here I shall attempt as have before, when the Clintons were in the
pink, as it Were of their perpetual youth, 1oo stories in 100 days,
even if a limerick or a joke, as showing a devotion to the conscript
fathers and italics long demeaned and punished for having seen the
con and the jokes of Biden’s long ago, and never beguiling into it,
as sharper and more ready and willing Bill Clinton seemed to use the
whole cannon as a background, if not a theater scene. There was
speaking much of Roman-ism then, before the Clinton's doth were made
cowards after all.
thought of doing it in a variation of something unseen by me,
certainly not sued by me before, called Flash Writing or five hundred
word screeds, but thought, I’ve been damned with the word screed
and such before and why give into it now.
is cold as I write this; it is mid march, the month devoted to the
God of war and woodpeckers in old Rome. It was these last winter days
in which,
Ovid advised back when, to avoid marriages and banquets and even
births, if it could be avoided, by abstaining nine months previous of
sex, lest the baby be born into a month that even generals feared
set fire to leaves.
I do think that perhaps as in Decamerons and Pentathlons and
Politian’s cycle epics about a hundred years of the plebs and the
peasants long before Gig Marquez, the father of magic liberalism, you
know, if you're a woman and illiterate and never heard of Ariosto, or
even Mother Superior Mario Como Jr,--see what I did there as comic
hacks might say-- started legislaturing us, the man with Mario's
face, if not infections. [I will watch the various fan dances of
Guvner for life, Como, Prince Galiotto appears again, if not a Don
Rodrigo, even a woman can see just by the gist
I’ve never been a fan,
unlike his fadder,
who he apes and mimics in imperial pantomime, the end of all empires
is the sonny boooys!
he is again, an
exemplar, as in Manzoni, as in Dante, and all the other geniuses my
pop and Mom ever read, who made Grappa out of the awful lemons of
sour fate, the plagues that Italy has lived and died through before,
as once again, a Natural indication is by the prince clowns, to be
true to that first recollection of Coriolanus as anti Roman, Italic,
exists in a play in ancient pages held as closely as any fake wooden
Arab traders
crowns thereof, to Byzantine tellers,
who were convinced in wall streets now a ruin that God is on the
aside of economic growth, against the sorts of people who no too long
ago, a rancid trash bag of a human colostomy bag was toasting with in
toilet water or even worse, television water down Gin, in cups that
the moneylenders now are starting to eschew,
as are getting rid of plastic bags in favor of paper. Until, of
course, enough calls from lobbyists tell us as they always do, that
all the blond hags of television told us last week was, of course,
wrong. Conditia always change “on the ground” when one is on a
perpetual Spartan Sortie. Colbert too, Queen of clowns, we will keep
our scoring eyes upon, as wonder if as I said getting a like from his
mentor clown Jon Stewart, lets see if the empires change, but alas
the farces and the end of clowns, stays the same.]
did pick a hundred days in this attempt, where the word Essay
originates, meaning a devotional going until I’d guess July First,
the Roman feast of Kalends therein, and wonder if again, despite
lazar beams and spinning plasma, if the apostolic sun I’ve
mentioned before, like country mice, an anathema to an actual white
woman's disdain, I wonder if yet again, as papers that held stories
about Coriolanus remade as a horror movie, and that now show comic
book Marvel quality reproductions of Tintoretto and Titian, I wonder,
now in the cold of the ides of March, ironically, if again the Roman
sun, or this weaker variation, may just burn the cooties off. Such
has happened before.
has, indeed, happened before, as the rags of tin pan alleys and
times squares is sanitized long ago, have proven. I am again sad that
something like this had to give the Italians Americans, I have called
myself a Roman-American since art school to some lauding, as I recall
as Ovid did, this is not a putting on of airs, anything close to
Americana exceptionable, or being in a chosen people, or god knows, a
master race. The idea of being Roman is something no mere DNA Swab
can connect or collect or show, as early on, as read in the
wintertime of Ovid, now With a screamingly applicable to all Negros
at Bloomberg, ah for the golden age of his hard sell sonata
commercials, but given the heads up by a praetorian guard who isn’t
WHAT it sued to be, as Bond is dead if not a woman now, so the spies
who came in for the gold have lost a certain suaveness which left
long ago, when Sean became fat and no longer was he banging Ursula
Andress and being shit out of silver cars. But then, who hasn’t
become lame…?
is now come with a C added, ah SHYLOCK strikes again, again like that
very Coriolanus, written for a comedy, and then made a tragic
nothing in Willies barbarian stages, that the earliest Romans were
made by a preamble of an Asylum, as the baseball manager said, you
can look it up. But why would you…?
see Romulus, who got the brunet of Ovid's angers in the Festivals
earlier this year, when parties in Westchester turned out to be
charnel houses, and UN-Boccaccio in all respects, he, with new city
and a buried brother who got grabby, the birds came out of the sky
and Jove gave his approval to the old city. Hey as I said, getting
attaboy for a first time in third grade, but which would bother some
German -ic nuns not as they are found in jest of Giovanni, as in cut
here, they didn’t like the fact that I didn’t much believe in any
Jewish God, as like the Apaches I told, who admired me for it, I had
my own Pleiades and didn’t need and wooden crosses. Or the nickels
made out of it.
