accidentally coming across Rachel, which by now may be her core
audience, saw horrible, horrible school marm herself Warren, awful
horrid woman, our Virgil without papers lecturing us about the people
and sanctimony between taking fleet street bags for hither to yon,
and how she told the Don, oh how they hate and fear this colorized
Clinton, as one can hear the Trojan horse creaking and groaning under
the weight of all the fools on the same side, and this awful woman,
Miss Grundy, made a point that Don should delete his account at
whatever bullshit stream he wisely and stalwartly sues to goad back,
and of curse, she as the dumb woman, always falls for it. Still, I
found this bit of wit, or at least Rachel laughs as long as she in on
the pad, and GE and war machine composure are kind enough to add
stage directions for her to --laugh here. I found this awful even
for our queen of Fleet street as in fact, she took more money from
the insurance Comanches than the gay male model did, but then, as the
Romans she probably hates, as a good injun would say, we have to w
ash the floors. She has been quite the hag and the nag and lecturing
us through the downturn, which by now the scared rat Democrats are
wearied when a Clinton, at least the smart one, ouch, is quiet and
consecrated, he fails, like a demon to exist in all ways except that
when Rachel dear dares bring up eviscerated stories in Bozo Post,
about leering at women, well, hun, we can Google, maybe not, but
could, pictures of Clinton watching brunettes asses as they walked
past, thinking of Patrica Farrinelli and Karen Valez and other
playmates he must rather would have married and had around gods know
than Livia herself. Ah. The Miss Jean Brodies take the fun as usual
out of everything. He makes a better Fagin than she makes a Prepetua,
and as the Jesuit warned me about being a verbal bag man, silence
follows silence routinely enough until alas there is nothing one can
say. That was Dante, or maybe it was Milton Burl, I cant tell, and my
balls hurt.
I thought, instead of incinerating being you first barbarian races
go to Octavia, why not make an armament of why you hate Trump and
please, dont be Rachel about it and preened you are a sister of
Paradise island , that ship, a Clinton Love boat booze cruise, how
could I not like Gauis after all, has sailed ling ago, and how a
Roman schoolboy would think when Dido commits suicide, and she begs
the fates to bring someone to avenge me, they are to think
Hanna-bale, a metatexuality found in Virgil before anyone.Well when
you get on that high horse about woman and Hillary as the queen mum,
we all see Bullie in the back, that Living Satyricon, which to be
fair is as close to a Roman as hell ever be, Cincinnatus and the farm
out of reach now, but to be fair is more than most. Who is the horrid,
horrid, woman to tell the perspective nominee of the repulsion—sorry
Res Publican party, as like the once useful democrats never much liked
the ethnics appearing in their union and or confederacy, as of course
Doctor No ROMNEY IS IN HIS HOLED UP MOUNTAIN, sure if anyone can make
anyone else a loser out of anyone, well, its him. Gods, who is this
awful dreaded woman, with finger always opined up like a Rolex
wearing imam, she hides her Rolexxxes Im sure for galas and such, who
is she to tell anyone to be quiet and shut yup , yes mamm, I sho will
git on dat reallll soon dere miss Anne,--oh F off, as yous better
learn you hags, that Gore Vidal once said every day in an election
year is Columbus day, and your smarmy self righteousness densest play
well with the plebeian ears out there that Google wants unlent. After
a while Bill, lover of Roman circus and uncircumcised Dick Gods, knew
whatever is said, something should be, and censorship and worse yet,
hiding and makings sure we don't get the names of the CIA operatives
she had killed off, again by imperial sloppiness, don't come until the
fest candelas of advent, which by then might not be as too late as
you hope.
