01 January 2022






I saw a post of the kind of Lurid, colorful and probably truthful magazines that I saw and bought , old even then, from the book store run by the local out fit and were all of Stan Lee’s hard work went to naught, as the covers of the comic books were all ripped off. These were the magazines young pre law Jesuit boys like me, and others, adored, as they were hated by the kind of women, enemies to the death, DAR Queen's Bush views and lebians hags both brought together with George Will as Prospero to bring down evil big bad Trump, but are now with their hero Circling the imperial AQUEDUCTS DRAIN.  As Gore Vidal would say, this magazine inside look at the Beats, was probably closer to the truth than anything that the dreaded New Yorker and its yachts clubbing, gentleman's agreement, creepy copy boys were doing at the time. There is a reason that Truuuumans infamous Answered Prayers, after all he did for that dreadful magazine, wasn't published in a magazine, whose nostalgic look at the 50's didn't include the words television, Mad magazine or Elvis Presley, as the ladies who lunched and Shawn went about making the kind of journalism that good middlebrows could get behind. 



And now he is getting a taste of what he dealt out when he was the stall-worth in the senate, so in the pocket of Merck that he was who voted against single payer as a Democrat from the Confederacy, looking towards the third act that Marcus Aurelius reader Bill, we still pray fer ya Bill, knew , like me, would end up like this, crows flying over a goon dying ala Gnsmoke, or is it the digest of Roman law, at 19 percent. So I think both Bidey and Rottensburgher are getting what they deserves, as having to claw and scratch and scrape and use and abuse and tooth and nail is the perfect ending to a Life of a usurper and its how they always end. Now, you know how the Pizza waitresses and Tara Reed feel, kids, now you know what it is like for someone who thinks , for reasons that are not always apparent, they think they can walk away from the bathrooms they locked and held woman's bodily against, as once again, to be a Bill Clinton, or even a Namath, Ovid is the recommended reading, weather the lesbians burn it or not. As in my Free Apache word,  I guess not Updated , when I wrote Covid,as I  mostly go with Roman heading Coronavirus as that is the ancient Italian words for crown and Man, and thus Ironic as the Germans say, it instantly corrects to OVID. 


That IS some voodoo shit right there, girls. I am an eager member of the mezzanine on this one, watch Bidey and Rottensburgher as they fail to bring back better bamboozle bumbling bastards to the show. But as I said, without caring of going like Elsie or Marc Madden did, Cower, up on class now, is openly saying how rotten a coach the affirmative Action Lombardi is, mister I never pawned a mans watch, the fence of football, he openly mocks and derides  him, like how the only the lower rungs of affected nothings allow Biden to come on and be dick sucked, by clowns who sing of potato Chips, and who did black face. I am enjoying the very last Hurrah they'll ever seem to get. Meet me at the Hippodrome, like the Colosseum before it, where all the plebs go and no one hears a requiem they think that they deserve. 



In 2018, I would write a piece called the Manzoni papers, should anyone think that I  Don't know what the curia is always capable of doing, or not. And in my American decameron, I said that if they are still speaking of Corona Virius, changed to Covid, whichever is worse than merely being the word of Crown, in like Roman, it sounds like Covert, which is why Gore Vidal said once said  that satire gives the game away, and  Machievalli said that the liar tells the truth when he is lying the most, that were the word still he in use on the first Janus festival if his interregnum, well, the curia would be trashed. Why was the last movie to be honest about what Italian Americans had to deal with in this cesspool, as my father called it, why was that film in fact, the miscasted Paul Numan in Somebody up there likes me...as thus week saw some you tube video trying to tell me the Romans never existed because you know it's been hard for the creeps trying to pretend that they didn't do black face and still got a tonight show anyway. 


But like fellow Jesuit students who didn't buy term papers, a lack of knowledge of say Sallustbus what has goons slipping on imperial steps like Psacki and Bidey going this way and that, having to apologize to NPR reporters who just asked a question and are snapped at right up until it becomes, you know,.policy, if a drowning man has something that thought out.  We are in the thrall if a goon who never even watched a Stolen Roman play, much less like me and Uncle Bill commit the morality plays, or at least farce, to memory.As like Machiavelli all I needed to learn about politics I did from Roman Noble tales or at least farce, and at least, as the curia is finding out as George Will led them like a paid Piper picking pickled papers, at least Trump who was eviscerated for saying things like one day it would run its course, and now the Kids dottore says the same thing, at least Trump filled the costume. 




Notice they never mind the nobleman savage as depicted since Bushema's Conan, though...I love when white girls yak about women they consider fantasy, as I've proven drawing such glad as Patty Fairenelli, Jo Collins, Jami Dion and Wendy Fiore, these hags didn't have the Italianate and Argentine cousins living in East Orange New Jersey that I did, and that I was obviously amazed by as an impressionable boy. 











On an amazing moment of Irony, after I Helped make a fishier than I like Christmas dinner today, I went on here to send things out and saw this and thought I like this gal better than Green cares, so watched , and...then, a moment of true serendipity...During the essay about a show i managed to skip as much as possible saw the irony of the dying witches stregas face of Old lady Hillary pop up like right in the middle of this Gal, her being so anti Hillary, so seemingly upest that when dealing with show runners, I guess you aren't dealing with writers like Dante, much less even queer hating hags in castillos. But Why I had to make mention here is that seeing @hillaryclinton, wife of Roman myth on the skids Bill, no bells worn for this Roman mass, not for this Roman personhood, more like an Irish monsignor, the aldermen of the misbegotten church, whose ruins a Jewish creep named Shapiro thinks will be his Bandwagon. Come blow your Horne and co. 


