1. As I am diligently cutting at WLM
part iv, I found I had to brake down and buy a honest film sifter and
not just use odds and ends I found on various websites that also
downloaded weather ads for computer cleanses. Still, I went out and
went to Target for the first time in three years and bought a
replacement Cheap Vivitar camera to read the disk placed within it as
it broke asunder, and too, I liedk being out and about in the
Frigidaire airs, the cold revivifying a droopy me. I bought the
studio template version of Palladium studios or some such thing,
which at 90 bucks---Gaaaah!- was only ninety dollars more than the
widows heist I had been already downloading anyway. But 90
dollars...again, --gaahhhhhhh, it hurt, but I did it anyway.
The post holiday weeks has been me at
my Jesuit student best, in that I am like them a sponge, no gay jokes
please, I cant get away with them not being a good Lutheran or a
woman, and I have watched the every click I have made, learning as I
go to make this film as professional as I can, as have been sent
another yes but, and with it a shit load of instruction to understand
what film is when one isn’t a puppet made boy of Hervayy, although
these messages and specs creep up again at strange times, just ask
our friend Martin S. But any port in a storm, or doldrum for that
matter, and I now can keep the film in various ways so then forgo to
dismal of a wrong formant is now no longer theirs to pull out of
their place and I must now be demeaned face to face about what I say,
or have said, which once was a fear of mine, and which now is merest
Tasking the day off after down loading,
I sat to watch the championship games of my only liked Roman sport of
football, made pansy fied in the same ways Roman Wars have, which of
precious still leave room to move, if not double bill, and allows for
bloody strafing of Pakistani weddings by anti aircraft fire, which
somehow the good Spartan cup holders and anti war types never notice
as they like good closet everythings cry mercy the showing of war in
movies, like the old don aghast at the Sicilian art of puppetry in
the sepia soaked godfather, to show us all what is real and as
Pilate said, what is truth after all. I had an inkling as a priest of
the Maia who is signora Fortunae. As the Romans were more about the
femisazaion of things than yous and Jews at fox would so think, I got
a hunch that Peyton was going to win, as today didn’t seem like a
time that Tom Landry would have to share his numbers with a stoic
surly bitch queen stalwart everything caught cheating and somehow
with imps always on the look out for heeling positions sued by Eros,
so how this time it didn’t matter to rosters of the blood sport
crowd, so spake father Costas. Also, I had an inkling that despite
being the better team, that Seattle named for injun and King as they
dismember any Jersey like Columbus days in Thor loving adulating
White utopia, Oh, Seattle, Seattle, like Brooklyn Brooklyn leave me
be,., Seattle, land of closet GOP white folks log cabin fags, who
aren’t racist in tee least, was going to win as puppeteer Godel
would have it no other way. The allowing Seattle to run into the
kicker and throw Fred—Kaep-rnick down without the ball, was a dead
giveaway. Shazam. But then, Kaepernick, as a adopted child like
Seattle white women saw him as the one darkie boy who got away. Even
Publishing Ancient Romance myself, just for the due respect for
myself, I still having passed 250 pages, still took out a story
called the Well about abortion as a weapon sued in magna Gracia by
Greek lesbians and queers, the imperialist desire of all, Spartan
love amid the barracks, as didn’t want to deal with the hags again.
