01 April 2019


After a long filling out of forms and queries as an upper level publisher decided to open its decaying doors to anyone, even unagented, unguarded, as the circus seems to be tumbling down, I was accosted with an email from some office gals about how all the people I used as influences and guides through hell where indeed men, and this bothered this chick was upset of the largess of affirmative action as God and LBJ HAD all along meant.

Well, they aren't just men, I said, but Roman men, even Gore Vidal, who the New York Times and new Yorkie pilloried just for that, He dared say he was with that most un-Anglo named, somehow related to Roman legions who had come into Britannium, much like Arthur, which we try not to recall. As how dare any of us not be vikings with Jewish in-laws. Well, again the snideness I am accused with strangely for daring in Scorsese land to demand or even ask that Italian somehow be given some of that Jewish sanctimony, despite them already having been used as they were, a asdie by me, has hit them well though, I noted. As it’s not just mentioning that Magic realism is not a spic but an Italian innovation, no what shuts them up real good is when I ask back, where will you be that night the Sopranos comes back, after two years of weakly placed simony, dancing Palestinians and other brotherhood of men tinsel, as that shuts the sanctimonious win-men up real good after so much midnight braying.

Within moments of a quick use of my beloved ROMEN, as a delighted on affectation, it appears that our own duchy was rocked by black Livia showiness of an expertise in the inherent corruption of drag. Again a line out of one of those Roman books that televised Jews should have early avoided when getting refereeing from the east wing’s queens as they had. This is the age of of brazenness among losers, always a dastardly thing. To ,what Warhol said, as someone decadent as she is implicated in being the last corrupt petrona of a hated fool. Signora Fortuna will always pay you back for your lack of decorum, as Whoopi coughs up a lung, I hope she dies of that virulent pneumonia that those Jesuits were dying of, seen by me in 1978, why not…? as see, I recall posting about how Rhamulous was sent away, banished from the burnished bronze kingdom to the sausage eating Neapolitan full hinterlands, for his too Jewish effrontery, his Long island townie charms, by first-lady of our hearts,filled with decency and hormone treatments, ah how Juvenal despite yourselves, can you get…?He was sent away for his exceptionable Romanesque vulgarity, but now hes been upstaged and publicly humiliated by this cow after having been exiled, as so…owwwwa, you really should have read the books Billy the kid said he loved…

I am not the only one to have noted that our biggest Shylock , another word censored on Hill street as Skokieland engulfs us all, but again the Sicilians stay the same, that SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE HAS THE nerve and the gall to lecture us all about their now dying national brotherhood week. That show has been on the air for most of my life and yet regales and festoons itself with ignominious laureates and ribbons over firsts its has avoided since the time of Norman Lear as wed best not recall that despite what sissy frat boys and their bootblack niggers on that was the week that was newscast they just loved black face there as much as any minstrel show ever did. Our Saturday night open House is quite the stage of the armimentarium now, as it preens elitists as a Juvenal having of course in Hilary land never read the original, or even got the notes, but sounds good to once Levinttown entombed ears. As I recall when dying old coots of comedy, now ancient and White haired since I was a boy, made snide remark about Piscopo, who frankly helped save that show when it should have died once, and then was rechartered by Ebersol to the point that Shylock comedy owner Loren came staging back. I too recall the story, like black face of fat pigs on the TV, that James Gandolfini was to host that monstrosity way back, and was Alas reduced to a mere walk on during a previous frat boys newscast, as my father warned me, the company wop is after all the first person to get the treasonous hurled back at him, telescopically by Jews who don’t exposed love the idea, as Audry told me , as eventually they hear the insinuated theater in that laughter of all those blond in laws they case over and over.

