As when I a boy and saw Perry Mason and Napoleon Solo, and MARTY, AND other golden age things, I decided to take the people I saw demeaned by what the heinous New York Times, called the Medici of Hollywood when Batman 1966 came out, and decided then to lionize and hero-ize the people that those clerks of empire have been and still demean to this day, but with a sh-mere of sanctimony and decency added like an arsenic glaze. I decided then, and am still firmly rooted in this thesis, that as a pall of Vulgarians and even Carnival hucksters schmaltz, a grift made now insufferable, i MADE IT A POINT to give voice to the people that the circus owners seems to hate and demean with impunity, the Italians, the brunette girls, etc, as my fathers dismay and dislike of the shorthand of Hanna Barbara's and Jack Warner has been something I don't have to now pretend I was never complicit in, all along.
I don't consider myself a good caricaturist, but through use of old mads can find especially old Mort Drucker pieces, that can with some tweaking become others like he didn't do, out and out, like say here, @stevencolbert, #everettsloan as Carl Sandburgh, #jameswhitmore and #terihatcher .i am putting together a Jack Davis like HANDBOOK FOR HUSBANDS SEX AND THE SINGLE GIRL LIKE movie poster for a play, Tonight on CBS the Rope by T Plautus, as once I said I wasn't interested in doing a movie ever again, before even Lindsay, I was sent a feeler as they liked the idea of someone anyone, pretending to want to be Paddy Chayefsky. As want it said here as much as anything that during Saturnalia, while Colbert and bizzaro Johhnies went home and may again be again, Erho I did see Gore like the ghost of Saturnalia past, and he did announce then what is with this perennial war, who isssss the enemy here, as even middle reader Johnny was taken aback by one trillion, five spent on an armament build up, and guess who voted for that, Stevie...during Christmas I say again this mausoleum voted to re up its Spartan plans, war being allegedly over and gave the Pentagon 350 BILLION dollars more than Trump approved of, but if you think I don't know what blood money is, well then you really do think, unlike some, the Romans never existed, as you watch Hobbit movies. With Malice towards all, and charity towards none, I wouldn't be in @Karlroves side if they would have burned that hall of a thousand segregationists to the ground, as the hall of Wilbur mills, Jennrette, and Teddy wet from the sinking Crown vics will return to the rusted if not worse, praetorium. Shady Groves is closed for the off season, but crows survive the brusquely wintertime's.
Since you did send me a sort of open invitation to send in work again and were one of the few During Trump who did so, I'd like to say that I was one of the few who even dared say last my Decameron if we were still speaking about CoronaVirus , from the Latin word for Crown, on the feast of Janus is this segregationist goons presidency, that well, in this instance of Joe Vs. THE VOLCANO, that as a good Italian or even a Jesuit student from the Oxarks like Uncle Bill, that my money was on the god named Vesuvius. I see him in pictures in a constant begging of the Signora Fortuna he thought was his guiding star, but could make the argument that his is a life of the Peter Principal, I always preferred Victoria, like someone else I can mention, and that lady Luck, devoted to me and Bill, never was his paramour to begin with.
pages for comic strip The October War. . "I wouldn't make a movie now if i was given a studio, so I guess my dad got the last laugh on big wop Tony as he warned me...all they do in Hollywood is rape brunettes. ..."
