30 July. 2023
As opposed to the black hole that was last year, as it was for me and many, this year so far, I have had accepted as many essays as I have cartoons and drawings which is a first for me. ALWAYS WITH AN Italianate EYE OUT TO CRIB WHAT I CAN, THOUGH EVEN I NEVER HAD TO BUY A TERM PAPER TO GET ADMIRATION FROM OGLETREE AND SCALIA, BOTH AS MUCH AS ANYTHING VICTIMS OF THE CONSTANTINOPLE QUEEN, CHILDLESS PRAETOR WHO SOMEHOW FINALLY WON, I used the aspect seen in delightful video essays by pretty brunettes, and for the first time since gotten an essay about early Italian history into a Jesuit magazine when I was 15, have again done better with my Vidalian essays than I would have thought.
I AUGUST 2023.
When I was a boy, my father tried to warn me so about this land he had no use for which has now proceeded to be worse than his every thought had of it. Everything he told me seems to be echoed in the very tumbleweeds of this tragic gulch, as those not forewarned thought without father and mothers who were able to warn then so, that in fact any empire in which a thing called a Bush is patrician isn't long before the ruins become apparent. City of demons. But, my father told me to ecologically be aware of their even then love of the noble savage, their distaste for all things Roman and or Italian, excepting of course the delicatessens of salamis they'd get rid of the moment they thought,as Ma said, the diet of wolves would give them all more a hounds tooth sort of bantam fighting weight, and what a cesspool hid under neither the vainglorious attenuate at calling this archipelago of slums as he called it not ever having read Solzhenitsyn in his life or knew much who he even was, which now , the chicken wire and the segregationists of the Reagan era, so distasteful to Johnny and Gore that night when I got Creation as a birthday present, as years later Id get the whole book as it was edited by middlebrows who somehow whiled to always make sure once , at least, that Iran was indeed the Rome that died that Passover night, I was forewarned as much as anyone that in fact, this sewer system wan-st so close to Romes bets neither.

My father , around that fifteenth birthday of mine, did at least try to steer me away from the Cyclops reefs , he disposed of CBS for its lame attempts at Tommy Smothers brazen leftists as it just went from vulgar Robinson Crusoe and magical blonds, now seen as fat, Genies and a Julie Numar as a sexy robot still too sexy for TV, a womanish braying usually sued for Brunettes, and he tried to tell me to seek a medieval refuge as say Chaucer did nearer to Virgil's egg.
remember that my father armed me about those who would say so
deliverable and usually as co eds with bad hygiene and worse skin,
myopic fatsos who took their superiority to him and his children as a
given, whens why after a life to,me of working for the liberals, Joe
Califano would dare be screeched at to leave a--the joke is on them
its restricted-- Stork club before the coming quicker than anyone but
Biden was aware, inanimate fall of New Amsterdam, as he had dared to
in freedoms land not want to vote for someone , a hag married to a
now seen as a bloated doofus rapist cretin, we have fallen hard since
Sallust was again as usually, censored by the school madams, ah but
the Romans were adulterer than you'll ever be, Baptiste until the
death despite what you Jews at Christmas time singing carols may
think of Saturnalia, which approaches, as he dared not want to after
a lifetime of reviser to the jackass of compassion, to want to vote
for someone who started their political life as a goddamn Goldwater
Girl and was so against that great society the rifle returned to
Praetor tried to make up his various debits. Thai told my mother
everything about the Hillary she did dispense so, and she warned me
my head was like a schoolgirl turned by sweet talking flim flam man
Bill, Laura Nyro Song made flesh and flesh again, and she did turned
out to be right about a goon who allowed some idiot who voted against
Health Care, --he has no such thing as the body count that Fox
assured us Bill and Hilly had, but then animal husbandry is their
life's work, and whereas a dropped Kojack era kilo of Smack, it is
always 1975 in Biden's underpants, would be setting off bills and
wisterias , now, to such shit as George Will it is a loss leader and
the cost of doing business. My father told me to avoid any middlebrow
, undercurrent over screaming white woman or anyone really, who spoke
abrasively of "Fascism", think, with Bush era glossaries ta
hand, that it sounded Roman and thus Italianate enough to be demeaned
and detested openly, like Columbus when the trash of the people, and
the washers of the school of Athens floor decide they didn't need the
sash walk through parades anymore in our dying res publica. Beware
anyone who spake of fascism , he told me, as I have heard of love of
the age of enlightenment in that Jewish creeps TV fountainhead of the
class without Leslie, do they ever have Leslie's,I think, a program
whose oppressiveness of schmaltz even has my brother saying what else
is on...?, the eventual Virgillian summation f all such TV. So
lately, as hes been outrider a lot as opposed to me still, we watch
Sanford and son each night, and recall that no one on that wonderful
show was paid by the Jewish macher liberal TV circus owner as much as
Meathead got according to his Norman Lear American Masters show.
