I used some of the last money I had saved from AR and bought a used book
how to paint fantasy, as would like that to be my next recantation. I like the idea of resurrecting one of the firstly things I ever did, a Tasso like boyhood epic of knights, as I have never had the problems that white trash and Hitler had, as I have never been sneered at for my love of Romans echoed, but by white women and GE bribe takers, and find that Jews on the left coast and others have rather admired my Roman Fascism as deep down, everyone sort of knew with me where we were headed. Again, don't call me a racist or an anti Semite or a misogynist, as after all I was the one told to take a book I had written about the Etruscan and their welfare queens and queer senates and crumbling senate and ivory towers, yes look that epithet up, and was asked to put it on Mars. The planet not the god, something I fired out only after I had made hot garbage about of a decade of work and 600, 000 words. The black knight calls out to me as did boyhood hero Mister Stupendous, to be saved and remade and brought up from the Naples shipwreck, as they do in holy land, putting Hercules behind lock and key lest the tersely maniacal try to get their hairy hands on them. It was nice to see common cause when Jews and Arabs placed Cesarean on the sea and its Mona lisas and jewels, all be placed off limits, showing deep down, the indiafata was always more west side story than it was Romeo and Juliet. It was nice to see the Jews and the Arabs make a deal to stay far afield of Caesarea, until the surveyor comes. Unlike the black men packed in Thors Valhalla, people admire me for not being so thoughtful and conscripted in my hegemony or paternalism, as they know in Romans history the blacks and Jews and various ethics are people they'd rather not talk about anyway. A admirer of Wendy, the Italian starlet and the Olivia Munn distaste the closeted save for her, I was not shocked to see that lovely brunette miss America trashed as she was. Sorry Dearie, but you are an Aryan, and thus, to the queers, just a brunette, and they don't have to preened to like you like the warehoused coloreds. To them you are just a brunette. Though it is great fun, I realize that Filmmaking isn't something that I take seriously, or have enough money to take seriously, but then come from a culture and a blood stream which the first bits and lines we have saved in Cambrian farce of the tale of Coriolanus shows that indeed as I was right again, it as originally seen as a comedy, with Roman general is buffoon, but then I am always amazed who and what Americans can actually pretend to take seriously. poor ERKLE, IN 1WEEK he went from Boy Mars back to his usual position as hostage, this time, the Steenie taking a Romantic pleasure in doing back what Julianus Capitolinus, did to him, imagine the temerity of that coon, asking the assembly of queens to go on record about anything. I am not a filmmaker at heart, to warm the souls of those in the music of the spheres, as instead of playing wizards and kings, Di Nero plays
aging hustlers and a dying old pimp still. Oh look there's Lear coming out of the toilet. I am not a filmmaker. I am an artist. The helmet is here.