Oh, poor once great Colin, has never looked so much like a Fredo, and
they always like their Fredo Corliones, as Road kill and affable
'beatrice.' Tinkerbelle eqivilant of the Acri Radio Pictures Catello. 1993
2. I was disjointed by rumination of
the unromantic aspects of our fix is in game I watched the new
Sherlock, which I have discovered lately, and admire and like
infinitely more than the lace curtain porno of Downton Abby, which
the commie pinkos of PBS, this is the third time at least that a
Victorian age drama has captured the fancy of brutish women who tell
us how un racist they are as they dream of a wistful time, when even
the irish knew their ruddy place. Oh, preface be, they shall as at
Asgard sprinkle a few darkies hither and yon to let them feel
accepted like the Jews in the golf clubs, but that is funny coming
from a society which was having its own Kampfs within recent memory
as John Bulls as my father called them yawningly and sneeringly sued
to tell him what a credit to his race he was with his willingness to
work. My father, among other things, warned me of all things British
and Anglican,l as now as they make niggers in helmets and coons at
the Abby, he made sure I was to remember that these were the kings of
eugenicists, which he labeled the dna queens part of so I wasnt
shocked in fact, when the father of DNA turned out to be a hateful
Essayist himself, as I recall what the grand dame dowagers and
English romanticism you love so much were saying about my father
race, and even the tangential Spanish and Jews and even yes Greeks
before they had to start a new wing at central casting.
I though do love and watch Sherlock
fondly, having read through the stories as out of a Christmas gift
ages ago, a collection of author Conan Doyle's massive work. I though
am made evocative by the man who stars as Sherlock, an updating
infiniily better than the CBS crap which made me think this was going
to be awful, as Basil Rathbone hunting Nazis. But the best actor to
portray the detective since Jeremy, Benedict , like his name has a
air of the Italianate about him, from kinky black hair to lean and
hungry look. He actually recalls in me my elder brother as when I was
a kid, down to the hair of black ziti, the leanness and the clever
sharp mind, which I Wonder can we use such a word now that Coppola
thus has made Thugs of us all...? He looks like my brother when I was
a kid, and I though not looking like him, I still have a doppelganger
in Martin Freeman, Dr Watson, who is chubbier, thicker, slower,
always at wits end , and always hurt yet captivated by the tall lean
man of seeing around corners. I like this show very much, especially
the audacity of bringing in a Machiavellian look alike, no less, to
play the villainous Doctor Moriarty, who was brilliant, as I was glad
to see this show back, amid the sad soap opera’s beloved by white
women and faggots, who seem to want to return to their ages of the
grace of no bless oblige, acreage and class discretion as we all go
over the less than Victorian falls wrangling barrel because that what
a poverty stricken fool must.
I was lazily going through the cable
channels as work diligently all day to get the Pinnacle Studios
software of digital film editing to work, I studious at software
understood and working, as I am at my best Jesuit student mode, and I
am open and aware of all click and clacks, all returns and enters as
I haven’t been since a student way back when, so I endeavor in the
Creation of at least WLM, PART 4, CATTILINE. So over stimulated am I
as a student at this curriculum of light and shadows, of this digital
process I cleaned up Vunder-girl and Rag comics scripts to send off
to a Russian publishing house no less , with ties to china as they
look for old line men magazine adventures repertoires of the sort I
read in dell and Charleston comics as a boy, like Tarzan and the
Phantom, and all things adored by local heroic Dore Duvall. I am
cleaning this comic strip book up, as liked the way I wrote before,
damnnit, before giving in, and cleaning up and bemoaning credos to my
own race, as I liked the pulp,more than poser Quinton does or did.
Now, crestfallen, he starts to keep telling us he is leaving film,
dont stop him, hes leaving, yes Mongo, we heard you, don’t lest
the bloody door hit you in the tuchus, and by bloody I don mean to
affect a Bakers street tongue as much as say everything he has
touched has been socked in blood in ways even I, with Roman aplomb
find, uh, yecchie. As for Quinton I say to paraphrase the great
Boccaccio, we have seen his best in Quinton,[Plutarch], when we have
seen the least of Sergio Leone. [Dante]. I also like the doing of
Vunder-girl Rag, as see a Abe Burroughs new york invoked there and
was only going to use this as a script for a Alan Moore like comic,
but as I have said, any port in a downpour. I atria word from the
eastern Hemisphere, as it makes me feel like Peter Lorre and his fat
man hardener Victor Guttman, hummmmhummmmpgh, looking for the stuff
that dreams are made of. See, again I must say the dangling word of
there appeals to me, as does A apple, in that if Bogart would have
said the stuff of which dreams are made it wouldn’t have been
remembered for a single day. I like to talk to a man who likes to
talk to a man who likes to talk. Yew fahttt stoppid ididot, you
peeeeg, To the handsome, and away into Buuuurmmmmma....