Which would have made my father sneer.
He warned me so and I
can recall the day around an old oak table at which he played
Peonuckle, a cast that would be called now pan racial, that i was to
recall always such a pathology was a white man sickness, in that, it
sounded Catholic enough for that great weedy Confederacy that always
giving and searching and needing and translating and traitorous
Biden, sorry but he been that since Ollie North, girls, to whom the
liberal with Bogart's face Cuomo was unacceptable. He warned me so
that such as an argument sued in tattered and torn Italay,--again
Francis and minions at Zeotrope, that's Chaucer's spelling, its
amazing when I can shit them all up isn't it...?, while again the
Jews in America were making Bugs Berkeley movies in their hiding
cellars, and were soon enough to be on Wagon trails themselves for
communism, welcome to the city on a mudslide, as the gross northern
barbarians liberated Italay again, as they always seem to,like how
they liberated Oklahoma,w here the wounds comes bombing down the
plains, this time pretending to be the champions of Jews who they
weren't concurrently allowing into 21 and the Stork club , like the
granddaughter dykes tried with Joe Califano, A plate of Orobus in
garlic and pepper for everyone, Guido.
He warned me so, even then when Biden's Cesarean ambition wasn't so geriatric and so iron lunged, that such was the argument made by the grandparents of these hoodlums and creeps back when in the mother country in more ways than one, an argument made to both the highwaymen of the island of cyclops and to the intellectuals of Pisa and their left leaning by the very grit of the soil towers of imperial happenstance. But then, seems again land of Custer's and wild west shows and their heirs Coppola and Scorsese movies, anything for the barbaric need for vigilance, real or imagined, all the dumb wops, company wops who helped America out, the Luckies and the Smokers, the commie pinkos and Labriola flowers, were all paid back. Not so much by any rag tag fascists, a Bush family acolyte told Charlie Rose as much, that either right of leftist most Italians believe in nothing, as opposed to here, the cut throats in Sicily, who were given freedom from fatso Benito's jails were soon enough picked up, and Sicily became a devils island for the hatred up wops for Canarsi and Jersey they got gone and mostly, a death squad of black jacks OSS, pre CIA, that could never put Hillary back together again, went about killing the Pasoinini decried northern wolves of Partisans, soon enough made a vile word at Cross fire and CNN, though and maybe especially cause they were the ones who fought against Caesar and later Mussolini, who even Churchill couldn't in the end save, much less himself. My father,as i was lad, told me taught me the American ethic, as in Italy in 1948, any attempts by them to be communist or even socialist, was koshered by no less than France, the college of Cardinals and the newly minted prison called Israel, sorry Josephus, and the die and Ferrari engines was cast.
