24 October 2014.
1. I WAS ASKED, ANGRILY, what was I trying to say
in WLM, by sue of Wendy, black and white daily news photos of mob hits,
Cattiline and Salieri, all I guess hated by the women who shepard our fall. God
help you, I responded back, when I am the one being Subtle, as you are lousily
with hypocrites. Helooo.....hello...?
How could I sue Wendy, a woman asked, as some
image of Italian woman hood unloved as a new bloated fat blond and her baseball
closeted boyfriend in ‘stolen’ pictures make us all sick, though the day of
the bombshell seems over and done with, we use drones now Bunnie, not an Trojan
goddess pawned on a any one. Well, I said, proudly, as a Jesuit would, in
public domain, when you release publicity stills on your own, they are, I said proudly pre law, these are seen
as in the public domain and thus can be sued by anyone until Gorge Lucas
changes 3000 years Roman old law showing his layaway toy guns for all credo. Now now, she said, what right did I
have to sue Wendy as a symbol of something bigger than she , which is hard to
imagine, but still, she was dodging two bit feminism shit, like how we are all
devoted to a minimum wage as am American dream when the drones in suits are
somehow bribing 93 cents out of every dollar to plutocrats about to send jobs
to Canada this making the press stop in mid screech, what evader is all
avoiding is dues for all along. But since Barry Hit 36 percent, even smiling Jack and other afforded have moved on, like Dante away from the seething demon
demanding notice.
Oh, I see, Wendy cant be seen as a kind of bikini
clad Beatrice anymore, but I don’t hear any anger when one fat chick after
another does her dago shtick, or again, some again hipper than thou show on bag-man channels about to girls does her mustash jokes proving her bonifides,
and don’t shoot I’m unarmed, as all Italians must do to be allowed in. No one
seems upset by one fat Italian woman after the next on gumbas minstrel shows,
and this busty bathing beauty bothers you...? I am not shocked, but then I can see
around those walls you packed up, as we hare now in the late calendar year,
without a single epithet seen as unseemly hurled by Keith and without a measure
of sacristy or goodness, that the friends and family account at has been
suspended on television, anew from the ad agency where it was without any humor
or mad man era aplomb taken away, and recapped with a merest running of numbers
on a written screen. That's right, Wendy, the girls says in the overtire alas,
the guinea pig with the Scorsese accent has been terminated, along within the
blond wives and children, they are gone, so is the painted faced weirdo, as
that Jewish nightmare never caught hold, much like Blond piggish women who
aren’t so much bellaformata as is Wendy, but juts Mexico city suburb meatball
fat, where to which we are all headed.
Quietly, Ritchie Incognito has been dehumanized
and stricken out to play by the nfl, as the party of righteous which danced
upon him, how many demons can dance on the head of a moron, the world may never
know, seem unseemly as the baulk parade of felons seemed to spill forth from
the coven closets of epsn and sports, with black minions telling us of their
admiration for the wife beater and not even well, doing the speech all
vulgarism have as a given in their calculating heads. personally I would have
said f you to Gödel, and I wurldt have shown dear Gödel and his lts, the magic
of litigation, but then, Ritchie has always seemed to me to be the sort of wop
willing to do anything for his masters, which as the jurists warned me was
always a raid to ruins. I would show Gödel that being cleared by his closet gay
minions and Dan Patrick gay wad stooges
still suing his name as good guy recriminations never would he get his
cock sucked by water barracker Supremes and name dropper emeritus, meant
nothing to me as my say, if not a cash
award for defamation was always my steak, but then I had been gifted with the lil bastard magic
kit given by priests called The Prince and selected discourses, should I ever be
stupid enough to believe a word you had to say to clever me. I would gave made
Gödel pay through that beak of his, ice buckets as good pr be damned, as I have
never been willing to be the kind of Wop who would allowed himself to do shtick
for Olbermann after one of his homilies about the deerskin's named. I wonder
still why it is that Jews at a cable station may make money off the Sopranos,
alas Jew baby Snyder has the gummnit come in, remember when that was a saving
grace...?, and he cant make money off something as benign as a nickel headed
Indian, but then our redo isn’t Latin, its some pigs are mere equal than
others. We have perpetual co eds telling us of saving Christian Arabs from
slaughter as the Palestinian Styx is up to a Cumea like 2000 bodies, but then,
for that matter when is the last time you heard in our empire of the offended
anyone bring up Cumae...? John Batchelor maybe.
