01 April 2024



Having ingrained in me a practically almost puritan, as you know the Italians are puritans when not caught inflagrante delecto and absolute libertines, depending, fear of pushiness, as the BUSH FAMILY I AM CERTAIN CAN IN A PINCH, LIKE Jewish PRODUCERS SAYING THAT Jewish GIRLS TOO HAVE MUSTACHES WHICH CAN AMUSINGLY GO AWAY ONCE A plucked and henna rinsed gal sells out to be other kind of girl, call ethnics just that. I mean, hell, that family of weirdos as my father called them, who sued generations of patrician hood to hide their own Bidinian love of death and bones, all is occult under the lace, he told me, once went after the first ethnic to run for office calling Micheal Duckakis up by twenty points as being too much a technocrat and not Zorba enough for the cotillion, where trump has been seen as a bigger Catiline than even Boated Bill was, who I still think is the enemy they are fighting here more than anyone. But I did get a Political cartoon, which I see in the truer sense of the word , in ways ethnics and other clowning now showing up on a newest Password, more insufferable than ever, do not attempt, as I have never thought they , strangely enough ever wasn't enough for that word, and they show themselves as venial as I thought, as sideways attempts at ice cream salon settings , well, men were detritus in pops cesspool for a lot less than a hated man eating gelotto strangely as the kids had to be ushered out from gandapas strangely stupid and malicious gaze, while he was busily truing to figure out with another ersatz REASON AT HIS SIDE, HE NAVE-RE MUCH MADE THAT BIG SHOW IN FORTY YEARS, BUT WAS MEDITATION ONCE CONNECTS TO ANOTHER FAMOUS PLAGIARIST OF SHTICK, eating cream as cold as his blood, while c rations were thrown from a c-17 and hit the waters of Circe, as he vainly tries to be again on all sides of everything lest a dollar from anyone, or a chanced out vote, somehow go, like his lifeforms end all his imperiled, Imperial, like Tacitus alliteration is my greatest sin, dreams down the drains.

I Got a political cartoon published in a place not much higher than a scurrilous zine, fine by me, all acceptations as I said to some admiration from a girl editor who liked my mentions of LOIS LANE AND Brenda Starr, WE ARE ALAS AS THE NUNS TAUGHT ME, NOT AL WHITE LESBIANISM ANGELS OF THE MATTINA, and we arenet all rapists and or married to one. People think I hate Hillary Clinton, but I have always seen her as something of a sacrerd cow. I've always seen her as the prize pig at the fair of politics, well, at least KL NEVER AFTER TOASTING HER, Vote for some creep who vetoed health are from the back benches. In the cartoon, in a drawing of a figure stolen by me as I did as a boy, I will always admit it, a uncle Sam wearing , of course, one piece ricking, the kind again the unmarried women and sissy's all hate, the dago kids raped incessantly A WARNED ME OF THE Icarus LIKE CRYPT OF A GOLDEN DOOR, from admired boyishly artist Jack Rikard, as a new Columbia, which was first thing published long ago. In the cartoon, again I think of as political in ways beyond the comprehensions of house clowns of Caesar, like smiling Seth, I hate the name Seth, ...its so Seth, the girl, the Rikard era Vestal hostess of the dying republic, says, Brain Fog and dullard-try as a bi product of Ovid...and yet,” she says as spreads a paper with on mentioned faced Joe smiling sways on it, always unaware that he is right near the ledge, “And yet, somehow, Biden is drowning at 30 percentage approval. Somethings, she says , are just apparent. I did get this published, another to be fair to him, drawing I did or started in the days of that self same black death, and like other Ines before me, I managed to make some level of art out of what now seems to be a wrongest move, as I could have told the clowns at midnight, always the idiot in power always kills the wring grandmother and roes the wrong daughter, and I'm sure in forty years of silliness Uncle Joe has done both, as ill just bet fellow bedtime Basile Merry Moppet Father gandar, left Colbert in the hallows of Ed Sullivan theater , a relic like he, and somehow seemed to take the side of the family who he glimmered onto long ago, as once could hear the walrus ask, what did that smirking queer Herbert Anderson ever do for lil ole me...?