As I have noted elsewhere, I feel a real empathy for this gal, and have stated as much, but still see this Dumbo one, of all her videos, on this timeline for rationalizations I am unsure of, so well, as William S said to Jackie, well, if that's your attitude...I feel badly for her, and have even gotten into it with the goons of curia at Tumbler of all places, as like stirring pots as took stirring Minestra as my mom would say , in Jesuit pre law. But wish she hadn't been so sensitive to it all, I mean look at me, every insult is a triumph, as Dante said, and the exile from idiots is the greatest of champions, am always willing to take whatever i get and run with it, but you know ,I guess she was just a Typical woman...Why I feel badly is have to get back to an off Broadway house that wants a planneddemic musicale, an East side sorry, I guess, as like the heavy materialists, everything they get, I've been told, is too dower, and yet schmaltzy , and though I appear quite cartoonist, though, sadly so, ...ect...the music will be provided as a light opera. I like the natural dichotomy, again like Bill, I Read Calvino's essay on Boccaccio when i was 15, and my American Decameron seems to fit the bill, somehow,...I do feel like Ann Marie , more than I do Don Hollinger, anymore, as I scrounge around for every cold medicine and battery in the snow commercial I can get, ... Although my consigliere brother is against it, still, wish that Lindsay had stuck to it. I turned down a few New Amsterdam things this last year, still, though, stadiums and theaters open during a black death is sooooooo Italian to me. As I am getting likes and patchiness acceptance from people who told me to shove it over Govner Boombutz, and so wish she had stuck it out. If only because like a joke i made about Disneyland, in her destruction, like so much, I smell a rat, left in black death tatters nearby to uncle Bill's Shady Groves, that's what you get Maus, I have him say, for fucking with Collodi --we Jesuit students are so alike--and it doesn't take a Machiavellian to misunderstand why the darkie radicals are slowly, I turning away, from a goon at 13 percent, 30 if you jew it up enough, but still, and I had an inkling that the term "Demanded Re-shoots" was this old coot's Duchy credo, his Arms and the man.
Isn't it sad this guy is who made art during your plannedemic, whereas I was given a copy of the Decameron when I was five and priests told me to never lose my Roman spirit and become the kind of Ne88er who would ever vote for a segrigationist goon who called Mario Cuomo unelectable. I hear they are scared to death that the sandman over here will fall over and I was thinking isnt it funny despite being overly medicated with Merck poison-'the Italians like Ma knew too much medicine is after all venom--despite that, we keep Seeing Bidey in lonely rooms, alone dispised and dispising, a Tacitus night mare, Caesar in the closet, and I was wondering about that...if he's been inoculated as many times as his master's told him to be why is he always do marked and alone as he tries to be a poor mans Bush..? Now they try to keep him in a bubble, scared to death he will fall over from a sudden breeze...Hes not as Robust as Trump was as he circles the Roman drain and he is about to be spinning so hard, a weather-vain caught in a tempest, all I can say is make Sure Hillary stays in the Imperial foyer...he doesn't fit Trumps costume well at all. I love when he ate ice cream like Hadrian despite America in the deep freeze and he almost shoved into his black lives matter mask, like a cover of the Natl Lampoon when i was a kid..with the chance to make another comic strip of TAD, I figured it's have to be Cuomo's rope, although, I am doodling something about the October war , a year and a half later, as it gives me the opportunity to draw more Romans like that Bidey and his minions have never heard of but I bet Bill and maybe even his wife has…
But, I am glad to see that a dreadful little book called Maus* is being censored now as it proves as my father warned me against barbarian rage that once the sanctimonious start setting fired to paper they don't like, it turns out they dislike more than you'd ever have thought. I admire and like Sarahz but her likable commentaries mean nothing As font watch this crap on tv. As I saw a moment in a shoe , Dick Van Dyke that has been re-shown now that the narrator of my own Roman Farce Carl Reiner passed, I am taken by the teal meanest this show has for THE CHARACTER OF LAURA. I MEAN GOING DOWN TO PHYSICAL PAIN. BUT THERE IS A MOMENT that sung out to me, as they have a show were Mr .Bernstein plays a Carl Sandburg Sage, to give always unsure Rob his due over some third rate novelist in the age of Capote no less, but there is a moment of great refusal where the grand dame herself, Auntie Name as close ro a human being in the shtick and schmaltz, Rose Marie ironically, sarcastically calls Rob in all his marionette pantone charm, Mister Chayefsky.that name was the patron saint of this piping year to me and maybe I read more in to it than i should have, but amid all the crap new and old, my mother like image and dago Gummaddi Rose said it best at where we descend and erode, and where, and what we've become. A jokester miester burger as my mom did call corrupt officials, pretending he's writing Marty and not his put upon brunette wife stuck in the closet with an army boat. Oh I ,got a chilly feeling and turned it to a tern if Hogan's heroes if all things as must admit they bothered me as a kid, saboteurs in an invaded land as the cast was made up if architypes of allies were the collected empires built in dried bloodied black hills, and the not really recalled bulldog of Gallipoli, daring calling themselves decent.With a black man thrown in, but no one mentioning the Tuskegee experiments. Then to Bob Pompiani sucking stealer dick, cause I didn't want to watch this suburban night mare anymore, as think that's where we are, jolly jokers in a "Network" that they don't yet not knowing who the Savonarola is that Dunaway is referencing...