There are rumblings of race riots of which I have
been waiting, but alas as in all things in America; they lack the decency of
their Roman precursors, as the Jesuits warned me. No mere race riots here, nor
is Cicero being pelted by garbage by the discounted pit upon Romans, as we
don’t have Cicero we have St. Clair and other democrats going, if showing up on
aquanaut cable at all talking about sexual harassment in the haze of swat team
America. Don’t bitch at me, kids, I was horrified when heard John, see above,
do play by play about how Tsarnvev was shot while kneeling in surrender, how
Aeneas can one get…?, but of course, Arabs, not quite the big mothers Negros
are, can have anything done to them, immunizes Christians where then they get the
Augustine marines to fly in and see nothing much despite fox news seems to be
ever going on. But as we are apprized for more Kuwaiti incubators while Viking
in law yeshiva, that’s Jesuit without the warmth, boys and their republican
elephants dance with bodies of dead children in tel Aviv unseen by cameras like
Mandela’s hammer and sickle, and tres if I may say, Canniolinus, but then I get
what I deserve I guess. As could smell the curtain and greasepaint of it all,
and knew they were fraudulent. Ah ha, our first sighting of the Guy Marx mask from poor misunderstood Alan's comics, he who will never get an even break from those whose art form he saved. It did take until the imperial guard killed its
oh fifth man of the summer to get the kabuki Negros advancing, feh, I say, and
thank God some stations have took to showing several marathons of my youth. I
watched three days of Simpson’s with my brother, who is sharp enough for the
hijacks of Bart, one of his four names Ma gave us all, to elicited a laugh is high praise, as I said,
I had all my Lil Bastard tool kits after he had bought then earlier, like
America bugged out when they hit 2000 and suddenly all sarcasm was directed at
Italians and no one else, and saw as must say, and don’t mean as a pejorative
but largely as honest, that that shop lost something when Conan and later Brad
Bird left, as they took a heart from it which I call pulling a Larry David.
Batman too is on each day in camp mod glory and I imbibe in its psychedelic
sheen as it was placed on as an answer to that thuggish sissy prick and his
valued customers naming batman into every fag wet dream that was also hit by
Himmler and Mussolini but without the winks. Sheesh! Though on one of these
bright computer-less days, in the warm air, festooned in Vivaldi concerto colors,
one can always eye when the impotent and the bag-men think themselves
Machiavellian, Barry came out as we gin up for war since before he hit 35
percent approval and Rachel dear still has to trash Nate Silver as number do
figure or liars never matter or some such black art, and Barry admitted in
garments all red in one way, what was true. Place Machiavellian line here, kids, about truth of liars and overburden’s and subterfuge, but he
admitted for all to hear, that he has no real strategy for the Isis Rolex
devoted, who all seemed to come out of a US training base, on cue, as war is
our best business, the extra savings passed on to you. he admitted what we all
knew alas true, no clever boy he, and still twelve hours later we were hearing
damage control with praetorian for life Mumbles Gergen coming out to re double
the cult of imperiumata, how these lawyers are better men than those lawyers,
hopefully to anyone was utilized better in tenements under Caesar that caught
fire, occasionally if not wind.