was asked in an mail to reprise to some Conan post, as if i'd care,
where did that come from as the Jeb Bush of late night would think by
now, its over, and to asked to opine about Ali. I have said my peace
about Ali before but unlike Indian princesses with Nordic Folds, I
understand decorum, and will allow myself mad man at the Roman
triumph, but don't crash Funerals. Did see Billy Crystal, the
original one, I liked you better as a sis on TV, he has become quite
jewey and maudlin in the way that white folks like, a Jewish
sentimentality that fits well in a land where artisan Scorsese was a
genius before constrained with Survivors of Auschwitz openly and
pushily as if the of the wasteland he engendered was some Zion
Protocol, but then what inst …?, which was strange for someone who
helped make the people of Beatrice and Pirandello into your lasts
minstrel show. I turned this irremediable coda and eulogies Bill is
always willing to give once you buy the package, in more was than
one, as his Sammy Maudlin show aspect is beyond me, and fare all why
is a boxer being eulogized by a Jewish comic hack whose family stole
Jazz...ah he finally becomes the Jessel he had hoped for. I thought
of the great Mort Drucker cartoon, Scott Joplin Composer, next
window, Bill Crystal, either one, Exploiter. He made a point about
again of course as the comic hacks must, bridges and walls, but
again, I have had women and radicals give me praise lately, and call
me important and thoughtful and so thought of that wall but the
golden door was shut that day when every Jew and Gumba and every man
of the people shut that golden door slammed that Roman fest day in
December , when they made sure that the Fisa Bill was shut , as
unlike Mexicans and like Italian, they cant get here as easily as
thus maybe wont be as amenable to cleaning Whups toilet for a hay penny a day.
and radicals are starting to give me kudos, starting to see things my
way, starting to question why that Pigeon Italian sing sonegy overt diminished never bothered the good house everythings and the
American dream that having Billy Crystal as your Antony implies and
demanded. See, all the good liberals that day as again will recall
this like Clinton's Ovidian Tie and the fact that ninety cents out of
every dollar went unders socialist Obama to the rich, whether you are
okay with that or not , as not on the pad I wont have to pretend
Warren is a wonderful wit until the dancing peacock, or is it the
ghost of Gilda, comes to tell me to scram. Its Machiavelli 101, but
evil is the resignation of these who wish to be admired for their
vices, sho nuff, and you must be true to your lies. So Liz, a severe
now would be detrimental to both you and Hill, as look at how the fat
girl in the new Ghost-busters is being accepted, as I am no fan of
Hillary Clinton, as have said, and yet....decorum is decorum, and
despite their being a Procouncil, don't do it Hillary, shes not like
us, shes corrupt as hell, but sanctimonious about it!, lost in the mix, see,
doll, you made Hillary's presumptive coronation in to a hostage
siege, dearie, you, Octavia, see...?, you corkscrewed that barge as
it was lunging down the Tiber, and made her scurry like a cloven
hoofed gargoyle yo, you did that, dear. You and Berney, auuuuch, easy
Stomach, I already don't feel great, as got the eye of staples pain
in the ass employees about not getting how to use the Kisocks which
Bob Hopeless to sue to replace the American worker, F what Eugene V
debs said, no no no no no as Reverend Wrights said before his death,
you made your bones on her carcass, calling her every name in the
book delineating and distressing and in opposition making yourself
seem just so noble and good and decent and our Virgil again without
the warmth. You made her jump through hoops in ways that Trumpy never
has and never did, a lesson for you Hill, Fortune favors the bold,
don't end up eating your own tail and I don't mean that as a Roman
joke your husband would use as much as a commedia. No sorry hun, you
trashed Hillary to the left hand of Luctrezia Borgia, this point and
now, depressor for power, you're willing to say all is forgiven, you
and the Pajama Game who is Boiney, I smell a rat, want now to turn
and go after Trump, well, thats not acceptable to the Roman gods,
because no one asked you and you spent eighteen months trashing
Livia, ...and no It wasn't a Soprano Joke when I used that first about
her when our imperial conscious Lizzie was languishing lecturing
anyone who would listen on an Al Franken show , before he made it to
the marble hall, and too, voted to on that December day, keep the
Arabs out, though never loudly enough you could you know Prove he was even

must place here, as thinking of Elizabeth Warrguns has made me more
dyspeptic and queasy that I was, usually I can just ignore her
draining on and on , like Barney Frank, knowing eventually you should
have worried about the plank in your own eye than the one about to be
written by Kordell West. I have gotten my share of likes from Kordell
West, as its only white women, or sorry Indians with thin lips, the
American dream white girls who sued to call me a bigot, you know fir
hating Ray Romano, and no I am not kidding. But I saw that the Tonies
are this weekend, and unlike other more garish award shows have been
watching them since saw I think 1970, when my beloved King Zero was
Plautus, perfect and assuredly in a suit with nothing more than a
sash and freeman's cap. I must that as squirrel that away in the
perpetual 1970 I am stuck in, a lovely woman comparing my Rag to an
Alan Moore tritese called 1963, which like when the pretty Asian
girl called my Capt Magnus like Supreme, I took as a compliment as
hadn't read it then, and so, unlike most comic queens, Ill take what
I can get.