3. Looking for something to ease my
keyed up mind, neurally I haven’t been is focused since anointted
days of creating the casts and the settings I still work at
diligently, I see the channels are covered with a house darkie who
has played the American game with a relish and a joy that is almost s
unseemly. The beats commercial comes on, with our Freudian nightmare,
Dr. Goddell's Boy Sherman, which was in the can as they say when he
knew he had to liberality sing and or bellow for his supper. I have a
pair of beats and their ghetto baseline, as do all baselines adored
by masters and servants, I say let the music like food rest and
breath from your white love of cleverness and in-stagnation a bit,
the base brought to prominence by misunderstanding the Roman idea of
the left hand scales in the musicianly dashes they took from the
Etruscan, willingly, it is dower and deep and hellish, and echoed in
ways that makes me itch. I turned off this wall to wall coverage, as
had to wonder why suddenly fan radio hacks who trashed Richie
Incognito on the word of a Stanford lawn jokey both sunny literally
said boys will be boys, using that get out of indignation for free
card, one again not so long after famous prize winners had alums in
power get them off, as thou-st hast conquered, Bobby Bowden!. Feh.
So, I saw in turners movies the film
from the annas mirabilus of 1973, before our collective falls, the
film, The Paper Chase. Bleech, starring pompous tub of guts, Orson
hitch tail rider John Houseman. Ah yes the man who thinks producing
Citizen Kane was what made it great, of course, when it was the
Jewish man at rko would stupidly and naively gave father Orson catre
Blanche later Jews and wops like the whiz kids would not give as they
mementoed his name as their Virgil, but after all, bidness is
bidness. I watched a bit from this film, as Lindsay Wagner was a
sophisticated Blond of the sorts that somehow went away just as
Maureen Dowd copyrighted the brunette Bimbo for arisings we are still
unwary. And there was Kingsfeild, the teacher from hell. As Housemen
was a merest Hungarian from Texas, sheesh, played the role of what
men who have never known Jesuits thing Jesuits are, or better an even
more phony version of the sort of fakery sued by Wm F Bug-eyes, who
only would dare to say in lispng whisperers lest eh be heard by the
audience to which he glassy eyed played, I adddddooooored Joooolian.
No, old Johnny was master of the stagey pompous, here not as bad as
it would get as he laden his traits honed over the century sold by
the pound like so much bratwurst to even then the jinnning up
kleptomania of the republic known as Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and
Ziggy. They who even then knew that need of a short sellers and
feigned erudite shuffle of stage craft as a fake English accent amid
the Jordan Belorfts in ovo even then, as young hustlers like likable
Kramer was on the street and prowling.
This unnerved me as I did my best
Martin Freeman, fumes, stammers,eye rolls, and puckers. I was taken
aback by this remembrance of the 1973 days of Saturday comic books
and walks to the candy store. I was not impressed by this act, not
did I liked the effects on me, as I thought of many of the Jesuits
now dead who never acted as if they had the answers so cagey as did
he, but were more John McLaughlin types always looking in grafts they
made themselves on the fly on scales of Libra of nil to 1000, zero
being metaphorical something or other as they always placed their
thumbs on the scale when one one was looking, or even if they did. I
was off put and had enough of the nutty professor and turned away.
