The Last Pages of Sallust.
Now, I have never used something called "Prompts" whenever have sent anything but to lit magazines and the like, but one site on Submittable type things was looking for poetry about news, it's all just depressive, womanish, boilerplate, as you'd guess but have gotten if not published there some nice accolades and of course the instant reply to send more in at the next open session. This time the place was looking for poetry, all my stuff is based on a paragraph I read of Cattilus in seventh grade as opposed to say dimwits like Biden and his praetorians who are in race to see who will die if Covid never having broken open Boccaccio ironically one time. But this time, though did my middle if the month essay assignment to get something out in the first as often do, I saw thus outlet to whom I sent my Cuomo boys as preps in the Manhattan south of Lt. Kojack, I sent in a query that in deed could write something about their prompt , thus time it was Amber Heard and Johnny Depp, that I figured no white girl, or CBS grinning goon could come up with, as said had Trump been allowed to win as he had, messiah's don't lose Shaker Heights, ask friend of the show, fatso, Porky Karl Rove, would have the baying dogs if #metoo showed up for her, as she is allowed to twist in the wind, with Chanley as weathergirl, poor Amber…any port in a storm, as a living weathervane Biden could espouse.
Maybe at another funeral the Bushes are not invited to as Sejans prepare the caskets of the empire. I would, as opposed to say alumni of Cal arts, I have alas always tried to be more CC Beck than a warmed over Gahan Wilson, I said, a true cartoonist adored by Jesuits once, that I would make Johnny and Amber into a pair of doomed Italian lovers, I'd make them into TS Elliot's The wasteland, or maybe its Ash Wednesday, if not both, which I've known since third grade, see above lived by Jesuits, was based on the truly greatest Italian lover story, no not the one lesbos hate, but the mute to them Paolo and Francesca.Which us ironic if you know anything about the Biden family values. In that story a brother takes and marries and rapes and enslaves a good brothers wife, which is dangerously close to the old man's drama at Casablanca della Du Pont, but with a bigger tragedy than just Hunter with bogarted luckie telling the woman to get checked for crabs, if not worse, as hes now convinced he'd has as he has gotten with since one too many Asian whores. It's a golden age, just go with it.
As a sharper, well wishing of me always brother whose inherent dencey made him dispose the society of Jesus and it's closets full of untaxed gold and hidden away victims as he said saw in his Wall Street Journal there was a article in it's book section about The great half of literary civilization to old TS, Dante Aligheri, who was a last italian genius to have wrote under two living Pope's at the same time. He asked me if he should save it for me, but I begged off, saying I'm sure if even acceptable to the strange combis of drag queens and schoolmarms of now, I could only guess at the over under if words it would take before this middlebrow, to use Father Gore's perfect word, would reduce to sneering.
As Madeline deep from the Styx, didn't not let me give the eulogy saw on a site she didn't want Uncle Bill to give, as he oft does give the standard eulogy, although it does look like look rival Jolting Joe from Kokomo is trying yet again to elbow his ultimate rivals shodow out of the parts of his feeble plebeians brain, where he still haunts him. No, Bill was eschewed this time, the Roman joke of the prepared eulogy I used, in the prince of Crows, to echo the Satyricon and the ways we live now, as it were, which he has already wrote out for any clerk priest and or doge, and instead her estate planning, she went with a goon who voted against Hillary care. I'm sure Bill is just devastated,which a first lady, white wife didn't want the first colored chick thus close to the segregationist who I'm not the only reader of Livy or Puzo who thinks that that hyena is poisoning this old Fool. After these warmed over socialists googled Paolo and Francesca, somehow I still got the go ahead to get it in by the first, as I figured, but did it quickly and not as intricate as often do, but got the basic message out.
They said if I could connect this tawdriness to the decline and fall of the Roman republic, as notice Bush family members are falling all over themselves for Trump's imprimatur, they are sure this trouble at the bleeding alps doesn't bode well, as the Jesse whites of the Democratic party are out of cash, but funding ads on Jeopardy to go against one of the few black women in the house from here, as Biden and wifey have never liked coloreds in the marble rectories, they almost seemed to take it as a bet I couldn't make this look like medieval Italy at it's rotted worst. Who…? If I could pull it off, then THEY WOULD give me 5000 words to do it. I'm not holding my breath, and no matter what will post it with drawings for the Mayday hat Jimmy Olsen fighting to be senator in PA here will find out still has a curia with tapestries on the walls.
