If anyone thinks i dont know what im talking about, i said there was something evil about the attempt at foisting a segrigationist on America as screeming fools from a dying Saturday night live, I belived Plautus was right and that never Mug, that its the lowest form of acting and as your mother warned, he said, your career might freeze that way. But i didnt sell my soul for a Segrigationist, and i never will. Guvner Boombutz, didnt you read Manzoni, Poor fool. Cause if you think i was the only schoolboy to notice a balooning in numbers of virus the very second that old coot Biden tried to redeem all his boxtops, well, old Bill, meet me at the Hippoddome,when the all clear sounds, we'll look for chicks. Gaea herself is repulsed by old man stink and amicus breifs against busing. I dont like the idea of a Roman Inaugeratiin' where both clods were against black kids in Catholic schools, as will get a Piece called The American Decameron day 4--Emma published next year, in which knew that sort werent crazy about seeing me walk through angel updripping doors, either.
I know that back then I built my belife system and any things I learned of then are still important to me, in the same way that I disliked Scorsese or loved Welles, or became a divotee of Virgil, or Backshi or Italian literature or hated English variations there in, or hated Jack Kirby and his people who all looked like were made out of old Vulcan Rockets, that a similarity in thought then attatches to me now, no matter what. I am after all awaiting a Thanksgiving game between the Cowboys and a team who took its name down and now plays with generic charm, like marked merely BEER or Toilet Paper at a dollar store, because somehow in the land of Monica, the Sopranos and Kordell Stewart, if not worse else now with a Praetor which didn't much read Ovid, there are people we mustn't offend. Who knew…? But I've been splashed down there, back in this event days since Ma passed last spring and still felt bad hadn't cried for her yet.but instead gave her the Requiem of watching glitterring Onyx shine Aryian Archie Panjabi each night in a lawyer shows while Della Streets were taken off the moment old contact Biden demanded a starring role his sort always fails to pull off and my ears pricked up, that it's not his Julian calander of nights are alertingly heard. But I recall not liking CASSIUS DIO, big supposedly on Clinton's hit parade, although now with him, who knows what is true, if as Girl Vidal said, is anything…? Though he thought himself a moderner Livy, and indeed he went back to Aeneas, still I've never been a great fan, not even then in the age I'd Barney Miller and Milton Bradly board games if Columbo gotten at better Christmases than this year presents. I didn't like a page if it, and imbibe in the Roman, I'd avoid greeky CASSIUS, even the name put me off, thinking of better Roman histories by Senators named Cornelius, as what bothered me was that his whole being was now intertwined with a now in question bullshitter tale of Bodicca, a horrendous early story of that isola, that even gay Willie intend avoided as a kind of Anglican Saint Joan, both of which may be based in an Etruscan queen named , what else, Romona, and early Romans dared not mention her name, while earliest tangeles with Trojan Aeneas are lost to history, as Livy admitted the pages of early Ronan history with her in it were lost in a layer of soot he said that they'd find eventually over the burning of Rome by gothes that was poopooed until indeed they found it. In a way I thought even then this pompous fool half wop, is there anything worse than the half breed middlebrow, Trying to convince us all always, as Barry the fairy is eviddenly everywhere with facial recognition as goons on television ask openly if he isn't pleased he could get his cup holder installed even without Prariea. Nothing is worse than the Caesar on schloarship, that he is on the side of criminals as collects coinage and sashes, Grandchild Cassi gets what he deserved with fate, as only worthwhile because of this English queen shit, as copies of hustling other books went assuredly ungreeked. So, when heard Bill Clinton once say he preferred Roman Camilla to that Anglican hag, I thought for sure he had sealed his fate, as have known this clerical class since I was 12 again, and my ears pricked up when I heard a bean eating Senator from chemical companies I'd Atlantic Perpetual Scranton, speak of his he would Rule, as know the Gergans and clerks I have known, have hated that Roman word, like Camillia the Southern Italian Amazon and her barefoot charm again as a given since I was ten.
On the day four ex presidents came out to tell the rabble they could pick a president better than mere populism, they hate that word as much as Augustus did, I got my last early Saturnalia gift from my brother and Amazon cards that he could have used himself or gotten himself things with. I feel badly I have used him as bullwark against the sort of epidemics that have mussing Pillossian hair viciously in better folktales than these that Lost Ohio.oh, Machiavelli boy won't forget that. But on thus day that Bill showed I was again too romantic for my own good, that Clinton indeed could come out and be for a Curia at the drop of a hat now that us are too old to fuck a girl and a nation, sometimes simultaneously, I got a parcel , Clouds and Elipses by Gore Vidal.
Oh, there was happily married Francescaless Paolo, a symeli made in 1999 and now am ashamed I did because he's more of a white sheet man after all. Pig bitch, I thought you weren't the Roman I thought, as always thought the one woman he wouldn't disfigure, disabuse, use, abuse, misuse, and contort was the republic, but then a mother who sang her praises warned me that Signora Fortuna doesn't let herself be raped as Machiavelli warned in books I thought we're saved to Jesuit students. There was Dido, And monkey faced idiot Buuuusssh, so we were in some sort of Hell. I just wonder what the good and sanctimonius so at CBS do as Ohio is gone. I actually called Mom's Maybly and others pushing Yoda dolls. I sat there trying to recall how to use Dr Martin's ink, also something he bought me as wants me to as the Jesuits loved about me, go after Buddy as a Jesuit lawyer might, as there is something unseemly about how a republic can be stolen for an old coot who put forward a constitutional amendment to keep negros out of schools as he pushed for Crime Bills that Nixon vetoed. But he saw something in the Jew York rags he reads and I ignore.on the day Cliton was out there giving us his sad last act, this paper remembered that Augustus as still Octavian hunted down every conspirator he could find who marched with Brutus and Cassius and had them killed, as criminals against the republic, to the end, he noted was in that same days paper. Every time, he said, I think you're overly Romantic I think then you're not that far from the mark.