Maybe a good deed could be done by hanging on for dear life Lorne, and his comedy house of wax, maybe that channel as sanctimonious as it is, should get rid of anyone there who trafficker-ed in rape jokes, since a woman means so much now, like now, but I wouldn't count on it. Because the truth of things is never said as Niccolo warned, for here in town, some gang banger was shot in the back , again horrifying a brother and not much shocking to me, ah but in a few hours,  the cop was exonerated, but that was when Usual coons and white woman looking for mixers showed up as Andies would so like, Uban strife is boffo for ratings than even missing jets gone poof. And there was some unease as the coons showed up before the parade roots could be set to always avoid the Apple store. as I noted that night they dared appear during ge’s light up Xmas tree night, and got too close for comfort, to Samantha Guthrie and the boys falsetto choir singing O holy night or o Christmas tree, whatever Latin hymn had been reworded as the signed to the Pantheon HAD TO HAVE BEEN. But out with that brother, saw a black buddy of his as they commemorated about the fascist times no one noticed when Clinton, of all thugs, signed off on a law and order kick, as he told us that this shot up Negro was either blood or crip, one must be red or black as Dante said, shot one as he had been coming from a porch-land spraying of bullets , so either blood or crip, or Montague or Capulet, whatever whites have been doing to keep the colored's dutifully trained on each others and not them, a note by Machiavelli that would be noticed by the eventual thieves of Rock and roll. So as blood and or crip, or vice versa, that meant that the other would note any Requiem haled for this coon, and would be notoriety and it dint help when brother crips, or bloods, would shoot into a law office, thinking a name was Italian when it was just black Irtish, and so dutifully house wops in town said no no no, and though they cried for dear Rastus, lets not go mad, here, and by the end of the week, why the big burly black guy my brother knows was right, and scraggly hangers on were all the street theater had left, as white fat chick girlfriends, pinkys of the gangsters, as the word went out no crying for any treaty breakers by the wrong colored hats. And, my brother noted that father was in grief but had time to wear the correct Yankee cap for his Veronese clan, which why this is even sold by MLB is a lesson in Ameri- hokum.

Watching a show on free television, that way God intended it to be, by great goofball snerd Wil Wheaton, where they play board games and is amazingly entertaining, I saw some game company named a board game version of all things Romeo and Juliette, I guess allowing gals to get the ending they fostered on the Office. I remember how I asked a nun, back when as a boy, incredulous why Romeo and Juliette so bothered the white chicks so much, as after all, everyone died at the end,this made her in mean streeted days laugh. As similar was said by Italo Calvino, who yes I have thrown in the faces of darkies and white women who dare lecture us all about socialism and then dare vote an Obama the God like present when wearing the purple sashes and red hats bought with GE largess. He said to his detriment in getting Stockholm syndrome awards from the now literate Vikings, who dream of their sea farewell, blood eagled pasts, and wish to return there. I have done nothing all year, save be true to my fathers and the nuns patraia, watch the Office and the be ill and tell overfed white chicks who cry or don’t on command for fallen foot-soldiers of the ghetto, that magic realism is in fact as Italian as anything, like the piano the violin, perpetual war, the picaresque hero, which I wish to return to in our Swatting police state, or a senate that has seen better days before the likes of gumba Jews like Cicero get there. But then as I said, Sallust isn't my fourth favorite book.

I remember getting the admiration from a short fat dumpy little man, in Johnny Cash black and a society of Jesus insignia on him like a decoder ring, as was impressed as the Georgetown he was recruiting for when asked one of their trick jeusitical questions, who is the most tragic figure in romeo and Juliette, whose reteacher in the Long gone age of Aquarius, an Italian director named Berrtolucci was begrudged being in some death march memorializing as some starlet hag waited forty years to somehow cry rape again a cry didn't hear so much when Billy the kid was riding again, or was that Alan Brady, or either, was he just a Obama with a dirty face. This is one step beyond a careless ignoring the death of Gore Vidal,actually protesting a mans obituary in a hall filled with Jewish machers and blond hussy's who all got there by way of a couch. How many me too victims were in that room…? I knew theyd get even with him for his apostasy of having cast a brunette Juliette. Hey, ladies,You voted for that pig I didn’t. Yuch, that took a lot to get there, but my brother had an inkling since that overlong overwrought speech alas was a first Bushian assault in a twenty point lead. You lost your admirer-er, Billbo, sad middle earthed and not Mediterranean and un-roman after all, as I don’t pretense anything, well, not if no woman is involved. I watched Table top, and watched as Wil and his fembots played this game of Verona, as one chick kept trying to explain that exiled and murdered isn't the same thing, but then that depends upon on the Doge now doesn't it. Italy, I said then, was the most tragic figure in that play, as Rome was in Caesar and Coriolanus, etc etc, but then Shakespeare has always left me cold. I didn’t go to G’town or anywhere else, and the art institute of Pittsburgh is closing down,as the lats thing Sparta ever needs is fucking art, and all of Stan lees crap is now nationalized by uncle Walt as dire straights for our dimensional ship of state inst it, …?An ontological virus from Purdue foul has affected my mother quite worse than us, as Clinton did allow an Americana that is without a jungle muckraker, as Daffy is back to wearing chicken inspector buttons and household wops like Glenngary glen Beck openly derided Sacco and Vanzetti as they put up brow-kn columns to Negroes who we know know may have been FBI informants ala Polish solidarity sorts, as help her much as I can, but she is sure that even in a revere of dyspepsia that she will not venture to a hospital, as she is still convinced Barry the fairy was sent out to make sure as his minions say expect in election year when the elderly are cow towed to, that he was there to kill off the old and allow the baby boomers to think they'd live forever. As Biden is showing us what a lifetime of not voting present, but for Clarence Thomas  and against realizations that a president was giving arms to an enemy can always arch up to you. There is nothing left in the House of Clinton or that mortuary he was building for himself brick by brick that hasn’t been apologized for by a still craftiness lefty Biden still upset hes acceptation of Iranamuck didn’t make him Caesar yet, just like that genius wife. Again, taking this as stoically as I can have been trying to send out as much work as have or can before a Roman new year,what you refer to as April fools day, in that awful way I despise e about somehow only the Jews and now a Koran have the truth when it inst blown to bits as the sorties find their isolated hospitals discretely targeted. Ah, but am a Jesuit at heart, despite the gals who have a well turned ankle charm to me lost on the dead Jesuits of my boyhood. I wonder If there are dice and cup to play Verona. PROBABLY IN CAESAR, it figures.

