Early on this planndemic real, or it not, but still misused by the venial, I began to be even more circumspect in my postings and drawings than even became after a mom went early on. I was glad she died in a non good Roman year, her unburial my decision, and not caveat of a Sonny boy wop doing a bad imitation-ing of pop. And thus her corpus wasn't able to be something that dreaded political backs have been using since the Sabine curls as a platform, so much more do when hacks and negros had to play games and fat jokes lest anyone notice the men dying far far away in perpetual sars, sorry that went as unnoticed too, as the wars Barry gave us dutifully, while new Democrats named Rove or George bullied the radicals they once tsked at, out of their sissy, soft handed, always looking for kleig lights and pancake made up, ways.
This was the year I got gals in New Amsterdam to watch my beloved That Girl, like Virgil's example of when we were Nobel, this time with an Aeneas of nervous ticks and houndstooth cape and, of course, Ann who, in the end,wins, as wasn't getting married, as Get Shmart, despite a beloved by me Bernie Kopell, thus was.nt. Around day 50, Knew things were dastardly as a gal got back to me passing past the hellish hallows of the Segrams building, as she remembered as a girl wanting to find a Ted Bessell of her own, like Rockford the haha bitches haven't forgotten the real guys,as twenty years if Spartan warfare leave us with cackling hags and pussys of which chicken hawks l can smell the mist like unwashed c#nts. Sorry but Roman farce us Roman in while and I lrecall when my mom was sick and told her Zero was on, and she said almost at the end, Boy she said echoing a long lost father, I've been demeaned enough. See, if in a piece I write called 1964, said that Hillary didn't realize that there were too many Italian grandmothers for her to win, her enemy bitch thumbing Biden doesn't realize now, there are far too few. And in an email to me this gal made me realize that everyone had a gut full of Twinkling Lesbians mea culpa- ing all the live long day.
So, made an American Decameron filled with Italian pin ups, like Wendy the goodest witch, and Prince Bill as the king of Caeasara and hanging gardens and how. Early on Boccaccio and Alessandro were mentioned, but somehow the illiterstes who ignore the books Billy the kid lives through eventually became as venial as I thought, with this week as it's greatest exemplar. A Bloated, self appointed, turd thus counts his no MVP votes in a public masterbation, our black Eve, showing what was important to Lebro X all along. I do hope the radicals flip on to the saint from shaker hieghts, as would like to know what a rabble rouser he'd be, like the Jordan he hectors, if when the darker buttonmen blew his father's brains's out. A hag my dearest Mom called a strega to the end, demands her hair cut, like an obtuse queen Tactius gave to literature as Livia the ultimate stepmother, fat bloated wops making awful grey comedy jokes about the dead is castigated yet again for supposedly making fun of a satirist, with an accent you know like a Roman, who basically in another of Juvenals not in the face dirtbags and a lesbian returns to her studio free, if her cell block, of glass. The clowns return to their studios en masse in again a diminition of that Italian word, to like blood sports in the black death, collessiums more like mausoleums, willing is the dumb wop to say anything...except I bet the name Megan Fox, just a brunette to laughing hyena wop boy, and sanctimony is so not an election year stance. #metoo dissapates as a hand picked nominee had his thumb up his, or any woman he met, ass.
I declare that This will not end well,as governor Torts finds a fresco made to him not quite as forgiving as those made in finger paints to a phentenol pirate. I didn't want to post again but an admiring brother tells me to, as have like 6 examples of Roman arts of graffiti. Being a good Jesuit student, amoral, jesuitical, Machiavellian, Lynda Carter lover as we had long long roads ago, I put it never past old coot Biden and his minions to kill off all those people in Scarsdales old folks homes. No, no, I didn't think you could use it well, as I have a real anamossity walking away from Georgetown unlike some to think we would be ransomed to an old man who cheated his way through Syracuse. As didn't want to post again as am getting nice response to something I wrote called Emma, the source materials found in my mom's collected effects, and if you think I'm the only Jesuit school by who lost brunette love at the castle of crossed destinies called the road to Georgetown, good luck to those of you hags and affirmtive actioners and title nine cows who didn't even read Ovid in monarch notes. I, finding the lined paper wrote it on back when, we had futures all then, as now the prince if Shady groves grumbles with his wellworn Augustan mantle unthreading as it does, tried to recobble it, Despite it into a script written for the Good wife, but we School boys all having lost brunette loves at the road like Tyberius and stuck with Momma Livia in the perpetual now and soon enough all then. I found I could not change Emma into missing brunette mannuquin Julianna, and then a Virgillian brother told me not to step that way, and don't send it anywhere. I couldn't get the game of the day, stupidly Fox doesn't recognize like Madden and Cosell did the magic of the Venus blue helmet, it's bus boy Jews now dont recognize it in Trump neither ,and I like football better as I said when monstricities were getting bottle service like pre transfiguration Kaepernick were as he then had his own troubles with Jonny Martin, were again waving the war flag, trumpets not at the Tyber, but Hoffa's mausoleum of cement, nice to be quiet, as they deserve to be. Tell Ellen a great moment in television was when beloved Jackie Gleason, who never won a trinket by the way, as affirmiative action has oozed to the circus no less, came out on CBS and forever became a legend as with young Carson as a panelist, he apologized for the 61 season,still seen as the worst ever. Ah but that was when CBS was still CBS. Then I saw the giggling queer monsignor and his mean little underhanded jibe at madam Lugosi and her haircuts, and her Grimm's charms, that haircuts is the perfect word for what you'll be getting... something has I think been old and missing,though as see we have that new election this sleaze wanted thrown, again and yet the vitality if the vitrupritive seems to have gone plahhhh or pleh pleh, as the case may be. I mean this creep keeps cutting but no body is bleeding anymore, as the Caesar of Shady Grove looks his unmarried gargolyes off ..After what you idiots did to Italy, this year you dare ask me to genuflect to flags and pill pushers and n88ers who threaten children with shivs as they hijacks mini vans, a cry for an old yenta coot who used abortion as if a mere rubber...my father was right, they have too many wop criminals,as it's all they want. So, I predict, sigonira fortuna will bump and grind you out of commission, girls, as what is her magic incantation again...?, I'd quad visium ...no,what was it again... I'd like to recall, that's right to show the vissitudes of destiny we School boys laugh at...How Bout Dem Cowboys!