POSTSCRIPT, it was the mentioning of this book, Maus, which a Jewish lady Neurologist who helped me as a young man through devastating Epilepsy, by the way, hated and told me she wished nothing but ill on this cartoonist for equating rats that brought the black death to Jews, and too, to be fair, she was a cat crazy lady, or on the cusp of that madness too, and hated it. This caused a furor with some middle brow editor at some rag, as I have clapped on elsewhere, which caused me to get a horrid little poisoned pen letter about such as this. As of now, true to my admonition for Lindsay there are those who'd lecture me, Roman jurist Tony, over the comics I read or like or don't, since, as my brother warned me, the Decameron and Dante and like italic classics are mute to them. Hey, honeypot, I snottily shot back, don't blame me as chose you voted for a segregationist. Institutionally this hag sent me back another self apologia DON'T CONFUSE HER WITH ANYONE WHO'D VOTE for this creepy segregationists she started to sniff. Click. This time, Ill censor you, as Ovid said, I don't have the chains to a box office to care enough. What is sad is that I made sure I sent back the initial invitation to send more and her plandedemic rags, I think its that word itself, which bothers them so, as she couldn't have made it through even this sort of quick work by me as play lately with flash fictives, thing that quickly. So Fuck off doll, I say, as I'm not Whoop-pie or her afternoon yaks, I don't have to be involved in television hostage sieges, like she and her missions do, and so, it is more contrite than she ever was back when she called the Annie Neapolitano side of Mel Brooks family as Orange. Bye dear, I'm not apologizing to anyone, who was involved in paying the checks of Martin Scorsese and the love-bale Nazi they placed on television. Dont ever I said, not funning as John Wayne would slurr and say, ever call a man like me who loves the Romans so indelibly, dear, anything near to a National Socialist, for long before middle passage and Dachau, the barbarians orchestra or torch replays were set at Rome. So there..., as the pretty girl at the arts school would say. If not Juvenal, recall when they all compared themselves to Romans Satire a few years ago, dear #SrarahZ, I knew that was total bullshit, but really I hope Juvenal is laughing, If not Alice Walker. But, in the words of an Italian sportswriter to dreadful Myron Cope I am no evangelist. I do love Art Speilgman's work on Wacky Packages, like Mad I hold onto, in a world that gives triumphs to cheaters like Tom Brady, Rich. As I am with the old man in the Roman Senate, who when he heard Tactius, an original fraud of liberalism until had to kill the revolting Ligurians, cause that is what horsetails trading senators do, when he wrote the Germanica, sort of like Hogans heroes without the warmth, an Aeneid for illiterate Germans their blond whores, the Romans senator allegedly said Well, his heart is with the German barbarians, but his prick is enclosed in the bay of Naples, with the pretty girls and the ten year old boys...its un-masking who I can get under their skin with such as this. Welcome to the left bank.
#lindsayellis #banned books #art spiegelman #lateshowwithstevencolbert
#cartoons #thedecameron #wendyfiore #fuckbiden #authoritarianism #free
speech #drawings #metoo #stayhomemakeart #bidencheating #biden
corruption #and just like that #guesswhovotedagainsthillarycare