I recalled, with Stanford in the news
now as one blowhard darkie with paper after another shows ya and
demands his piece of the American blackbirds in a pie, I recalled and
have written of it before, of how in 1982 on the strength of a passel
of pages of low yellow second sheet, with storyboards and little
else, of The Rage of Catiline. I almost wormed my way into the marry
halls of Stanford, myself. I was sent a letter saying that I was
accepted for Americanization down the field into a then just almost
new film department. My mother wanted no part of me going to
California as had been there and wasn’t that impressed by the
golden back door then, as saw it a burgeoning barrio archipelago,
seeing it as less Joe Friday and far too Onion Field at first glance
My father though, he was put off by this, as I was to be a scholar, a
lawyer, a reader if Virgil and lets say the collected works of
Caasavettis twas not his idea of a tome. Looking back I am assailed
in my flippant suing of blarney and how I could sue it as an almost
catch me if you can way to get access others would dream or yearn or
seethe for, perhaps it was a side effect of the affirmative action
stance prehistory not yet had Coppola and Scorsese tarred the name of
the people of the Renaissance that not yet had I become and clarion
clown, apropos not yet had white women found the Italian they had
tried to use as pool boys and gigolos handnt yet cleaned them out of
mother's silverware, allowing white women to say of them what they
hide they say about other especially from themselves, I wont know.
By somehow with mere Bic rollers and
crayons and second sheet paper I created opuses and opera dell arte
that I cant do on a dare now, perhaps it was a cowardice at work or a
mere uncaring attitude I don’t know, but I was offered house darkie
status in Stafford eons back, before the leisured caught up to me,
and the works of Shakespeare were taken out of all California schools
as being Imperial, whilst Hannibal as usual juts doesn’t get
mentioned very much. Somehow as still a whiz kid then, and without a
shred of film or videotape or anything like that, whereas I was sure
that others had sent scads of still physical reels of thin Brown
tape, oh how the sprockets holes get into your mashed potatoes and
everywhere, as Mel would intoned, how did I, cable and yet mired in
fatigue and fear and yes lazy as a Tacitus Roman porch monkey
demanding my circuses, how did I so impress the preists of Stanford
to be allowed and accepted as a film maker, as a student who would
have to actually learn how to make a film physically, but having
shown enough ink as at least blueprint that I convinced them I was
worth the bother in the program.
How did I, the queen of laisee faire,
never backbreaking a sweat get mere cartoons to get Stanford and
others to accept me as a possible hollywood boilermaker, when others
were covered in Kodak fluids, preening a Copolian love of the anti
artifice, or mythical art, of Cinema. Was it that they knew that
Orson was right, who Houseman liked to demean as not having read the
very books he somehow memorized to be able to perform them....that a
knowledge of literature, art, and all the renaissance arts, was more
important to film than mere shots, now I heard on Charlie Rose don’t
exist anymore, as they did for Stanley Kubrick...? Is it possible I ,
dare I say as Italian, impressed the provosts of their middlebrow
academe before they had to sell out to the trash and garages and make
people read that slave shit as to allow for their constituted strip
mining of ghettos for bball hoodlums and used thugs who could be as
paid in white girls and untreatable Cadillac...? Was my premeditation
for Niccolo and Geoffrey worth more than somehow who knew mean
streets down pat...? Was I truly a last student at the end of an
Americana republic, soon enough to be highjacked by radiographers and
Regaintes and men who wish to now deteriorate De Blasio and Cuomo
with impunity dare three more cents of every dollar go to the state
they have no fear of asking you to die and kill fir as baseball goons
get daily shows with the brunettes that amass like murders of crows
and truckle at five as opposed to the prime time blond hags and
smiling disco hags of Rodger Ailes...? Dare I be that self assured,
allowed with some and not with others. Dare I say that as an eighteen
year old boy, that to me the paper chase I accreted as less a mad
flitting through the commons as it was the decree I have always
attempted of posters affixed inappropriate and unacceptably at the
wall, graffiti as as Roman an art as as ever been. Also the full
brunt of AIDS WASNT KNOWN YET, and I always had a naturalist ally in
the fags of then who admired me and my Jesuit leanings, as they
actually liked the disdain I had mentioned of priests that film was
little more than Italian Puppet show made large. They weren’t all
dead yet and replaced by bald men who shriek of marriage vows with
their lover Anderson Cooper as beloved television performers yet, and
so my slightly shady Machiavellian intoned love of the Roman circus
in ways Fellini was not allowed to think of it was intriguing to
them, as Scorsese had yet to so leaden the Italian box with his crap
he had yet to play the role of Cicero on the stairs bellowing about
his importance to all who would hear, as he never understood as I
again augured he’d know that the Fisca to some Romans was the only
Circus that mattered.