But as was watching Sarah, whose hate and take that!,essays I would soon enough get over cartoons, I guess that says much, here was the first lady of our spleens, and colons, speaking bout what her inaugural address would be, Oy Vey Gevalt!, it seems a perfect coda to all this woman said about some who I'd never even bothered to watch. Always nice to see someone who studied Political science under OJ, now if I HAD DONE IT, HAD CORIOLANUS, MY HUSBAND,been in bells and whistles at my stolen commencement, oh,  OF ONE OF THOSE HAGS EH…? Now if I had been inaugurated , I would have said, …too late and Roman coin too short. Sorry Bill, but stick with the Coven , Shady Groves is quarantine, like the villa in Boccaccio, and Fiametta is long, like Emma, and somehow, we boys who think we are so clever, well, we ended up with a lot less than we started out with,  didn't we just…? So had to mention here, the parallel lives of how on earth or who would buy time on this girl's essays for that hag...? It said all she was trying to I said sadly emote through the essay ...only the shameless would go on like this, and again, and when you allow your and your husbands greatest enemy to dive bomber to 13 percent apprioval, you are at thirteen percent approval, dear, and like Hubbys beloved Machiavelli said of Politics, and is truer about TV shows still, all I need to know I learned from Plautus.




On Christmas night it was dark, the meaning of the holiday in whole, the day the sun at least so far, was triumphant again and against popular thought, days would already be getting longer by moments ,like a beautiful women that Juvenal said was nothing like the riddle laden fatso cousin you'd have to marry, teasing all with the coming summer warmth.


My brother had some more than I wanted him to,but he is devoted to the memory of Ma whereas I am just a dumb wop wreaked and full of recriminations. I sat there with my sister as others again are not here and weren't since Ma went to the other side of the first moon which was an Etruscan poem that got me thrown off some sites lately, but then what hasn't. I saw NBC, a channel the once showed Johnny Carson speak to Gore Vidal and Jonathan Winters on famous Christmas shows as opposed to the tyranny of now , as opposed to Machiavellus then, when earlier this week saw Corpse Bride Bidey with toung  bather, drunkard potatoes chip dancer Tonight show goon suck his withered dick, I am nothing if not a Roman satirist, so fuck the lesbians and their forty old bunting for a Queen mum what never was. I saw this almost so old. He is almost more relic and flesh, caught in Amber forever now, get a rim job worse than Jewvanal, yes that one, never has. And notice what show he didn't do. Yon Cassius dear man, too leery and Too Jewish  for the central casting of Jews and women, lost everything that day at the hollar hate and having to get away, as thought too late Caesars even dead win Ohio at your peril, poppa Cass.


So, here at the quiet Xmas night, we watched Don Notts, of whom I have never been a great fan, but still ghost and Mr.Chicken is funny and love the cast, the pretty thick lipped brunette, mister Vivian Vance, and who can forget, the great Reta Shaw, Matron par excellance and the best voice of any old crow, Tarro, sallow, Sullliman….!NBC was showing Doctor Suess The Grinch the Stole Christmas, showing again, if we said Ovid was to be dehumanized, and even recalled who the fuck told some Praetorian to burn the Metamorphoses, as that never was the cash cow that this fable was. Can we get rid of this my sister asked and I was entangled in holiday blahs and sadness at all I didn't ever do. Do you want to watch Scrooge she asked and said rather shyly.Sure I said, as I owe her a such if not more than did to Dora, as actually begrudged her fall and felt she had abandoned me, all that time ago. 


Late at night on a brother's phone,I put five dollars on the Chiefs, ten on the Cowboys. WON with the Browns who I knew were not letting The usual dick sucking that Fox does when shoeless Aaron is taking on the field. And though I am a hunch player, I took the Bill's and its Battavia Nafia, just out of good feeling. It's been a saturnalia of westerns with three channels showing all day Christmas westerns as sat alone late at night and watched Brando as a desperado , but again Christmas with Paladin was and is a far cry from calling it the Washington Football team is it though … and for the ethics of New Judea, see Grinch above, and that is the flaking of Nickel plating of Lettermen in the third xerography we low have lecturing is about ethics until they don't. In the land where Samantha Bee Is the closest thing to mother superior as my Manzonian effects of calling Hillary as Sister Gertrude was again my overly Romantic heart, as her attempts to break on Satah Z's essay seemed more like Hanna Barnara villain Uniblab,  trying the stupid, but decent , joviality of the everyman George O’halleron, as he just tries to get through life, abet with rockets cars. Uniblab does sputter and click away with its giant head and googey admonitio, whirring as it drunkenly tapers and records the rest of us, as she spins away asking us to pony up and play black Jack or craps in which the dice or die,  in her case is not only cast,but has a string attached to it. 


As this was the advent that i tried to make a drawing a day and joined a Christmas time challenge and at this writing have 22 drawings in various states of repair. As if I didn't feel bad enough this dark holiday, I had to see trash buckets like @boingboing and some hang try to say things like the Romans never existed, as opposed to, like, you know, Passover. Well, now someone killed the Etruscan And I know from dealing with Penguin a decade ago about Black verse and Miles Gloriosus, the farce of war, hummmn,  being both Italian countryside affections that the Romans alas sold well for Shylocks and Marleys,  and Larry Oliver never played one in his whole life. Someone but those roads, and raped those Sabine girls didn't they, and as Anglican scribe closer to Clifford Irving than Dante Alighieri, God help you when you ignore these ladies of Old Italy, like goons on a tonight show, now there are Drudgery Gertrudes who will get their quota of hides...