2. This month both Italian varitypes, icons, and
strangely images of a long dead Italay and ironically, America too, Borgnine
and Sophia will get a day’s tribute at that movie station, which brought a quiet
bittersweet feeling to me, as that station usually just puts hacks on there telling us of the heinousness
of Charley Chan and John Ford, while of course, putting the wild bunch at early
morning. We have no room for Marty at this dance, Anderson Cooper’s Hullabaloo
American bandstand, and Wendy shows that the busty Italian is an anathema to the
non midday sun kissed boys of the band, whose hatred for gays is palpable now
none is in their mists, and how they whistle past the ruins of bathhouses
recalled by suburban acres, the inner turmoil becomes rancid and vicious, becomes even more virus, melt with each skip
down the aisle, as I have said always a Jesuit studied feh to being so admired
by the truth givers. Remember redskins, the latest censored word by the coven,
is an issue that comes up when talk of concussions makes you look like the blood
sporting empire you are, a trick I figured out when I got silence from Ebert
land hacks who just loved Scorsese and my first amendment rights as an Italian
are always fungible, as they are for all of you by now, when I, cleverly,
compared their beloved goodfellas and
other horse shit to imperial farce like Terence, which got silence from them
all, as I had hit the bull’s-eye, and knew then what the ESPN and NBC boys and
wives will never allow themselves to think they are.
You can have Lisa Simpson compare football to an
Inca game, all you want, this somehow baptizes it from mere blood sport…hoooo
boy!, but like so much here, it is Roman, and not even done as well, or was as
honestly, and again say to Keith if its so important of an issue, while the new
Etruscans live in squallier, and don’t have running water, place Guy Marx joke
here, sorry, it’s the Roman in me, get behind my argument that we start calling
them the Washington Centurions, and then you’ll hear it, since silence is all
you all really have, the pauses that refresh have different weights, and the
reason you good white folks don’t want any Team named for Indians is different
than why you don’t want to mention the Romans at all, as we steep in decline
and fall, and the differences’ in quiet is as close to a belief system as you
have. I say a roman name for the new Roma city team, to be true to the faux
roman mausoleums you clawed up and that cracked colossus to Mlk, lets go Roman
here, and finally free ourselves of the jewy inclination to make sacraments of
all our vices and sacrifices of all our victims. I say for all the shit that
Italians have had to take here, without a Sharptoon as self appointed champion,
as they showed him as the prison snitch rat he intrinsically is, I say a Roman
name for the team of blood sport from the new imperial city, even Tuskins say,
again seeing, as I blue sky here, a man in shining amour, as again all Grimm’s
comes from a book of Italian fairy
tales, which you may not say, a Curtis in golden knight amour, the feathers are
alas the same, and he comes out and hurls a flaming , no not mere stick, or
bow, but cutlass, the knife of
imperialism, which we aren’t, we hear over and over, as we look for a way to
lurch back to the Tigris, mark my words kids, a cult that broke the sabers of
Tuscans like twigs, and that goes into the turf, while perfect Roman patrician
goofball Jerry Jones looks on, as his later paltry mythology gas been upstaged.
It would be as they say, Epic, and Godell would be fielding calls of protest, making
this redskin shit look like nothing, as the injuns get to be fierce for never
having thrown Jews and Germans out of their early colonies of Italay. Turnabout
in new Judea, is never fair play. To good
Ronan Tony, it is the only virtue.
I think what I wanted all along really was my
say. It was the holy grail to me, toddle oo, toodle ooo, as it was everything
to blowhard me. I could have made a carrier easily as a journeyman, cobbler a
crafter, a maker, so important to some wops to be made house idiots by the art
firms they delve into, as they place on Robert Dinero type airs becoming that
wicker man all over again. I could have put my nose to the grindstone as they
say still in the dark ages of post Rome, a middle ages with Rockets, but a dark
middle ages still as Italian writer Petrarch called it, so take that Amazon dot
com, and your thinking the Italians will eschew Dante somehow for closet queer
Laurence, sorry Laura, loving Petrarch, you middlebrows thinking that all your
darkies and bend at your suburban will. AH HOW they hate middlebrow, like
chicken hawk and both are father Gores refining of hated ancient Roman sonnets.