"ITALUS REX."--2011
And then in the night I saw the dying
organism known as Apple computer, without its head, who appeared as
computer science geek and rival to old school CC Eaton’s IBBM, in
MS-1980 as new billionaire Andrew Lemmings, who owned a computer
giant called Google, no fooling, I am not lying as had learned that
word in 1973 in a book I had kept as a talisman called Splendid
Journey, told to read three times what the other wops did, as a
antibody the priests thought to the contagion picked up on mean
streets, where the filthy didn’t wash their hands, but did their
minds. As the commercial that had brought it as a company back from
the dead once. In this, filmed on a i pad, as the new Technicolor, I
was taken aback, the whole meaning of a good commercial, I am
huckster with a liver of gold at heart. see my pre Mad men Ad Hoc,
where gin woman and artwork ties were as usual for me celebrated.
They are trying now to say what I had heard the COMIC GUY EMETYRUUS,
the great Kevin Smith say that a feature could be made on a Iphone if
need be and I took him at his word. On this commercial, the voice of
principal to me, Robin Williams, a boyhood hero and admired still
even now as he is reduced to doing shtick with hang dog house Jews
late of new Christine, sadly, still, here he was Poet teacher from
the dreaded DEAD POETS SOCIETY, WHICH HAD BEEN thrown in my face as
late as 2009 with the making of Mr. Stupendous, where the unreduced
catchers, Jesuit and Franciscan and such weren’t shown in either
way as Hollywood would so like, and had a mean streak as I could
attest to, especially against the girls who had a hyppolyta in then
onwards and upwards Fienstein who, and this is literally true,
checked on her make up to announce Mosconi was killed by a wayward
rogue faggot in a lovers spat, as the collateral damage that wops
always are. But too, I did mention I felt bad about the way they were
allowed to die on veins and on quilts that white women made to feel
ever so good about themselves, their Petronian yardstick to all art.
Yes, now Slaonic hags and effeminate queers snitch about war movies,
as Obamers was re-elected as with a vendetta mind no better than a
Sicilian, and men no longer need to be shot in the back and dumped
into the sea to get this coon of coons reelected. Still, taught by
nuns even, yes even women who warned me of Irishwomen poring guilt, I
would have killed whoever had touched a hair on Ben Laudins head, as
did Caesar to the men thinking stupidly that their torture of Pompey
would go rewarded, again, none of these Germanic horde leg breakers
ever getting the whole imperial joke.
4. The latest film consortium I had air
mailed my DVD at, gets back to me, and has as usual a list of
demands. I print it and show it to my still sharper than me brother
as I can make no sense of any of it. Why he asks slyly, does a work
of any art Have to be anything, in any form outside of
time and deadline and not allowing porno or dirty words, after that,
what is all this,... But he surprises me and says to me, I will with
his help reach this deadline at least, and maybe others, as I print
the pdfs to send more work, going in for the kill as unromantic
Scorsese bleeds on the in land sanded shore as little more than a
Canaanite in the way, of a Rich Sanchez or anyone else suck on by
good inshore jersey gumba creep Stuart Little, as he will discredit
anyone for food and games. We will get the various things they demand
done, he says with sureness, as if he sense like I suspect if
anything its all burlesque anyway, and they like playing Sam Goldfish
moire than even Walt Disney. Well get the vestal and the old man as
Roman Lear he says, as by now, too, all the n words and cake bosses
and Paternoism has gotten under his skin too.
