But, last month, not on a lot, as spent ten days doing twelve pages two parts comics divided between tow comics competitions with time limits. I had not done anything in weeks for the holidays, which I spent watching more three stooges than ever have in my life and Rockford files and Ironsides, so thought a good deadline would get me to working quickly again. One was called 5x5 never got back to me yet, although think Id better look that in my spam folder again, and the other openly wondered if I had cheated, and used some sort of shorthand, you mans besides the marvel ways, its all formula Todd, a diminution sued by their hero Bizzaro Alan Moore, some English queen that a comics queen called a English harrow schoolboy. Noooo, in fact, not being a Clinton or Bellacheck, and taking Romanists seriously and since had to make pictures for both utilizing their props, a post office, a nerf gin, a hero-[ine by me] in a trench coat, now at the post office, a stamp, explosion, it all fit together by me, a city street, a raincoat, masked them all together, to make sure both sets were used. I had to use a art technique am not fond of where use carypas and mail polish remover atop to, but it didn’t come off as watercolor as i WOULD HAVE RECALLED IT, although could have just sued watercolors to begin with or just the doc martins till in a suit case i have since art school. I didn’t even bother to tell them off, but they did say as another’s when we open up a new compilation, yeah sure, Ill be sure to ignore that, and in fact that sort of tale me to get off submittable anyway, and not pay to be in any slush piles. I didn’t use any stencils though recall them saying one could actually sketch things out before hand, but alas who cares,..

As, Despite whatever George Will thinks now that he has embraced the goof balls of salon and left the Christers, an important word, as now all think they are Alan Moore and Bill Clinton though have no inkling who Emilio Salagari is, much less Tacitus, probably even Oxbridger’s, behind, boy you were watching Bill Clinton when you were demeaning him so well, as I had an inkling Id never leave being Capt. Marvel to be the Spirit and have any comic insert called the Starr Report in any Sunday newspapers anyway, one must be true to theory Lies, George, as the Italian barrister said, you must have fidelity to your lies ,as what is Truth as Pilate said, ..I’m infamous with some for my sympathies for Iago, but your lies is something you chose and crafted, old boy, as the last time he done of this spitting on graves, bad form as requiems go, you as my mother said will pay for it, as you’ve spent too much time with grave robbers like the Bushes, you’ll pay pal, as it were, over actually gotten some things posted at the Jew York Times sites, no less, and even ante Trump dumps was taken with my Roman goddess, not enough to have accepted it but told me to send more and something they could use, yeah okay, as I found it amusing that George will is such a hag and a cretin that he’d do to Billy Graham what he last did and recall as much that he did the same thing and did a Satan’s requiem, no wait that’s unfair, right even Satan understands the rules of decorum, what Hillary and the bushes never understand, ah Ovid’s sanctity of a bribe, to, that’s right, kids, Gore Vidal, always with a cold blue eye on acceptable targets for his masters. Yes, I recall even no less than Chris Mathews that summer day, when Gore finally dies, thirty years after Capote didn’t have his verve or life on a Roman street, that I was appalled then, my stomach turned and old pussy addled Chris no less had to take a break from the cognate laughter on the 6th floor, a rare moment of dignity for our lazy Irish pol who lives to return to the Black Irish senses of liberalisms where blacks are warehoused and only heard from in the whipping winds of November. I recall that day that Will trashed the memory of our last Roman hero, sorry Bill, but henpecked is more Jewish than Roman as again you’ve missed the wrong bird at the tip of the standard again, as Romans don’t let woman they wore the tie of as a fuck you to the praetorian hags you never much admired as being so now beneath you and your attempts at Virgil amid the delta house, later west wing Jewish seminary, be called Trash by brazening hags on a bigger checks afternoon yak. The pigs at the trough, and may even have the post up as I liked him, as again Trump isn’t what this, like the Cowboys, is about at all. I asked then as dying old cunts and sissy twats at boys town TV thought stashing the people who ddint want Hillary THIS TIME, were evil and garbage, you know not like them in 2008 when she was threatening to return to Tara, oh, wait that was me, Is calling people pedophiles without a scantest of proof alright because you have been almost kinda assured that it’s a crime that’ll Clinton never committed,,,…oh you mean like make America great again which he never bothered to tell anyone was crap of his before you paid for the commercials you had to summarily drop.