I don't like the idea of an American presidency starting the way that Miracle on 34th street finished, with bags and bags of mail showing a fictional character actually lived because fixers like William Frawley are chomping cigars , as they brow beat judges. Ouch. And can't keep up as this morning was told an outlet that accepted THE AMERICAN DECAMERON DAY 27 A LITTLE NIGHT QUIET is in turnaround, as after all, the age of Buddy by definition means no cares that Clintoin actually did erad Manzoni, as he is nothing but trying to find redemption that Boidey doenst evenc care to look into. Are we sure we want to remember Clinton, especially was character in a Medieval book we've never heard of before you, Anthony. Yoi and Double yoi. My brother, confessor gudicane tells me tell these pinheads to drop dead, maybe of Corona that Bidey was stupid enough to pretend he was the answer to in barbershops shown on television, where no words of wanting Segregation to be codified into the bill of rights as he himself said, was brought up. But Colbert was the first, as Ma noted to piss in the well, and after all has to now , like democrats do, yoeman work for someone who was a segregationist, believe me Jesuit Tony will hit that good, like Bidey looking at coed trade, and hell have to answer why youre all willing to do this for that hump, but not for a first Woman running, or Geraldine Farraro, who took her share of shit, Mario, or a war protestor Braman, or a patrician from the old south who was nephew to Gore Vidal himself. But, suddenly he, the CBS jiminy cricket smirkers is on my youtube flow, when all i look for is Bruce springsteen songs--done by other people, the only time they are good. He is smirking away and I finally report this as kept saying not interested over and over, and don't care about what a corner he's caught in, and never trusted that smirk, anway. The first thing the Jesuits taught me was there is no such thing as shameless. Because of a nun who tried to get me thrown out of Catholic school for "Pagan attitudes", like Roman supermen, drawing amazons, and the like, and Father Francis, of all names,his coming to my defense, and saying honey, we love this guy, YOU'LL go before he does, and meaning it, I'm not some negroe dancing forever and again, for a segrigationist, Barry. Wait... the first thing they taught me was as a Jesuit I don't need proof of anything.
As I think I've done enough this year, and leave the trash of the imperial curia to trash Rudy Guiliani and tell us all what plushes are hot for Saturnalia. As Rudy stood on a burning city like a Roman while the reader of Cassius Dio was still in the cellar, always still alive as he has being reborn a thousand times. Bad karma.
I blather away about The Republic like a Roman boy, but a sharper brother who always thought Clinton was a giant pussy, says fuck them assholes on CBS, they don't have deapth perception, obviously, making me smile. Oh, he says, let them eat their dreadful Porriage, Basile, and I almost cry at his jesuitical admiration of my Roamanza. Thus us absolutely true, not a lie it a line or a exaggeration at all, but a show of why I am everything I am today as have never been the kind of working class Wop they enjoy watching in television as jews in laws can always pretend at the drop if a hat that they can always pretend they like big hair. Let them eat their porrage ,he said wittily, And, he said, let them all get Teflon fever, as the Republic meant everything to his brethren to, and it seems Elvis is indeed dead, and we all feel badly. This is why, he said Daddy was proud of you to the end, Kiddo and gave me his sharpie, dark skinned, Italianate smile.
Give them all hell, he told me,as I walk away quietly as feel myself well Iup with tears for the first time since my mom passed, as I walk into a small closet to get few Saturnalia nicknacks and decorations still kept in old cardboard boxes, as I end this year, like many, to festoon the house with ultimately pagan symbiology to remember my forbeares of Roman manhood before again Jewish ninnies covered the earth with sanctimonious darkness. Let them eat their poison, like pop said my brother called out, as the world and it's already bufuddled mesiach, an old man whose fingers still probobly smell Like cum, and liniment oils, if not Latex as the Nylon empire breaks. Ah, you can't go wrong with Plautus when a blue eyed molestor seizes the day, they won't allow me to escape 1979, no matter what. May we plebs belives in a planneddemic wasn't above is behind a man whose camp, as a bought senator like in CASSIUS DIO, or as my brother corrected me, a Sunday strip like Pogo or Lil Abner without it's star, allowed and got Dupont, makers of defoliants while he was cheating through Sats, as a deferments baby, EJ DIONNE had ethics once, didn't we all…?ha, he now wishes the leather bomber jacket worn by National guard sissy boys willing to pray over the dead of others fathers. He had helped a chemical company no less, to have dumped cylos full of Teflon fun off into the Allegheny river…? Oh that explains Ohio, which the savior lost. And my heart, like bloated Bill in Novum Romanae, is with the next pretty Italian girl who dies of this most horrid way to get a bagman from A fucking chemical company to pretend he speaks for the trees. See, I had the Gore Vidal Book before, and I studied it more than any sonnets to power in Greek by some half breed yearning for power,or at least a home in Bridisium, and it made me still what I am to this day. A moment of greenest laurel.The latest edition, it's a reprint from when I was ten, it was called then A Thirsty Evil.