And as I've said, I have known them Jesse Whites of the democratic party since I as a boy in back state Jesuit passes to meet a one term Georgia governor who, their sanctimony against Nixon, my father told me, would saddle them with a sanctimonious old man then who'd nail Teddy the brother into a Senate where he was safe from of any secretarie's survivors subpoenas. Ah but Signora fortuna can and will, as Ma warned me, always get at the powerful, no matter how many rings of chicken wire festooned the unstuck set for the summer stock's coming Julius Caesar, as she is enamored with the plebs and hates the ciria and its Jewish ringmasters, and as I warned when you all dated call anyone who got too close to the golden doors of the Hall of a thousand segregationists, that I'd never get on any boat in which Erronous Biden was Captain leading us through Mickey mouse and Popeye theater, and Fleisher Superman cartoons.
I bring this up as another trial isn't doing well for Uncle Walt's mausoleum, and they lose 30 percent of their magic kingdom, unaware Magic is their business and ever going against that just to sell plushies to Arabs and the Chinese is something akin to apostasy, Uncle Remus. But beyond this metered corruption, today a crew of democrats in New Amsterdam seeing a wop hag who is being left to twist in the tempest as Biden is a weather-vane
therein, one who too eagerly went against Columbus statues as cried too well for indigenous not Tuscan,they quietly, these imperial Bag men blocked Republican white washers and masked dirtbags out to change the name of Cuomo on a bridge over their borough on the Styx. But then Roman history and the Italians mean more to me than any mere minstrel show, they are funnier and meaner than any of that, and I am not shocked as the brethren taught me, there is only such shit a praetorian will in fact swallow. It may seem small, but told me a lot as Bushie acolytes who spoke often of tone are now looking for every Old Trump sign they can find and have eschewed any Gucci loafers as they circus poster and preen with plebs in commercials that look like rerun episodes of Shipping wars.

A lesbian gal had the same reaction to a piece she published of mine called 1964, about our beloved Goldwasser girl, whom she hated, that my brother has had as a take about me since I was 11. I take this all too seriously, and far too romanticized, he shakes his head at my attempt to make Amber Heard a Roman lady in waiting, married to a buffoon who likes acting as an opportunity to wear Eva Gabor wigs far too often. Put Gire Vidal's line about makeup here in later revisions. Oh look, pretty goo goo eyed Chanley turns in a Lois Lane shoulder padded dime to now cop body cam ruin Arrec Baldwin, all coming forth from the Sweetwater PD.My brother, he is upset, as smilingly tell him though sent out Cry Babies, i'd found a shit load of Ian McKelken reciting The Waste land on You tube.
But I have empathy for those that Hillary and her coven hates, Iago, Ariosto' s piggish prince, So in Love am I, and now believe they are right. I saw Roman , old habits die hard, Billbo coming to this goon' s war defense, as he did after all give Newely crowned Czar Boris Yeltzin no less assurances that we'd never bring the Polish Pacts into NATO, but that is so Noam Chomksy for a mausoleum of segregationists. That's more devotion than he showed you or your wife in 95, fatso,when he was Xeroxing yellow sheets about you at the Motel 5 before you, as Carnac would say, made it to the Motel 6. A Roman life…?, no I say so not, he was closest to being a Pompey smeared with imperial blood, as in a Brando scene, when an in the bag, on the rag, queen of the Kotex army, Hillary was busily throwing lamps. Trash begets trash. Someone will demand payment for Monkey Business, though. Or Ambra, as the case may be. As Roman Tony can proudly tell anyone not standing on a corrupted Trojan horse, as such things since a wueer named Virgil, hated by a pornographer who wrote of the heroic qualities of Petaphilia, were always beneath a Hesparian contempt, the next time you sell your souls dont do it for a segregationist, who have eulogies for old men whose funerals were restricted, who may ever even gets close to the word kleptocracy to the point the perpetually spinning away and towards the plebs, Bush boys are washing their hands in three Roman coined fountains, screeming of invasions, lest they have to work for a living, if not in the trashed men's rooms on the highway.