well,
and know enough Ovid, like some, to know,
that the censor is usually the least incorporated
of the curia, as they are the first censored.
And, slipping to third, Pallacchi with a knife @stevencolbert is off to panama
with stunts that were done by his predecessor, which is a whole other kettle of rotting fish.
And have always resented that somehow id be censored after calling those
two Ozarks rats the duke and duchess of Syracuse, liked by many who now play
flatterer for this old hag and her defeated lap, in more ways than one,
as with that husband Plautus is inescapable.
So have to wonder dear @rachelmaddowshow, did it make
you vomit a bit into your own smirking mouth when Livia,
no prize anyway, came out and spoke of how keeping her sham mirage
--sorry marriage-- twined up and a husband in a hostage siege,
was her greatest moment...?
Or better when she, Imbecile from way back, said that she
was given assurances that she'd win ,
cutting to the heart of the republic as only a Goldwater hag could do...?
Did it bother you in mid cry, @jonstewert when this hennaed idiot admitted
the whole thing was a con, maybe more than she knew
as these assurances came from God only knows where, but again,
i have an inkling, as he assured her of much that fell through. as when you make an ass of u or we...?The rat only gets caught if she opens
her mouth to get the cheese,
and could hear the groaning of the shadows on the wall, the Greek chorus,
the senate the curia all at once tsk, and say steely, get that fucking
syphilitic hag outta here, and thus the Nixonian perpetual comeback
was placed, on hold,as Cassius at midnight is smashing squash again,
would make the nuns wince as they starved to get outta Poland and
be struck Catholic.
with stunts that were done by his predecessor, which is a whole other kettle of rotting fish.
And have always resented that somehow id be censored after calling those
two Ozarks rats the duke and duchess of Syracuse, liked by many who now play
flatterer for this old hag and her defeated lap, in more ways than one,
as with that husband Plautus is inescapable.
So have to wonder dear @rachelmaddowshow, did it make
you vomit a bit into your own smirking mouth when Livia,
no prize anyway, came out and spoke of how keeping her sham mirage
--sorry marriage-- twined up and a husband in a hostage siege,
was her greatest moment...?
Or better when she, Imbecile from way back, said that she
was given assurances that she'd win ,
cutting to the heart of the republic as only a Goldwater hag could do...?
Did it bother you in mid cry, @jonstewert when this hennaed idiot admitted
the whole thing was a con, maybe more than she knew
as these assurances came from God only knows where, but again,
i have an inkling, as he assured her of much that fell through. as when you make an ass of u or we...?The rat only gets caught if she opens
her mouth to get the cheese,
and could hear the groaning of the shadows on the wall, the Greek chorus,
the senate the curia all at once tsk, and say steely, get that fucking
syphilitic hag outta here, and thus the Nixonian perpetual comeback
was placed, on hold,as Cassius at midnight is smashing squash again,
would make the nuns wince as they starved to get outta Poland and
be struck Catholic.
As the heist--highest, ranking Italian American hag Gummadi Pilloz
is fearful of terrorists and spic barmaids on her flank,
only heard of like black cop killers until October 12 and then we march in
San Gennerio parades if Big Bird Allows, until election day.
See, my mom died this year, so dont care about Ogletrees blood feuds with Tanner 88, i made him laugh once when he rectoried for the Hoya team that mattered,
and that was similar to the sic transit of the crime families last year,
so smell that formaldehyde father Gore called your only Medicine.
And my arm hurts so, William Casey is dead and i don't feel so good my own self.
is fearful of terrorists and spic barmaids on her flank,
only heard of like black cop killers until October 12 and then we march in
San Gennerio parades if Big Bird Allows, until election day.
See, my mom died this year, so dont care about Ogletrees blood feuds with Tanner 88, i made him laugh once when he rectoried for the Hoya team that mattered,
and that was similar to the sic transit of the crime families last year,
so smell that formaldehyde father Gore called your only Medicine.
And my arm hurts so, William Casey is dead and i don't feel so good my own self.
Can the dying Curia please leave me be...? I wanted to watch the fucking Cowboys
be intimidated by the insurance salesman Maynard G Krebs, who amazingly gets every call
as he is heir apparent to tuck rules against teams that built this fucking league.