Still I was caught frozen on a twinight
when I was saddened literally by what I had just seen. The house
blowhard bawling at target of boy men, Erin Andrews, screeching in
her ear with out the least compunction bothered me desperately. Why.
I am unsure. I felt worse watching Sherlock than I did that night
when The Catch was made by Montana, who all heads up, should Peyton
win he will by Fag acclimation and signed off by the sissy
Greenbergs, be the greatest of all time, two super-bowls down no
less, but then if Kaepernick thought looking like Fredo was going to
helm him in a land of byzantine house Negroes with Stanford papers,
good luck to you, Colin, or Guido or whatever your name is. I'LL GET
you a Lear, my brother said. I think of the eight pager I did of
satire of Shakespeare, it only works for me as austere satire no
loveable Horace here, King Italius, and the fact Id like to put a
resemble facsimile into the film here. How again, with a usual
disdain of everything and a baldfaced, what is the word...?, taking
for granted--ness, I used small bit of yellow paper to be my own
affirmative action, picking locks I only realize now were always
allied against me, more so now than then, but picked them I Roman
Tony did. Pages sharped by me to a razors edge were sued as a way to
slice upon Gordian knots I didn’t realize back then were as
entangled as they were. With simple page arowsmithiness, I plunged
these pages of ninja star , no better Roman cutlass sharp page within
at people not yet as made so Liberal that I would be the decreed
arguable nigger for their needs carted to the minstrel shows. How big
a pig or self righteous or lazy was I not to have seen that then, or
did I, and was I just a coward at heart despite my Instinctual love
of the Roman letters. I would see great Italian American Frank
Langella, now playing King Lear as an antidote to a holiday run of
Twelfth night, all male, making me think of the scene true as rain,
where in Cambrian Italy, Greeks doing a similar act, as opposed to
Columbus, the Greek imperialists, laughably called democrats, brought
not sickness to Italy, ah the reason for the word German Hitler so
hated, but brought their unreadable schoolbooks, according to even
uppity Cornelius and the boy lovers who wrote them, sob sissies that
Aids has left us with nothing but. AH, but the Greeks in drag were
booed and lettugaed off the stage by Italians, who even then adored
the idea of the Goddess, and in a way invited Drama, or at least the
ingenue. He recalculated this all in me to a possessive degree, and
too of the Gragantua who was Welles' Lear, elegant and without even
beloved Ian’s bombast. And a sadder, older Lear with a return to
the men of the soil from Roman roots, yes a comparable like story
appears in a book of Roman history, what in Shakespeare don’t after
white wiskers said he had grown up, and thought a woman was right who
told him to leave people be, and quit invading their personal space
for personal gain and quit lying in wait. Ah ha why I hate Richard
Sherman, despite his cocksuker contingent at the slave ship now
blaming all for his villainy, play the part you chose, or don’t, as
Ovid might have said, but quit asking, yes!, quit asking to be
admired for your viciousness, because the bean counters you sold
your soul too are reading over your contract to brake it. Jesuit Tony
smells a rat. Or a Legal Team, as the cocksuckers of ESPN have their
minds made up for them by warrant and memo. The earth, or at least
OUT AND ABOUT, the light touch of me as Italian circus maker and
puppeteer is gone, and is our newest paragons of virtue. The Gods of
masculinity are now un-impressed by your Spartan stable boys, as
Flammnius is said to have said.
I felt bad this January night, where
was bloated windbag Berman by the by, isn’t he the keeper of their
gold and maroon flame...isn’t Berman their flammen....Hoo Boy! Why
did this make me feel bad, as I hate the San Franers, and should have
enjoyed this, but did not. A man humiliated people on a field, stars
of one of the top four franchises that horrible league uses as much
as anything to amuse the circus crowd, besides the fall of Rome love
of Concussions. If I were Richie Incognito’s shyster, that’s the
first thing I bring up, when is this nigger who is having a blast by
the way, who is allowed impunity not given unto hated folks like
Richie and Dez, remember our blue streak who heard passion isn’t
catching at all...?, when is Mantan suspended for bullying tactics
for homophobic emasculating antics on the Colosseum field of play.