I recall him, Will New man liberal trashing Gore to the point that Mathews shill to be available to crush the republic for a bloated wife pinning for a hag he couldn’t stand and made rape jokes about and is still broadcasting, so.. you’re not that important Hillary dear, ...I recall that ninny that imperials queer worthy of a thousand curia’s, trashing old father Gore as he did Billy Graham now, as say that is whose side you’re now on Rachel dear, or is he on I said, id make a sign toward away the evil eye were I you, as have to ask fat woman and Yetnas and sissies and wops who are being balked for the fact that there’s no money in elitism , as their never ahs been, as Cassius starts to get blamed again, as in the summer by straggled admiring Brutal types, for not laughing hard enough. Showing again I have moments of clarity my own self, as only hours after the National Biscuit Company took a billion dollar bath , a roman one, ate last as red, with the Olympics, ah next time don’t have a Fag elite from the commedia dell arte, again George Wont trash the plebs as benighted him and their flag waving as Visigoths, that’s bad for bindess, hense the company, always more important than the party in fascism, kids, had a snowy Bund rally and a wintertime Festa of patriotism, and actually tried too get people to watch woman hockey in prime time, within hours of that Kabooom , Andréa Mitchell, I am old enough to recall she and Brokejaw WHEN THEY WERE BRUNETTES, came on Rachel or maybe the Ricardo’s in the morning and said it was again all a fairy tale, as dog whistles are never as good as out and out storm sirens. And showing I have some effect just through the word of mouth as issued by circus owners from Plautus to Jack Warner, there is nothing better, I stopped a siege of ads sent to me about some fucking French cartoon the type men like me don’t like, some fucking little barbarian Popeye that Id ache to like Mad woman wonder would have to tear to bits before even the ghost of my fahtrer or Roman addled, Gore Vidal or even Raymond Burr who I saw on Carson with Wm F Bugeyes who he treated as gentlemanly as he did Gore Vidal another sophisticated friend, in the golden age, whereas the host of the Tonight show wasn't so as my brother said as I sat there watching this, get this freaking sweaty iking DT’ing Drunk ouuttahere, saw me with it. Its gone Roman gone in a mater of hours this scornful ad cartooning at a rye holocaust, meaning a fire that took 7 out of every ten lives born when Constantine was king, to show what Jewish gods do, lest I, ah the American Credo, not buy something else. Oh, Hilary dear the roman farce has made the matron to tilt the truth as I augred almost a year ago,and will allow it to drizzle down to already suspect and tempered and less zealous twenty percent dropped clowns of if noy Mars ,Uranus, not an asshole joke in like with others. Phiffle , look-it up. Okay dear, your husband was never as impasto as her is,so in ways as my ma would say, making him a shadow praetor all along, he can turnout the lights, and start the wrecking ball if Augustus Brian Blessed is amusingly unwilling to do his star turn to make roll, you gots what you wants. All I know is that I think bill Clinton didn’t have it on to go from in one lifetime pretending to be Marius the Great also a weed come up from barefoot king hated by the Greek speaking fagot swells, ask your husband,a roman boy, or a Roman life to having to become a Goddamn Lady Bird.

To a gal who wished me well, I wrote,
As implied before, had to get a lot things done, here is a five dollar payment to perhaps ease your creation of more collections as like very much playing the role of patron of indy arts as best as I can, especially now. Into accepting the bunny cartoon, which is a series I’ve gotten acceptance more than most as people feel bad as the blue noses miss Grundy think they can this soon after Monica, act like school marms and legions of decency. Also am very thankful for your lovely word coming when they did as two days ago, actually got a snide bitchy response to an essay wrote and asked for two Halloweens ago, called Bad Versus, It was augmentative, meanly done, under a patina of likeability and affability. Yuccck, it is if I may, everything that people who preened to love magic realism and experimental writing so hate but pretend they dont. But mostly I was shocked at getting an email from some broad writing me at 2 am according to the time stamp, and with a fake affability ,how she wasn’t using this in her journal of ‘World culture’, you know as edited by a wine sipping middlebrow hag in Syosset new York, not kidding that much about that by the way. So, I had a momentum last year that I let go at the holidays out of fatigue and too circumstances, and so, its bene hard too getting back to that pace of acuteness and wanted to tell this initialed broad where to go and what she could do with that critic of hers, as wanted to tell her had ignored her into unhearing anything, and got it other apple bushels, as my appologiea for Italian starlet Alexandra Dadaddio showed a real inkling of where Hollywood not only was,to some in pulp land, but was headed. Also what bothered me was that day I had earlier realized I had lost a lather attaché from Alcoa that my father had given me as a boy, I which keep all the good gushed stuff I have done, ala Leslie pictures ,Tawny peaks, Pow girl and RM, and the pictures of bill Clinton with cans of worms , and mostly the drawings of Nicollo Machiavelli holding a first high heel shoe I was looking for. I was sad if it was gone as not only my best work, but a connection to a father as don’t have nay left. I didn’t telex this white trash Shaun off, and am allays a hail fellow well met when someone doesn’t want too elicit as she called it ,which as the crux, my ‘Politically charged’ rhetoric, which what other kind is there,…?, as could have said, though I edited the way I WANTED IT DONE, that when one outs themselves as a editor of submissions, editing is what they expect since that knickerbockers on that flyleaf. I didn’t somehow say a word to her, and the in noon midday found the leather valises where I had left it a put my ma too bed and sat up with her awhile watching Megan Mullally worked RED SILK, better than anyone since Caesar. Again, hope haven’t bored you too much ,but you and others in Indy Comics, as just got my antii Harry Potter as published in a magical fantasy compendium, as have try to fondly
remember Ludvico amid the hags of now, that your acceptance of my work as theirs is a lovely antidote to the imperial creeps of power and crime who I hoped ’now Romans coolly have always dispraised and hated.
My best ,and wish you well,