And turned it off when saw lesbos praetorian enjoying Nero' s box
with that monkey faced imbecile, who like other in laws wishes to be last
Praetor with that name. The Cowboys made it a game despite calls
brought to you by state farm, but I didn't watch as Curiae make me sick
since John Paul 1 and poisoned tea and frankly friendships now with
that idiot make me sick, as it wasn't evil Cattiline who got 3000 Americans
dead on his watch on the Rhine, and building walls may bother
the perverts in the amphitheater and the swells but I have
always found the kind who preside over their crumbling intimately worse.
I just feel badly that a man not war enough to forgo to bomb an
ancient culture while this buffoon and cow where giving Zeke
the mad comic hex has angered the college of Jewish cardinals
for whom bombing all of Gilgamesh sets has become a holy war.
I'm not on John Bolton's side. As I had to stop watching Jerrahs world,
seeing that, before It appears heard grumbling cowboy fans
start to call a beloved boychick Arron a cheater ouch,
bad moon revision there, as the idea of this smiling idiot
sitting there with a dyke and her Good, I wont do any ,House
keeping seal of approval, --ts how they saved Barbie--, i turned it off thinking of shyster ads and wounded
warrior sports about men without legs or ears, as these monsters
mark the earth with their ruin.
I am Too Roman for the mezzanine.
be intimidated by the insurance salesman Maynard G Krebs, who amazingly gets every call
as he is heir apparent to tuck rules against teams that built this fucking league.
And turned it off when saw lesbos praetorian enjoying Nero' s box
with that monkey faced imbecile, who like other in laws wishes to be last
Praetor with that name. The Cowboys made it a game despite calls
brought to you by state farm, but I didn't watch as Curiae make me sick
since John Paul 1 and poisoned tea and frankly friendships now with
that idiot make me sick, as it wasn't evil Cattiline who got 3000 Americans
dead on his watch on the Rhine, and building walls may bother
the perverts in the amphitheater and the swells but I have
always found the kind who preside over their crumbling intimately worse.
I just feel badly that a man not war enough to forgo to bomb an
ancient culture while this buffoon and cow where giving Zeke
the mad comic hex has angered the college of Jewish cardinals
for whom bombing all of Gilgamesh sets has become a holy war.
I'm not on John Bolton's side. As I had to stop watching Jerrahs world,
seeing that, before It appears heard grumbling cowboy fans
start to call a beloved boychick Arron a cheater ouch,
bad moon revision there, as the idea of this smiling idiot
sitting there with a dyke and her Good, I wont do any ,House
keeping seal of approval, --ts how they saved Barbie--, i turned it off thinking of shyster ads and wounded
warrior sports about men without legs or ears, as these monsters
mark the earth with their ruin.
I am Too Roman for the mezzanine.
Recently I was thrown off a website, which had a lot of middlebrow white chicks and sissy and the white malcontents of the democratic party the Bidding family trust as i call it, as they asked why is magic in literature and television, done by middlemost initialed Gods, always seem to be in the beloved, by Hitler-that’s mine--, middle ages ...?
Well, I snidnley spit back thinking this was more along the line of a Roman set of walls than an Atlantis, i said, because that's when Ariosto wrote, and since big Willie they have done nothing but steal from his hypogriffs and Caterinas, well that's where we are, as after all there were Italian Knights when tin hording, dirty, barbarianism Saxons where living in trees. I’m not sure what the slurs were here, who knows in new Judea, anymore, but my money is on Ariosto as they like, after all taking from the Italians everything they can, as they feel good Jews in laws that they derives as much for never having been the ones who kept the chosen out of Harvard and such was the rabbi told my father, and to eagerly get me to scale that ivy’ed wall as they had traps, he was convinced out for and from the artistry of the con Jews, which i will never let you scumbag, and various dr,. Evils forget. Speaking of which, and secret meetings, Hillary is nothing if not boring and melodramatic, why did the husband of the presumptive nominee , Sweet Ole Bill, why did he go to Trump Tower and ask him to run, Take on my wife, please... and thus make it even harder for the crime families who had it set in die that it would be another Clinton V. Bush...ah, sorry, but once your Praetor, everyone takes your call, even when you're a combo of Niccolo Machiavelli and Dennis Mitchell. Its no skin off my Roman nose that Evil Catiline somehow doesn't want to kill more Arabs...