4 AUGUST 2023.
Every so often since I was a boy, the inexorable water clock that is Television has caused my birthday to be shared with the images and apparitions now seemingly more history than the page of reread Ovid in the planned demic, as around my Dog days birthday I have seemed to share it with say Oliver Wendell Douglas or Rhoda's sister, or someone other imagery, which is now as much history, maybe more so than even the pages of newsprint Ovid which I read in the unfinished yet days of the worse trouble than it is worth planned endemic days. This year as recall it being the year when I was 8, and though given a usual 10 dollars birthday gift by immigrant parents, a Farooks fortune then, now a bad tip, I recall sharing my birthday and its Dog star warmth with Oliver Wendell Douglas and Arnold his pig arch enemy, as I bought a super-boy Aurora diorama kit, which now sell on certain toy pages with the adjacent cartoon pamphleteer comic book for uploads of a 1000 bucks. So these days I also shared my birthday with Oliver again, his very year, all this time later which is amazing to me it all seemed so slow and so fast removed, as did when I was 8, its amusing how similar television still is, like America its hit its golden age a whole ago, and too, that night, I shared my Perseid birthday with Fred Sanford and the famous show about his own birthday, which i was sure that meant something, but want sure exactly what. Perhaps, I should go back out as did that day, though the days of going out into the world alone,a s I in fact did at 8, seems incalculable to me as a rheumatic achieved along the way has my hip socket consonantly in pain, and it all makes me swell with a kind of true premise that I have along the way made every wrong diciest turn that I could have, as the coarsest democrats have, a different league of extraordinary men then, again, Ogletree and Scalia and Dick Thornbergh, and Richard Caligheri and Hodding Carter, they ALL MET ME AS I WAS A LAD, as they now deal with a goon whose name is on Hyde amendments and with as straight a face as he can get, he is always on hard sell is our aluminum siding cretin tin man, and his yea on war budget buildups and slashing Aids funding, and right to work legislation that no Trumps vainglorious signage does appear. They are now stuck with I note, an albatross goon who was anti busing when Norman Lear and Mel Brooks and other meatheads with comic delusions of satire dared to say to us kids then and all who would triteness to its homilies squeezed into Have it your way and I'm a peeper commercials, that those who ere against Busing where as the now fired white man lifer apparatchik said on GE TV, were human droppings that he thought, good Tipper of Irish delusions, that was a sort that would never be bumbling through the white Praetorian. I go out anyway, spearheaded around by a brother who I have to lean on now more than ever, physically now more than mere spiritual and emotional crutch I may have used him and others in my family as, and I fill with resentments, as do many, at the third act that this bumbling bamboozling idiot has led himself and all others to. Oh, and if the elections were held today, Trump would beat Biden 56 to that rutted mired sleepy hollow number he cant execrate himself from the swamp, 32 percent. If a third man is Timely added somehow, Biden reverts to 28 percent in some polls, but than that is what Plautus called upstaging. A Suetonius in cheapest clothing.
Paar for the course,as you'd expect from an age of rust coming from Biden as it has and does, hard to believe only a few years back an Ozark Pig was speaking of Marcus Aurelius and his want to be Suetrorius as the rebel in the leaves and the weeds, as I'm not shocked this old corpse would bring along with homeless sons a strange admiration for the barbaric that has underpinned our Romanesque drag. But somehow your grandmother is dead while old bigot hatemongers like Swaggert and Biden think they rule as Caesars and pontiffs of the wetlands and swamp, showing this country at requital was at heart everything my father and Gore Vidal EVER SAID IT WAS. A London company of comics seems to carry the weathers and the slack for bringing back a Conan character that Wokedness if not bitterness and insomnia seemed to be against and stag at as Toxic masculinity, a word the Hillary crowd discovered the very moment that she couldn't play Caesar of the west, and alike all lesbians prove she could kill with the best of men, or even Biden, as the case may be.
On my birthday I saw a interesting image that came from the center and hell's heart of this new Germania, as could come from someone who agreed with Henry Hide, --Rachel dear does your stomachache not revolt anymore...?--, that just because a Woman is raped that's no reason that its succumbing baby child shouldn't be brought to term as look how well Numa did with that with the Sabine girls after all, and that was what the Roman called their first ten book Golden age, which of course, the greed of the rat patrol and the smiling retardant idiot who runs the magic Castillo now wouldn't allow George Lucas his share or completed plagiarism. Plagiarism in the age of Biden as he points and sputters screams and crumbles, is alas the perfect word.
On my birthday I saw the underpinnings of nastiness to all that Algorithm out there, but then I noticed that when Obama the magnificent was still giving out halos and shine, darkie smiles, and tap dancing riffs, sho nuff and he as lauded for his waste of money as the God who is failing more and more used social media when all looked the other way at all the petaphila and the fat jokes and shaming of women,which after all Hillary once called Political calculus anyway. I saw a prissy, bitchy, filthy, queer of middlebrow, a word that the New Yorker hates as it pegs them so very well, and is the word used by the American Petronius, G.V., who dared mention a Palestinian irony available in the leftist auditoriums, who called it the police gazette without the warmth. A pompous, silly afoul little goon on yahoo did what the Jesuits and my father so warned me of since I was ten, and spoke so diversely of what he finally labeled “CIVILIZATION” BUT IN THE PERPETUAL AIR QUIETS OF THE POMPOUS AND THE SILLY AND THE WOMEN AND THE QUEENS OF EMPIRE, AS THEY HAVE STRANGELY DONE WITH BARBARIANS WHEN THEY AREN'T AS IS THEIR SPEED, FORCING THE MARVELOUS HOUSE OF STAN TO DROP A GOING CONCERN.