So keep sending out work to somehow fulfill a mother’s admiration juxtapose to her discomfort. A piece called Its a Saturnalia miracle was denounced by some broad, was it for Plautunist jokes about the Clinton Marriage or the fact that the Jew York Times spent all holiday in a death watch over and beatification of an old Medici Coot who gave us Willie Horton and the Atwaterization carpet bombing of politics. I do hope ugly Moms is ill and gets sicker, as after all, its never only the plebs like Ma, if you’ve come down with a case of hatred for colors all purple then you get what you deserves, as didn’t buy it when the Pinchy’s yeshiva after trashing Alice Walker, as the antennae are always up, about anything, gave a Requiem to a thug-ish ninny we know now was having an affair unmet by scandalous needing weather-girls, I knew there was a con in all of this since Bernard Shaw’s well aimed missile, though being a good patrician, silverfoot didn’t utilize the campaign rope lines as a meet and greet swingers lounge as did Billy. I Cant watch the brilliance of The office as said at Brilliant Tudballish Ricky Gervais, as cant take Shaggy and Beatrice and still in one of its Satyricon  like gems, about the Art show, Roy the vulgarian showed up, and clever little  stalker Jimbo didn't, and that meant nothing showing again Pam is a cunt. No,as a letter is saved by Nana Bush to Melnaia, the ogling continues girls, showing again Poppy didn’t take to Livia as well as they pretended in the lights, as told my brother nothing is business,…no,what bothered them on the essay was so much about the Dallas Cowboys. Ah, America you return to your Golden mean, or is it bell curve ,wherever…So I still send out names like Calvino and Leonardo Sciascia, oh no fabulist he, as dry eyed and realism as anyone, and their very names seem to anger some who want us all to die as crips anyway. As didn’t I ask in a piece about Saturnalia at the end of the year, didn’t I ask why the Assembly of queens now had quadruple the Numbers of neputos in ivy league schools than they did at the perpetual front…?Hummmn, how did four generations of Bushes get into Yale after all,as I did say recall a rabbi wanted my dad to get me into Harvard as he knew Eli Yale didn’t want Italians or god know a Jesuit at his mausoleum back when…And presented on one of these query sights with the importunity to write about Italian Americans, who ever thought to invite them…?, ah but just like the Star--Muller report, we like the Borgia straining Horus, sorry Hours, too scamper away and leave the Colberts holding the bags, as they often do, see one family is Spanish Jews and vulgar, and Jebby’s one effete and pompous but both have Jewish money changing hustler beginnings, as Machiavelli said and groomsmen origins that no amount of red silk can really hide, are always one step behind. I thought of sending Big Bertha and the mafia cops, even Ancient Romance, a reworked Ovid story in there what bothered Clinton voters suddenly against rape, ah but Biden is catching as Antony could say, a story of totally ignored Etruria by the noble savage adheres, and Italee pre Rome. I could have put Chaucer on my list, but liked the hotheadedness of my list. And saw this ad, and as I make broth for a devastated ill mother at three am, as she sometimes looks up at me with fatigued eyes and begs me not to send her off, sadly, though thought of rewriting a Hill street did when I was 15, instead, against my better judgment, sent off Roman Mythology, a story of a mad banker taken out of Tacitus Rimes and put in Battavia, NY, and with an unsmiler with a knife. A script, wait, whole novel, as it was almost a moment of protest in your unraveling Resistance, the Jew York Times speaks of sleazeballs who wormed in Clinton Pretaorioums who frankly I recall having the idiots there on speed dial, so…and turns out a show about trashing Trump with Maxwell Smart was spiked in favor of an Apple show too much like a now dead Murphy Brown as the people have had enough, the third broadside against Hollywood swells show have warned you that, and so send in Brutus, my own Roman hero, as if you cant figure out that anger of the city mice by now, when on todo Mondo could you…