But best scene of the week was ex- idiot praetor, sonny boy stutterer Curious George and that sanitizing for your protection latest dyke on TV--i perfered lesbians on television when the only one was Ralph Monroe, a wonderful performer by Mary Grace Canfeild that showed a spunk GE avoids, like profits now, yow!- at a giant Juliana amphitheater owned by a smarmy, vulgar, money-chancing, Stromboli who owns men toecapped to bleed on command. As here in Ottisburgh, they were still hoping to make some second year guy play in this latest undeserved unrelenting prime time game, after hitting his head on that mud turf, and then cheap ass they are, carrying him off the field in the wrong direction, all the way down to the already once called called broken once MRI machine, showing again, don't touch the Virgil if you cant handle the boom. we were alerted that, mason, the centrel casting qb that All About eve, Mildred Pierce--ish QB Rottensbergher fears as we are lousy with baby janes, wanted to walk off the bloody field to show a Ditkatown like Toxicity. Well, they shoot blonds in toilets dont they...?
And see, that imbecile sitting there in the Colosseum, but bigger, doesn't realize how toxic he and Bidding and the rest of the in laws of empire are, as they double down to tell us that this hack who was running for praetor when my Father was alive, thirty years ago, still like Mama Hillie yearns for power, like something out of Tacitus. Another book bill Clinton skimmed. And that you should have dogeared. Oh look, everybody, a Monica joke in there, you pretend now you didn't make. I have my troubles with raging sociopath Jerrah Jones, snake oil salesman emeritus, but at least as opposed to Jewish Voldemort and the NBA MOVE organization that amusingly finds its hearts clot when the money is on the table, he never pretend to be Malcolm X. Or as the jewfro Colin said, he’d stand for everything he’d ask him to, as you don't get the same bottle service as a saint you get as a stater in the league.
But, getting ready to watch Pompiani, and the late night sports call, as someone there at KDKA actually said they think that the Steellers can win 9 of the next 11 and just miss the playoffs, wow, and as they dodge Sheffy rumor mill shit that the idiot coach here will go to Washington, thou deserve each other, and i’m no Steeler fan, --I'm not a football fan I root for the Cowboys--, but think anyone who can stand on a sideline and almost get a Raven to brake his neck deserves Daniel Snyder. I did, though awaiting updates on a bad coach fail upwards, did see the last news and try to avoid that, and a Columbus day parade was to be held here, but of course some dyke cunt who thinks we are all her niggers, decided between game days, that Columbus is not the correct Italian to be given any parade, as opposed to say a cable television show, at which i’m sure she and her coven, if not yentels, were quite quiet. Someone at one of the dirty sheet memo-graph machine radical hutches made a point of making off set, again House of Savoy coloring, of a color copy to tell Italians that that parade was canceled, same thing they did for Hillary against Barry the fairy in the SC primary, you know when Bill allowed HIMSELF TO EAT SOME SHIT, just not her as Caesar, a post Livia still cant get to, despite all the suffragettes canceling circuses and eating corn flakes like good eugenicists do, that is never lead against any white woman. They bothered to sabotage a parade, very not imperial in a land with death penalties IT SEEMS HAVING BEEN UN-EMBARGOED. Somehow, as the Sopranos and the career of Al Pacino has not. I thought, who would bother...?
And again, my best Perry Mason argument i’ve ever made, where will you be when they uncrate the Sopranos back, bitch...?As less men than it takes to play a baseball game, much less Mads 43 man sqashmish that Godel has made football, were out there with strangely triplicate House of Savoy colored signs decrying Columbus day, a singalong again Bill Clinton has doth made shysters of us all, and why anger anyone whose vote you might need when cackling hags calling everyone rapists are then to baldfaced and shamelessly opportunistic carting a dying old coot like Uncle Joe who will have to, as Dick Nixon said of LBJ, take a pay cut should ever ever want to become the actual, and not shadow, president. As i can recall when Columbus was fine for Hillatata to quote, not the worst Italo shes ever mirrored, and to be fair again, girls, first saw Bill Clinton before any of you, when his Daddy Warbucks- Virgil told him to do the circuit, and i saw him at of all places, a sons of Italy that no Bush would ever come near.

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