Lets for forget or forgo that Obama himself in mid sorceresses apprentice lifetime, and his reasoning of his two tones hand to control the seas like a bow-owing Poseidon, did when stalked at one of those collections of smiling fat girls and their perpetual political buffet and their first turning on Hillary, that Trump had nothing to do with like vetoing health care and this our Eunice must make him pay doubly for those she can not screech and bare her fangs as Ma said of her, Obama true to mommies blood I guess, sand showing here we were heading, he said He loved Conan and thus Rome less, as Billy the kid has been left in fact in the timberline weeds, just like that tragic , aren't they all...? Roman radicalize. After all, like may, its their word after all. This creep sneered at "classical civilization"--remember quotes mean we might mean it or not, deadpanning on who speaks the Latin and who uses an imprimatur to crack his walnuts. And this not just Rome, Christ never stops at Eboli much less Tarentum, or Pisa, or Otsia, ask Bill, and spake man again of how awful all those coloreds were to his pernicious woman, you know like the vestals that the Romans made priestesses who the Conan of then all raped in less than sacred pillars when the Germans get anywhere, and how not just scapegoat to the Bush family hatred of Rome somehow this time included queer Greeks and the Temples of Carnak, from what I gathered, as somehow like in DW Griffith all the woman you and Biden must always protected from AENEAS , THE DIDO THEREOF, AND THE WOMEN THAT NUMA, THE THINKING MANS REMUS, DID PLACE IN QUARRIES AND PITS OF CEMENT WITH THEIR BELOVEDS AS HUMAN SACRIFICE, HEY I TAINT JEWISH AND ITS ALL CALCIUM PILLARS TO ME, I AM NOT AS Vito said to a horrid to me since I was a boy football St. Paul, Myrrin, an evangelist. Or a segregationist for that matter, so I don't have to wash my cunt in vinegar over it all either.
On Oppenheimer. Nothing as American as reveling in patriotic destruction...well, when Bill Clinton was president as opposed to some hanger on term paper buyer who thought Mario Cuomo Sr. a sh-tickle too preacher for that great Confederacy out there, isn't the sad Roman at the wall , like Cato, or Silva, amazingly some Romans were ver shvitzed over their enemies, and wondered excitably what we had become. And i don't recall the Hollywood left even mentioning this year the Augustine anniversary of our our own barbaric fall of Rome. Sorry, before called a national socialist, That's what one book Truman, yes, Bills Roman lives seems to be a perpetrators required reading, girls, described it to as he was paraded through Berlin and Rome. I have allowed my disdain for Biden, Oppenheimer, Colbert and barbarous Conan, and all the white trash at the DAR to actually become as fruitful as ever, and have this year gotten as many essays as cartoons in rather nicely made art and political magazines, as segregationists and bomb merchants of death as heroes is a bit much for many who like me, remember the nuns at the anti war guitar masses. This hagiography deserving destroyer, who was alas thrown aside, by self same Truuuuuuuman, over lefter farting out some commie pinko love of the soviet union, i mean hell, some white men have to control the world, gents, this wasn't a Punic war, goons name principally was Julius, which i think, good republican me says it all. I have been already told that the Perseid's date of the 6th and the unnecessary Herculaneum of the city of Nagasaki, take that gooks, ! by some liberal gals in zines and mags out there that in fact desperate to make any money they could this federally dark night age, like the numbers of those dying of Sra--Coronavirus--COVID that the nightly news avowed until Mario Junior could get the nails for the doors, owned by war consortium and cartoon rat squads was told this year not to show as it often wasn't, any somber bells rung for the dead at Hiroshima, which as my immigrant Italian mother asked, how was that not a War crime, with a dollop of hate shimmered atop it,...? Silly Symphony, or requiem, Moat-zart's punchline, Antonio, if you'd like. Why wasn't he ever put in a glass booth...?