I wanted my say amid the gumabs and their blond bloated jail bait soon to be
wives, again we are not all Jewish, I wanted my say. So, this summer I
felt an coyly curve to say to hell with
it all and go about as one of Cornelius Porch monkeys, enjoying the circuses
and the dancing girls and the strong men competitions, now that have devolved
into police blotters, as that spasm against Richie Incognito someone from all
the heritage to do it to no less, is being repealed back in men falling out of
closets less platis and with beaten wives as victims for which they couldn’t
cry amusingly as they did for bad linemen who cant play, while Negros nervously
twitch and hum in shining little boxes in the making copies guy afternoon game
show, all all is quiet. No one notes that a lien in which the victim of
bullying has come has left Keapernick without an inch to run, and of course it
must be his fault as the sacks mount up, as it just can’t be Jonathan Martins
fault. I wanted my say, as to me, already competent at a young age, there
seemed to be nothing else.
3. When Francis Ford Copula made a point at some
fawning interview about his artisan-ship, he said what I hurled at the polish
starlets of zoetrope, in that he said he’d make a movie on a I phone camera if
need be and hurl it at the stratosphere where Cath does rides his boyish sun
ship. This as cant, of course, but told me much, in that when I said it as with
almost a Frank Gorshin like riddleresque glee it means some thing as I had
never given in. He, on the other hand had given in spectacularly, and gave in
as the Italian poet would say, for life, a greatest refusal, probably burning in
hell as we speak, as the trash bed
reenactments of Constantine, also in hell at arms length of equal God Muhammad,
was beneath our Roman contempt. And he a Tuscan no less, so take that Oneida
nation, maybe I think seeing that Rome has heckled on all comers, and is till
there is Italay, and that the Greek beginners of germ warfare to Percales, to
mad god Hannibal to Caesar and his apostate relatives couldn’t ever shoo these
people completely onto reservations where they fumed about the name of teams
within the nonworking sinks, maybe, just maybe you just lost and had nothing
stolen from you as much as you dropped it, as noble savages have never been
high on my list of roman fairy tales, as opposed to said Francis who once loved
Tacitus, until I opened my big mouth about how Cornelius despised Jews and
their hidden want to start wars they didn’t fight in and how they hid their
money in clay jars from not only the tax man but everybody else.
As I have alluded before , this time of year is
hard for me, a starting in September 15th or so, I am accosted by
memories of epileptic seizures amid the trash of wanton oversexed Italians at sacred hearten schools demanding me out,
recollections of boyish cartoons somehow a sin against German nuns who deep
down hated Hercules and Venus and the italic creed to both, and the early
Christmas season death of a father who,my mother assures me, adored me
intrinsically, and wished for me to advance if only because he knew as a friend
of a hood named Mandarino, that Italians soon enough would be adoptable nigger
in America as they had been at unmentioned concentration camps allowed as no
Jews allowed, and at mass gallows makeshift on the jersey parkway, each joke
that Jewry Jonnie tells has a string back to those he pretends to hate, just as
the first haters of Columbus was church he proved was full of Ptolemaic
shit, unknown to joke making Olbermann
as he retires to sports talk. This said
time of year harsh for me, as a sister went to a Christmas parade never to be the same, as my mother had
warned it as open season she was told by war brides corralled here before, that
like their children , Italians were seen as little more than sexual trade one
didn’t have to marry, and could sue with impunity as the perpetual victims of
NOW AND PENN STATE, like children killings only matters hen Anderson and ESPN
can cry for whites, sometime as in Mac Martin , a railroaded trestle and a ox
bow as good as anything else, much less pesky truth. We are a time of Jews and
black prosecutors at cnn, hmnn, whatever happened to Ferguson by the way….oh the occult like
white women who wish to glom onto it have been told, like Jimbo to his point
shaving team at half time, knock it off, and election is nearer, I’m sure that
once the election happens and the dems lose their senate, the sanctimony of
Negros and their white chick makers to sue my father term's for white woman
wishing to control things , will burst forth again, and we shall hear of Biggie,
the dead saint again, who again, recalling the heinous German nun, I don’t have
to cry for, as I, unlike Jewish in laws wishing to make it seem like Hitler and
his thugs hijacked Germany, I read Metternich and his sonnets upon Naples and
even Greece, hated there too, so I don’t weep for Negroes who as Rock would
say, dun got shat.