Why isn’t he suspended....? Oh yes, he's black, and like a Jew is
incapable of doing anything illegal immoral or questionable except of
course, not showing up on election day where his good white trash
Irish drunken masters point to go. AH, Machiavelli, the patron saint
of the Franciscans, with a nod to Francis, but the whole reason that
niggers are unquestioned and Wikipedia still is suspicious of
Politzano and Ludvico Ariosto. I heard sometime how coon on fan radio
say gracefully, boys will be boys about Boy Sherman, showing a degree
in ethics from the Clinton Foundation. Really that is funny because
of something no one saw Dogs of Caesar fail to call Richie all sorts
of things, as what they say to a hypocrite is the closest thing they
have to decency anyway and so except the same amount of carefulness
from you. Ah, but if I may go Anti Stanford Jesuit, a mistake was
made indeed by our Millie Vanilli wall banger, when the beats
commercial came out within twelve hours, showing again his
sanctimonious, as it has been since the Prince was wet, as it is with
blacks and Jews, sorry just quoiting Terrance again, no February cup
for you darkie, is sold by the pound. That gave it all away, the game
was too apparent like father Gore's love of Roman Satire amid the
foolish women, showed up the fact that a company signed a stooge you
couldn’t literally pick out of a lineup, and how it fish tailed
into the exact agreement, sorry Argument, which in our filthy empire
of shysters is always interchangeable, that puppet Sherman was making
made more than one eyebrow go up at Park Place. In the year of Richie
Incognito and fainted distresses at the old names of Cowboy rivals,
it appears like Pope Francis vacating cash awards given to Italian
boys mothers, both who have been sexual trade since Boccaccio, it
appears now that a circuit judge sees that the house of Godel has
been low balling men wishing to paid off for their lives given to
their shield, something the Romans always did, but again empire costs
more money than goy hater Jewish senatore would like to think. Is it
possible that I had some deep Italianate sense of things, and the
nature thereof, that I was not shocked to see good white boys and
closeted barely effeminates who make careers of jokes about their
effeminacy, then dare to bitch about gay slurs, ninny in the morning,
who breathlessly savaged Richie though as the story went on it was
apparent this was not the usual wop gumba that you love so, and as
stupidity enough, a mistake I have never allowed, to let white
masters tell him to be sicked upon the soft candy ass nigger who
thought the Americana dream was being carried aloft by the hot air
and sanctimony of white women. Not the first to make that mistake, as
Hillary gets her revenge by making President Romo dance and dance and
dance away, begging to be adored again. Is IS POSSIBLE That I KNEW
BEING ...COMPLICITE IN ANY IF IT. Gidell, bless his heart, was played
by an affronting moron with a contract for ghetto ear blasters, now
that their previous spokesman Kapernick was uncovered as being
Sicilian. AS I WONDER WHY doesn’t bullying matter in public
humiliation as it does in word of mouth, as why did the victims of a
Scorsese movie only matter not when they were Italians in garbage
trucks and thrown into piers or shallow graves dug to sounds of Stax
records, if that cool, but listened to only where Jews always looking
for that holiest grail of twenty percent return. Why is that...,
please I know I can be a prick and a pain, but someone say it please,
just say it in the land of the Pyrite door. Roman Sicilia digested at
blood level. So, the commercial of Robin for Apple was a moment of
respite for what had been a grumbling me, to the point that even my
brother saw my disjointedness and told me affably to drop this crud,
who gives a shit, go enjoy Masterpiece theater and this Sherlockt.
But I was upset to my Roman ciore. I felt bad about more than some
tap dancing thug flapping away on gonniffs command. Yesssh. Thumbs