11 November 2023



I certainly didn't mean to hijack the last death scenes of Camille of the one time busboy clown of 

politics, Jon boy, as in the words of the greatest buddy in television history, Jerry Bowman as played

by the great Bernie Kopell, you know who does something like that,...HITLER. 

But still, When do even running on fumes clowns at midnight realize that when your hero , 

the corpse dance about and spit at people for , when they have fallen to 29 percent in the newest 

polls and the curia are losing 11 states in the tossup category, that in fact, you may be throwing good

 malice after bad. Hey, don't bitch at me, girls, Im not the aging Roman prince and his deceitful wife, 

who are sending out aging praetorian cretins to tell anyone ho voted against my health are bill to 

resign before you know, THINGS get uglier. I from the beginning always bristled at the idea of 

clowns and pantomime bullshit artists and goons with old trampolines usurping political speech 

as a overstated act to shtick, as it bothered the little Roman loving boy in me, who got admiration

from the likes of Ogle tree and Scalia , though they always put me off. Still I foresaw with Old sweet 

Roman Bill at the shady Groves in magic realism still Calvino and not Gigi's that those crows would 

gather soon enough before the third Saturnalia , and here we are. In the words of my beloved 

American Virgil, Gore Vidal, who once said Bill Clinton as opposed to Joe Biden is tactically an 

honest man, wow, that's a hit. Just so I get this straight, a colored woman , Talib was censured, 

the U or V is a dead giveaway, that it is more officious than the mere O they save for us, incited the 

senate, or whatever this mausoleum of barbarians and chosen in laws calls itself, for saying 

something its marionette bribed givers don't like, but a man who cummed all over Lincoln's desk 

wasn't....? Wow, what a Roman senate you have in this crematorium, everyone, how far we've come 

from Catiline. 

But then, I said merely voting for some pervert, family annihilating, segregationist, which is who 

is playing Cleopatra in drag, by the way, while this woman is being drug through the vaunted senate

 Ala Tarquiniia, that would alas be your high water mark, and it would only get worse, like Virgil's

road to hell, eventually your perpetual laughter while people suffer sounds like vomit smells, 

and I know what I am talking about, since I am alas a Cowboys fan. I can say the four sweetest words

 in any non bar-bar language, I told you so. I never liked the idea of a man with too many Praetorian 

clowns, and didn't want to be lectured about policy by stations that gave us Hogans heroes and 

Green acres. 

The best part of this for crow minded me, our Satyrciocn is ending just as I had thought it would,

 with resentments. Niccolo's Mothers milk of politics, like when confronted by the dead centurions, 

Biden’s mind  was elsewhere when The Prince, eagerly devoured by Sweet old Bill, was touched 

upon, like with Moby Dick, something that he was sure could just get in the way. 

71 percent of the plebs, I feel your pain was a brilliant part of political theater dropped by his letters

, and after all I was one of the first to be giants Satanic Harry Potter, though no born again anything

 am I, what and avoid my mothers having named for her beloved Roman hero…Oh, shit,

I wouldn't even be conformed, Birchers. But, as i was going to watch Law and Order, not the one 

not with the pretty starlet daughter, or Jewish Lincoln, but with Vincent, “If I knew you were coming

I would have baked a ham” Donofrio, I saw a station that was often humiliated and demeaned and 

called out for Trump like treason, but on this thing with a talking haircut called Dan Ball, anecdote

 Jewish creatine from a rag named Newsweek no less, News-view without anyone there driving a 

Ford Galaxy, was on here. And I thought, good god, I, admirer but never having voted for Trump,

would tell that hebe to pound dead sea salt before I'd let that Shylock on…so, we are in calculus, at

 71 percent hating you, meaning that 29 Percent ect are willing to carry this bucket of water,

water if you're lucky. So, I am again referred as a Roman radical, eating radishes, we are the mods 

after all and how did that go, again,... oh yes, Wahn I think back on that crap i learned in pre law,

 it's a wonder that I can think at all, and though my lack of education hasn't hurt me none, I can 

smell the Roman piss on the wall, I got a Nikon camera, I love to take a photograph, Mama don't take

 my Kodachrome away…see Lindsay dear, always my best over that Hobbit video, as am back to Paul

 Simon and Chic songs on you tube, that is how it is Romantically done. 



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