And with the Cowboys doing well, this an anathema
to the homos and fags and sissys and house colored’s, see above, as diversity
means anyone can think like Caesar, and take his bribes, his actual cold
hearted and eagle eyed line, I saw all I needed to as I write this the Cowboys
arte 6-2 and this is hateful to the envoys to the ESPN boys town. On the after after noon
yaks, as negro appears, who like Pollock’s men of the people show the obese
have a home on cable television, and seethed, literally seethes, about the
Cowboys having just beaten new black Americas team, taken from the eagles that
all but Tony Bruno hate, and given to Richard Sherman’s at each others throats
Seagulls. Ah, but this will pass as a black quarterback is there, a diva, not
liked as Richie incognito was, as paper bag laws are big at a place that
resents comparison to Roman ruins, and so I am sure they’ll pull it out. But
now they are beaten by the 'Boys and that cant stand, I notice a bloated fat
nagger stooge bald cow ass kisser whose outrage, like all else, has been
monetized and plus has a real need to be close to black men who sweat, and
calls his perversion a Moral imperative, as Milano would say. I just wonder what
that means, but could if need be think of the men in make up and wigs who seem
to gather around the gladiators but allays, as if a helmet of that kind, is
too pretentious for an empire without satire, which this is.
I feel dissented as know the Cowboys if allowing
Tony Romo to live out his losers creed, think Obama, they will fall hard, but
still, this coon is upset that the Cowboys waken, dare to be better than he had
suspected, and thus they are Americas team, or at least this Americas team, in
ways he wouldn’t abide. In this dying empire we are all Ritchie incognito in various
stages of fall, and this negroid house creation, couldn’t stand the idea of a
team not calling itself America’s, without the ironic twist of an Olbermann approved
name that just showed how his personal white German liberal hygiene has to correct
itself, as somehow to them the Latin name of a Roman city isn’t as big an insult
as redskin, maybe even worse, or playing itself on Thanksgiving, but done by a
league who after all Romantically had to sell as many shirts and tickets as
possible, as it is a business, dear boys, despite your love of men in space it
is a business no diffuse from the charred remnants of poo pooed houses of ill
repute in Herculaneum, it is and was a business, our lads, and the Cowboys as
opposed to the other dreck teams sell. But I am saddened at the new found love
the stillers have among these house coons
at ESPN, coyly Mudbone, evasively between paid for the check in in the
mail growls as even the beady eyed Jew must be taken aback and starts to blanch
at this act, as he calls Dallas a team on the Jew loved that’s what he is
saying 1-90 corridor, showing his knowledge of geography is up there as I was
warned you’d get a boys bathroom, the Jesuit word for a gay salon told to me
as a boy, going over my head for years,
like Northwestern. Someday tubby, signora Fortuna will recall you and this, you
think it is petty, ah but fate being a woman, like a Senator, can conceive of nothing else, and you will end up
on the skids I know that as we being grouped, sorry, groomed for Georgetown and
not that lesser place, where the overly kind fags of Prairiea, the favorite
fake state of war games we played at desks, like Jews and Jesuit would, taught boys how to take it like a man , that
poor mans Syracuse called Northwestern. Ouch. That they teach you just enough
numbers to keep a pad , a need in now unwatched television is your problem, but
again, somehow you’ll get yours not just over a team but what you tersely
represent, chubby, what you truly are, as again, the word nigger is not as
verboten as you pretend it is, and couldn’t an all Pennsylvanian super bowl be
fun this year with not trying to mention Cooper as you concurrently not mention
Rottensberger, and we all dance on Kordells grave. A bunch of Negroes who love
the Stellers…where were you when that junkie quarterback was shot on Jefferson street…?
Yes, Fuck with Roman Tony, as I have said, I havened been paid off enough to
sallow a single word, can’t you tell…?