7 AUGUST 2023
I have come to the conclusion that if Bill Clinton was the Roman lives that Biden is at beast, a Rodger Corman production of the fall of the house of Usher. But, as I have said, in arts school I had to make seven packages, notes in bottles sent to Holly-rock, seemingly closer to me then than now, but am getting too old for the toy box. I drew out a prospectus to Disney, about ‘95, of “Stone Soup “ and a puppet show called Saturnalia. Like Uncle Walt, whose freezer is getting hotter, I stole everything from the wops anyway. In the second one, a little girl based on an elder sister around 1962, is given a barbie, fiction, as my mother despised that plastic thingie, and she wouldn't buy into American Plastic as Gore called it, and she, like not voting for Goldwater Cicero, refused to buy her daughter the young girls “whore dolly” as she called it. In the play, a girl is given a barbie doll and a from someone else, an Amazonia doll, the public domain Wonder woman– I am a born Jesuit–, in a story I recalled as true as a boy in bits and starts.
It is now the dog days of the summer of disconnectedness for Disney, despite of because of having a singing horrific liberalism cartoon , aren't they all...? named Lisa Simpsons somehow singing their praises as beloved by me Rhoda's sister Brenda has to have her songs now sync lipped by that dreadful Blondie Merm without the charm. It is the summer of Dinsey's end, go tell it on the Quadrennial hill, as either Puck or Collodi is laughing uproariously at this screw turned of events. He, but I have heard the chimes at Midnight, as Uncle Walt and his Nazi sympathizers, again I am no Germania reader sympathizer for national socialists, as Roman I, unlike Roman Bill have never much left the Flavian amphitheater much less the Hippodrome I want going to ever be caught dead at. Its a bad day at Black rock as in fact the woman who warned Colbert as indeed right and no one wants to hear from Mort Saul elliptically amid the black deaths dead who have somehow been placed by a strange amalgam of sympathy for drag queens, Gaea and of course, N*88er saints, with amazingly Biden as chief house coon, who'd have thought it ever be so...? without death bed or sidewalk death conversion scene, whose water color walls requiems striated to be unkempt the moment we saw their white girlfriend with too much a daily minimum requirement of seven servings of grains taken as religious gospel. I knew the moment he would fail,wasn't even at Disney anymore than but saw him hovering about on that Lesbians show in the warm afternoons, Robert “Call me Bob” Iger, Eeyore as I called him, was one time, one afternoon in the lock down they gruely do miss, on with glass housed Lesbian TV bitch , a lack of empathy has been act hinges since Leslie gave Steverino the job, and I saw him smiling away, he'd take the Proprietorship if the throne at Disney and the mausoleum of the Bothers Grimm, wasn't available and I saw him proudly and smilingly as a corrupt butcher, all thumbs, say that in his magic canals, an anthropomorphic Trump wouldst be unacceptable in his clown shows hall of periodontists sissy queens, the nothings that have mediocrity bullied as caretakers of the Epcot of America , where again the word Collodi or Basile, Grimm's a bit more, dare not speak their Italianate names. And I knew he was finished, that very day, during a Christmas that never started as a the Halloween has gotten sowed-an October war whose trees are always bare if not left behind a great burn. And is their newest push. as was Disney, for nothing more than that. Nothing worse I think for him than having to hear how well this summer has been to Trump, he trounces all comers and Biden is mired at 28-32 percent as his son, in the House of strangers as less Richard Burton as Antony, then Richard Conte, who'd never play him, turns the Orobus tails and ruins the table upon him, and of course, a jealousy he now has for the idiots at Mattel.
23 AUGUST 2023.
For some reason, to paraphrase Capote, an inner invisible instinct did draw me to some you tubian drawing and sketchbook list of videos, which included 600 page sketchbook challenges and a challenge to draw 260 drawings through the what I thought would be the doldrums year of 2023, in that endemically no one wrote the ending for first likes say how Botcho wrote Colombo, so that they made a modicum of sense. I without signing up for anything, I don-tr like uni vac knowing all I am doing as have had trouble with missing files on Goggle drives, which Only used to precept me from various charades which to be fair have become worse with the avoidance of most Porno sights in a strange devotion to Wendy Fiore, the kind that Bill Clinton secretly has and heir wife shall nerve ever get. Next time thou-st art avenged Dido make sure it isn't by some goon now having had his Putin Moment in being seen shirtless on the surf, especially as the dead are being carried from the rubble and mud, but then if you wanted decorum he was the worst chose..., if not dancing with his shrewish wife,a s something is always about to break, not that anyone really notices anymore, to their chagrin.