only bothered my father in the scenes that the priests knew I was
smart, but he knew he told me mother, sadly, as a smart Italian, I
had a target on me, that trash like Scorsese never much had, or
would, until made a movie with an Italian movie queen daring to play
a Jewish thief.
remember the grass crowns of my great forefather Agricola as my
father advised me, earliest émigrés, and the wooden and weedy
Minerva, though Ovid said it as Italianate Flora, who was placed up
as a rustic Goddess telling early on Jews and Arabs and Africans and
other trash that a new city, and a new world had been invented, and
from any thief that could get to the bend shores of the old man
Tyber, automatic clemency was given, and eventually, this would be
thrown in the acne of Tacitus, a conscript father , that somewhere,
way back, grandpa stole and raped and murdered his way to a new life,
a vita Nova. Liek the Bush family.
as Ovid would intone, to the great god Augustus, who to be fair
didn’t hide, like Princes and Poets now, as screeched for his
eagles, don t you forget those roots, dark and deep, like CBS
closets. Those now opened up like graves in Dante lithographs. As
Machiavelli, like well call him one of the italic patrons saints of
this pamphlet, once said, when the Medici, his enemy, had taken hold
of Italy and thought they were going to therefore rule or at least
fix fees for the world, he said, don’t forget, the Medici, as these
crime famines always do, were born Stable boys, and so, they’ll die
that way.
in his own fevered dream of dying Lorenzo was sweating and aching and
fevered and on that gilded bed, he had a visitor named Savonarola,
who told him, you really should have listened to that playwright,
Larry, as the mad monk was ready to take hold of reins of horses
eventually sued to carry his crucified and burned body away, as the
people that the swells hate, well, there are always worse then them,
as the man who poo pooed the handbook called The Prince, a pledge to
unify Italy and thus vie with Spain and England now getting theirs,
as both voted at the now dead EU Brussels cabal to not help Italy or
Greece, back when, showing that Europe will never be unified as it
wasn’t under Caesar, and now, turnabout is Fowl play, was back
then, Medici, was left to die and leave Italy to a man so heinous
only Glenn Back would cry at his remains to this day, his unmarked,
unnoticed, grave.
addition, according to legend, he, the priest who hated all that
makes Italia Italy, spitting at the undesirables,
even up to the point they placed him a pyre, and burned him up alive
to the cheers of the rabble, he snapped his fingers, at the
Magnificent one. Ah, But in all politics a week is an eternity, and
there are no happy endings, the playwright knew that, it depends, as
he said, where to say Curtain!. The snapping of the thumb and
forefinger, which was an obscene gesture in the Romans, that the
lover of bonfires liked to demean as he filled his own private
apartments, in the dark, with, and when took those things from the
rich as opposed to taking the threadbare art of the poor to burn, had
again, crossed a line. One they always pass before notching. These
were objects of art, when the monk was hurled out of power, were
nationalized and early Roman art was returned to the Neapolitan king,
where it sits to this day.
feel empathy for them all, these Italians, after forty years of
goofballs and thieves, while English fairies played them when
serious, English queens and pansies as Roman heroes, as if, only did
the grand first Smiley himself, Richard the lionhearted Welch
drunkard seem made of similar sterner stuff, as he would play at
Caesar and Ariosto as well as anyone, as he gave them a modicum of
respect. As again, now suddenly, as Ma told me, stay true to the cult
of the belladonnas, as blonds disappear at the first cough or the
last dime. I am alerted by speak check that one mustn’t say Blonds,
but ‘Blond haired persons‘. Well, not being Jewish and or, not
having adored the type of sluts that old man Hef repacked Patty and
other ethnic and dark haired with, after dark cocktailed waitresses
looking women with, no sorry, in this return to the sequestration all
Italians have been in over and over again, to so such a thing would
be something that the brethren, not fans of the American cheesecake
factory, would ever forgive me for, much less admire me a bit.
I remember reading about the Flora, the clay and wooden and rustic
Goddess that stood with the original manifestation of the eternal
flame when Rome was still a set of Tuscan fields on the side of an
unremarkable winding Italian river. I recall that anti-vanity art, a
signal to all the chiselers and the put upon to get away from their
masters jails anyway they could and get to the hills therein, and get
a newest life and a newest fate.
the rustic goddess made there, as art, or best art, as art always is.
I think it was an earliest bit of the best sort of Propaganda, not h
or caring or agreeing with what you think. And the dress they placed
upon their most Pastoral image sadly made granite and placed in
Ragtimey New York as what is at all American but the perversion of
all which was Roman to begin with, all along along, was the tunic
first king, I think named Titus, that the mad men Roman took down,
who then asked to be allowed into that first of all senates.
would be the italic goddess that no number of sophisticates, who are
never there for such placements, could erase, as we always return to
the goddess of the caryopsis and the crowns that have been made of
OF Patrica Fairinelli the latest, or one of my boyhood, goddesses, or
Joe DiMaggio, in Mort Drucker finery, as remember the goddess of the
fields, and how asylum is in my very veins by now.As
an Italian, as I did with AIDS, I can sequestrate for as long as they
like, on my head.