Still, this time of year makes me sad, sneered at
when I said that once, now its called a Seasonal disorder because the white women
sighed off on it, but mine is particular as unlike sunny side up Americans, I have
always liked walking, if not marching, in the rain. I passed by Georgetown, as
was sure in the morning of aids that there were too many Fagots there. I
dismissed Northwestern out of hand, like Stanford, as was alerted by the me
adoring Jesuits who saw nothing wrong with my avocation towards the busty
Amazon, juts as long as not English transvestite fairy queen Boriocchia, who they
held in as much esteem as Spartacus, better the Nobel savage be killed was
their creed, because unlike Georgetown, at northwestern there fags weren’t
enough. I know all bout growling dogs bitch and how much each snarl costs, and
its amusingly cheap to buy a house coon like you. Someday, and this is beyond
liking or not liking a team, but when you said of Copper he was allowed to
stain your felid as he was vouched for by Michael Vick, you made a fauxpaus
that no decent Roman god can avoid, like I said, they keep an eye out for the
red blood on the stoop as a targeting mechanism, they drew what we still call
bulls eyes in Sabine lands eons ago, not to allow the Jewish brats so much
better and decent and money grubbing to escape , like Goldman sack did. I don’t
think you know what Vow and vouch means and how it only mattered when a dog
killer did it as if to be a nigger oxen must be more healed as Vick than
anything the house coon said what was implied all along. You all see when you make
it a point that Cooper may get away with your verboten word, his prism discredited and a stooge
under menace for doing his job, as opposed to Ritchie, you signed your warrant, chubs.
Oh not by me, I wouldn't bother, but know when a hack has called down too much
rain they will get it I spades ,as it were, and the run off with wash out senates,
hung onto for dearest purple life. To paraphrase my father paraphrasing Petronius
when you know the dog, you know the master, and thus when you snarl at TO and Ritchie, I
know what a good little negro you are, and when you take from Ritchie the vouching
of men who never drowned doggies and weren’t felons I know, as do all, what you
are truing to say , as again the Buddha coons made themselves quite fat in the occupation,
as unlike the Palestinians we all, are all are to some. This is either besides the mere Cowboys or
wholly about them, as I know exactly what you and your batmen ESPN and nmsnbc
on the pad colonnades and white trash Pollock’s are there for. I know exactly what
you are and why, and hear the echoes in your homilies of everything from pizza
boxes, to old queens protesting that Archie would marry Veronica, a Roman not Jewish
name purposely chosen by me, as they laud their Italian grandmothers fore raising
the half breeds, and I know acutely what keep you negro and Pollock buddies
fat. I know what you are and what you are not, and know when the growling costs
and how much your meter is running. As the last taught Roman boy, beefier and
thuggish, yet trained to eschew the American stereotyping by the numbers, by the
last priests before again the Germans gave a death march this time decimating
the curia of all but Irish petaphilies, think about it, I hear you in every disdain any white queer has that Wendy play peek-a-boo amid the leaked
publicity shots of carb loving baseball Annie in the shower, I know exactly
what you are and why, and I don’t cry for sniggers shot in the act, the only
kind that Crumpy seems to pro bono, always hoping, the American dream, to get
his cut. And so you’ll all get yours.