Breaking and this just in are the perfect words, Felix, as paranoid enough to think that my page at Ello is unavailable only because of my own big mouth, I find at another helpful website that in fact, they have lost whatever papers of transit that they need and that my various machines for cine are working fine. Of course to do the censorious Praetorian bidding of a dying ember in the eternal flame at an underwater 32 %, and who said when Andie poo and the Jewish ladies stenographer conceded that Mendoza line, like gas now above at least 3.95 everywhere my brother goes to fill up the red ford, these are liens alas that show that the Romans haven't been totally vacated as this election may be soon enough. We bought a street side, Saint Vlad's food court dinner of cephalic school polish delicateness which I have always liked, Slavic food like girls, ignored by Jew wanting to be in Catherine de Medici retinue if not worse, I have always liked.
But around noon, or older Lucy's versus later more suburban ones, the word came down at WPXI, channel 11, the channel of to me Bud Dweyer perpetuates, and showing what the plebs wish to see, and Hillary grumbles through and leave sin the alleys ways sho nuff, as to be done by minions and not mentioned by her DAR coven, we hared the bulletin that shots rang out this late days , this Dog Day after noon-ed give or take, this Perseid shower of a golden age. We heard that shots and how, rang out in the sections of town where my brother as a young man haunted with his Negro hoodlum friends at like Bill Clemonts Ribs and Bull-its bar, when he played b ball with the Connie Hawkins era boys. So eating this Polish dinner from the church, I'd rather give then money than any food conglomerate, Jove Knows, and we sat and watched the pretty and attractive and beguiling ethic girls of our televised one time Daily news, the pulpy Channel eleven, as soon enough the bat signal went up and out and in came some silver haired bloated pontiff, in the Roman sense, and his black girl aide de cameo, shooing the pretty brunette Liz, off the air. Soon enough we saw the Catholic school girls of that channel, Italian, Poles, Slavic and natural blonds, with anchorman doofus striding in to tell us all that in fact this ghetto of sorts, or sliding towards it as much, was under assault by some mad man, worse than mere crip, as like with the vaunted and celebrated Mafia, the wholefood of their gun play is to avoid Mexican standoffs and to get in and get out as quickly as possible and make all a New Jack, if not hijacked city. We sat here and watched all after noon as soon enough even KDKA, a childhoods cyclops news mater slipped away from the golden anniversary of the Young and the Breastless and Patty Burns, and its own bloated blow hard, yelled as the camera as his own Murrow boys style, and we watched the neighborhood left boiling by the Shahs and the elites no less, are, or thought they were above and beyond mere American suffering over the fact that they got Tesla's when they were told to in various briefing of what is ethical in the way we live now. Every day Colbert is out of work, literally not charging his battery with acids from his kelig light fusion is day without sunshine.
Juts from the Zone it was, and my brother understanding of what is called by some Picks-burgh, which I never much liked, in fact, I and we knew this was of course a black man who had either been caught in the crime that was he was assured his lamebrain life, or a more lucky scenario that I SAID ALOUD AND WHICH WOULD AGAIN IMPRESS A CATECHISM ESCHEWING BROTHER WITH MY MACHIAVELLIAN SIXTH SENSES, a black man had been caught up in the garrets of this Modern times machinery where we are all time after all, what inst right about a negro voting for a segregationist. To recall a word for which I got much anger from the white women who loved the sopranos and find nothing wring with Super Mario Movies, much lest Barbie dolls they were assured they hated and told not, N*88eralia, what else does a segregationist preside over, has been repined, while we are again if told at all, that pastry chef died again by accident and anyone who mentioned that fact that he had a wound in his head is merest bigot and Rachel will tell you so. An Alleyways Shah was the first think, I thought.