Really now starting to unravel, sorry keeper of the virginal Veil, from memory, Bob Woodward, but his ironic hero Biden's final days started around 1984 when he had to bow out of a Presidential conceit, I believe that the bowling ball called it the 84 vote, you know, once he did his republican bidding and got Gary Hart out of the race, when he was alas beating old man Reagan by ten points, we couldn't have that, so, he gives that sort of state of the union addresses she has been remaindering of since he was giving eluogeis for Strom and voting No against sending Tallmedge out of the senate, it was above his pay grade, isn't it still...? He gave a state of the union where he spent more time speaking about Mars Bars than the boarder he , sorry girls at aremimetarium news on the march, literally, but mars bars seem to me to , if i recall the innuendos the Clinton often sued and could eek into the dialog at The Good Wife, now interestingly gone, they seemed to me to have always been an open secret about how he could use them as a kind of aphrodisiac. HE ALSO ,MORE LIKE THE DARED HOUSE OF COMMONS THAN ANY Roman senate, took questions and such from the audience , and as he has since i was in middle school, goes on tangets and rediroaril replays like the Floyd R Turbo that he mirrors, and iwthout the chram of timing. He speaks of having a come to Jesus moment with the Herod of new Judea, after even Boiney speaks of being stuck with him, and an outrage that his hands are bloody with ,w ell, what is it 30,000 people, as even Arabs, at 5 pints of blood each, isn't that right, . Anyways its a river of Hell, a Stygian mess, into which badly aimed chicken parts are dropped,as he thinks himself doing a Marshall plan, irony inherent in the very words. EN CAN HARE THE SANCTIMONIOUS ON THIS DAY TWOFERS THE HOLLYWOOD FEAST DAY TO CELLULOID AND TO CLEAVE, of a sort only Ohioan is if not dad as Joy Bahear actually wised once, between mob wife taping, no kidding, but again she didn't know why it was called a "Theater of war", I guess she never read Commentaries like me and Bill, and vultures of a feather to molt together, and limping is everywhere and Fiches do rot from the gills down, and trees die at the crown, I can hear the come to Jesus , Sunday go to meeting UN AS A THOUSAND MONKEYS SCRAPPING THEIR SIMIAN HANDS ACROSS A THOUSAND BLACK BOARDS, and Jews everywhere, at least for a Sunday morning , as their American scene dream wives and brood mares tape and scrape and drag queen themselves for a unscathed festival for films also unseen, …

“And then saw, as father Francis taught me of the moment of revitrovi, which means, now you so know. And despite my attempts at playacting as a Petronius and Gore Vidal, I saw heinous awful everyone's cousin, mourning Joe and his Morning with Desi and Lucy parner, Miss Polish Sausage 1992, and thought of how he Javier-ed and hectored the Roman lover valedictorian and his finally tamed Catherina, and like Ma hearing of that smiling incessantly alderman telling his dying solder son, on his dearth bed, and not Troy, this Achilles died in bed, hed keep the Clinton's out, so die in peace Sonny boy, his overfed face made me shudder ,and quickly make a sign to ward away Germanic evils. Even in the Jewish bible all demons have blond hair I ASK , as Trump is still winning, we bring good things to-blight, who else gets this ensnarement from the grave of Olbermann and Morgan, who else gets the full GE between Miss Poland scarfing down pirogi's, will anyone ever be anti war again, at the tower where Clinton enemies have gone to die...? Since Reagan they've always had some bag of shit who is willing to stand in the way of anyone bringing the imperium peace and free aspirin. Just keep your bullshity credos about communism away from the TVA or else, measles an drones for all! Ill give back the Amana range and take the big deal Monty, as I remember he was there first.”

I was watching the Musters, which despite the hatreds and readers of the New York-er and the middlebrows children of Alan Brady, playing hippies since Jathro, who make a point about how much they hate that elf same rag which Gore , lauded by pops, said was the Police gazette without the warmth, is more witty than any political shit now. . My brother came in while I was scanning drawings to end out, and showed me his phone. I had heard the tinkle, as Big Al Seuss would say when i was a kid, but thought again it as the politician ads he has come to hate. READ THIS HE SAID, AND showed it, he still uses a pathetically obsolete flip phone he uses to, almnost at me. I just wont listen, he is certain.

It read, Mar 9 Turnus, Martin Scorsese likes your comment. http://fb/25Z1Ys5yuYWgxYI

HE SMILED, and shook his head at me, SEE, HE SAID, I told you, you are a Roman knight, kiddo, he said, And all of that Jesuit armor on you mean that they might pretend to hate you, but they read you, ...and eventually, [in a weekend in which a bloated televised academy wards might be worse than anything John Severn or Mort Drucker can conceive of I parenthetically add, in which the burned of Herculaneum, no sorry, Nagasaki, and their being immolated to uncle Shylock will be nocturne and noted maid and among the hoers in sequence, or in their care Consequential] They always know, he added, Who read Virgil, and who is a D student. I am thinking this week, he said, You made him like your Jesuitical comment before heed have to laugh forcibly at the tired old rummy jokes made by bloated pigs who made girls jump on tramps and trampolines, in and out of telling us who to vote for between floating in and out of the hive that has become a remade Password. He is a bigger Jesuitical student than Ill ever be, I have noted, and said before that the goons of television should have left the politics alone and dealt more with the elixir that the peacock has tried to shill for ,now worse with drones and war material, Push that Product Rachel dear, like sugarless gums, Scope for fresh breath, two tow two mints in one, and of course, the alchemy that can stunt the heartbreak of Psoriasis. I WAS more glad and more proudful when I got a like from Jon Stewart and the now dead daily show for saying that line of mine sued since impressed Jesuit perverts and dons of Georgetown, That the Empires change and the Sicilians stay the same, a shame I said that MEATHEAD DIDN'T EVER make it clear that he would be making an Italian folktale like Basile into a movie. But then I am glad to know that both Tommy Smothers and Norman Lear died under a segregationist, means no body really cared between laughing and again I WAS RIGHT. And more to the point, I was glad once to See that my little scrawled diatribes here, thirteen in ROMAN RED ON A ROMAN WALL, unlike girls with bed sheets I haven't ever gotten close enough to Biden to be arrested for what I thought, when I got a up vote from pretty, lovely Mulatto lass herself, Kartina Richardson. She is too close to Medea for a dying Holey Roman empire that thinks Key and Peale witty, as I told her, who the hell likes them....?, obviously someone does, and think they are Malcolm X. As I have said, I have , in all things, a type.