4. I easily could have honed my arts and been
that comic book drawer that the boys in t shirts with stained hands of bic pens
wish to be, but again let that go. I wanted Big Bertha to mean something and
not just be another Tarantino shoot em up or even Wamhbauch cop sonnets and
wasn’t sure who or why the hero even was in that, as I FORESAW the military police wed all have as they
follow such yentas as Feinstein and Shumah around . Ah, again to Cornelius, the
once vaunted Roman soldier has become little more then security guard, as we
rebel to our amassed money where the like found out even the cie la vie
untactful Romans would have enough, and if you thought that was something wait
till you meet the in law Vikings who like Greeks killed Jews and their Semitic
un handsomeness and Syrian ethics on sight. I wanted to have my say, and wanted
to like the great Alan Moore, piled into my comic the whole depth and breath of
Roman literature with strong man and Venus, the fulcrums thereof, within its
pulpy pages. There is room for ten year batman epics, and woman thors and now a
black captain America, but alas there is no room for a Roman hero amid the
floppies, as that bothers them again, for reason I can guess. As in the league
of extraordinary gentlemen, I wished to as Alan Took Victorian literature and
put there in the Ovid that that fat old cow Victoria despised but then like
Henry recited with her lover as again, a fascist must be on the shadows to admit they aoooorrrrrred
Joooooolian, and be far from the rabbis and the vicars who except themselves
from everything, see Tacitus above. But
a cooling Saturnalia wind early even than usual frost shows another film as the old
testament strikes back, as it must after Petty thief Scorsese some how got
through a movie about that wolf that caught its leg on a tarp iron trap, and
so, another old testament Jew, basically Gilgamesh with a shmere of racism and infanticide worthy of
Livy book 1, we are the good Syrians, will be out ahead as Christmas fare
without having to mention Caesarean collaborator Paul or you know who. But what
wont be this Saturnalia, cerebrated by Jews eons before Christ, is a Scorsese movie,
because of that Steppenwolf, no epic about the Lemeieres this year, god knows,
as you helped to create and troubadour this nation where Ritchie and Ray get it
and Cooper and Rottensberger can maybe meet in the super bowl , though that is
a fox ten hour pre game Gödel doesn’t want. Just like how there will be a film
this Christmas about exodus another jewie inspired drama to have a goy hero
play a Jew, ah the dream we dream, and there wont be any film this Saturnalia
about Scorsese making sonnets to the moon loving lumeiere bros, not this year,
maybe not ever again. Still, Oh I
romantically root for such a winter Gane, root for
that as helmets come and go, you scum backers and trash that think you rule the
Earth you can ex. out all the helmets and Christ in Latin that you may, but
just as Barry is on a precipice of
finding a senate lied to waste and lefts with only barbarism portending they
are Roman at the door, too you can fine for men to wear a Roman, Sabine, helmet,
a return to metrical spirit Italianate verve, never theirs, never yours all you
want, but it is called perjury, chubby, it is a sin and a crime, as the bible
and Koran both make mention of forbidding usury and interest and oaths and vows
taken, look it up, but it is a Roman world still in the ice flows, Dante lived
in fact, Beatrice is Wendy, or vice versa, Rodger, but the Roman affidavit as
you will find, is immutable.
In a few weeks, both the Nobel Roman helmet and a Guinean pig speaking in a jersey accent were censored by the Ciceroes of now, both humiliation and devotion, both honor and American screed, both ancient epic and the joke book that was Tennessee's only commedia that was at the center of the sun, both images, and both expositions and both variations of the Roman italic panoply were deemed proscribed and to be muted by the Americans, named for a Roman city, and their barbaric love of the fat girl who sends out pictures of her self, desperate and unable to be this months blond. So, all that is Italian and Roman is warning to them as Occupy and its white goirl co eds, strains and Blanche to have its last stand as a Requiem for Biggie, all Roman is like Peckinpah feared by the Jews in laws again. And the white women and the injuns for which they cry on cue would kill for such a result. I took out a few pages from Rag, as found I cant
draw like or as Frank Franzetta, as copying is simple enough, I can teach you
to draw in one line, draw the air not the arm, and go accordingly, but this
stuff when I do it, always looks frozen to me, and doesn’t have my Oomph. But
as an admirer of Virgil, I must say I am glad to see the air full of bees
again, rather later to notice this near as rag weed wild flowers spring up near
a garage not mine I surreptitiously used as a Roman brick wall, but alas couldn’t
find a Venus up to Wendy standards around here. As Virgil, suddenly liked
as Bullet Bob and Ray Guy, a poet dismissed for distaianing a Trojan horse, now noticed by no less than the dower and awful BBC, thinking
maybe it and not anything Shakespeare writes was some monument of western
poetics, wrote an epic about the bees in the charming way that lovers of Greek
homilies always hate.