Knowing who he was, again the blowhard anointed as much, he married to the cooking Jewish yenta at PBS, whose channel was forever tarred by the fact that somehow they there between sanctimonious link ups with some hag from NPR, were getting 500 large a year showing again to be a liberal one must at first catch that rabbit. Or Bunny, if Bill Clinton is now quietly in the room. Note to self: find copy of Metamorphoses and the maiden who was made a disembodied voice so hated by the cvnts who could vote for what my mother called the epitome of evil, the wife of a serial rapist. A known of and had at hand yellow sheet,, all is Kojak lately, with Miranda being lauded by someone who at the time called it a handcuffing of the police he once loved, look it up, Stevie, a mug shot kept in abeyance all day was not shown, as I said again near a brother not yet willing to think it was already so done, hes dun deed, I said, in the kind of pigeon English so admired by liberals running for office first ladies, so dun turreted is dey, and by creeps who once did Richard Liu on television. A relative on that street, started singing loud enough for the attractive Italian girl from 11 to hear him, They killed my uncle he said!, ah but they don't make Arab sprungs like they used to, and in fact, whatever N*88ers showed yup at the parifferee of the stand off , eren't anymore given to saying ATTICA, ATTICA,...!, as they used up all their empathy long ago to let old coot Biden build his lackluster church on the bones of a plebeian , pill pirating George. I knew whoever this was, he was shot as they admitted and the cops stood around and allowed him to as they said too, go to an inner ventricular of this suburban life, and merely bleed out, as this is no world for optimates...something s I saw Oliver Wendell Douglas as Roman senator at his farm unthinkable now, was the first to say. Blowhard silver haired silver tongued empty suit, aging Brinkley on the peacock station gave the game away –I have alas done better since buying and reading AT HOME, a Time capsule Sybil-line book from the age of Gore Vidal, --by bringing up out of now where, the MOVE incident which Ed Rendell used to catapult to either prominence or just be a color man as it were on some other National Biscuit company cloak room,which if he did massacre all those Negros, no men and women and children just to advise Hillary he had the smoking gun of a lack of a birth certificate and kept the Merm in the race, to her diminished and demeaning, well, that seems a wholly worse human sacrifice than the injuns ripping out maidens hearts so the god that is the sun would rise again. He brought up MOVE, and its tragos, admirable cadre of Negroes spirituals and its New Afrocentric movements and its chic dashikis, --we have also taken to recalling and watching the terrific early years of Sanford and Son and the great Desmond Wilson do Richard Pryor written lines better than most, and don't forget no one there made as much money on that Lear show as did Meathead, casing Redd to go to A BIGGER CHECK--so all is nostalgia, down to watching ultimate good guy western hero adult Western Gun smoke and my quieter than not sister watched that each day, showing that that bridge t the 21 st century Pontiffs Bill was cobbling over Monica's dead body was in fact, well, lest say built by a mafia that as in old Rome sometimes hedged on the millstream, and the whole thing went into the drink sadly enough. Move, eh...?, my brother said, Well,I think you've called this one again, Tony Baloney. When have I ever wasn't...? I say back. Sometimes the really great Gunsmokes, which I compared to the digest of Roman law as a wise ass boy, are done by Peckinpah.
When the man was less weaponized as dead, his strange crazy eyed picture was at last shown. Wow, he really was nuts it seemed, and worse, like me, called himself more than he should, in the inferno were even Bill isn't Paolo anymore. He waved a red Romanesque flag, dared called himself a Moore. Tonight he's Othello, I said, making even my sister laugh. O- fella, I said. See Sanford above. But I hate the Grady Ones. He was, as I has suspected, in this Biden cesspit, this Okefenokee without the other Walt's charm, I knew he was another in a record breaking year of gunshot massacres, as didn't Bidden every chance he got tap dancing, as usual, vote against a lot of Clinton's meager Gun control efforts...? Despite the snarkiness, I did feel bad. This is why when I was a boy, my mother told me when she was a little girl in the thirties Calabria still had a measure of devotion to Catiline, tell that to the black hag on CBS This morning without Charles Kuralt. A mush mouthed mayor who ran against the loser Italian mayor for being in the same race as Christopher Columbus so hateful to Bush family OSS Matt Helms is this time, unlike when his assortment of relatives and kinsmen shoot up funerals is nowhere to be found. I think I will take the rest of the drizzly year off. I have done enough. A storm brews in the pitiless Atlantis, to be named Charon. Perfect timing. Welcome to dark times, welcome to the Biden inferno. Abandon all hope...