Tonys are on, I am still unsure how to spell that but then as the
Priests told me, Spelling like math and Menstruating is for Women,
anyway, The Tonys are on, and hosted not by once ubiquitous eyebrow
cocking Colbert, bowwow has been on a downturn since couldn't get his
sister into the Assembly of Queens to be a good mole, as if!, no,
they are hosted now by affable pudgy English guy, who seems to like
what he does and isn't as Hillary about things as Steven is, which
serves him right for having used death threats against Asian girls
who believed your sanctimonious bullshit, and fate got even with him
by sending him to God's waiting room called CBS. I probably may
watch, maybe not, I do love the Broadway ethic, as before ye queers
were allowed to subsume it, was a Roman ethic, as we make plays not
like the Greeks but the Roman did, naturalistic and not homilies,
which would explain msbnc ratings by now, but I am a bitch. I grew up
with Ian as Macbeth, I grew up with Jason Robards magnificent Hickey,
with Lee J Cobb I think it was in a kinoscope my pop and I watched of
Miller and of course, as a fifteen year old was blown away by
Glengarrey and their flicking of Mamet American buffalo nickels which
no one dares write like in our Warren headed romper Room. I sent a
play of three hours, a brick of pages called Caveat a Roman play TO A
BLACK THEATER TROOP off Broadway, and they actually shakily thought
about it. I have lost out to movies eventually made called Pervert
and Krampus, Christmas killing as opposed to the rat pack as angels,
so when I am being considered. But they were serious, they liked the
idea of Roman senate frolics, black men as being on this dying
senate, as some were, unlike here an they are the fascists, not doormen of Valhalla as Thor is so willing to slot you as, no Romans,
as a republic dead. And they liked it much. THEY brought up the cost,
I said, oh like Orson Julius Caesar once on Broadway, saw it as a
fable and men would be in black suits each wearing a purple sash like
the one warren as Head mistress superior dreams and salivates over
now, one can only imagine the bribes that come with that! No, the
woman deferred, she figured that from my prose about a lovely Sabine
girl playing with Tyberus Tie, and my speak about the importance of
lapel pins, which are ignored now lest we recall that Clinton once
plastered his name all over the Confederate flag, thank God the
Mexican flag never flew on that middle passage, oh wait that's right
they circumnavigated it to begin with. She loved it, thought of a
white man she knew who would play the prefect blowhard tough guy
demagogue bringing the fake senate to its knees, I am the auger, and this was 2006, when that Racist Trump was still under contract to the
wonderful world of NBC, who at first begged him not to run as he was
in fact the only Seinfeld they had left. She loved this play,
capitally the three pages I wrote in a Chicagoan Italian, well
Etruscan as a woman named Livia no not the one Warrant knows from
cable television, or the one Rachel may have actually heard of from
Tacitus, throws her son Tyberius, no again, not those ones, Bill
knows what I am talking about, bless his corrupt little heart, I mean
at least own it, and she tares at his corpus and hurls it onto the
alter,... maybe this would cost a lot even in suits, and she warns the
Romans whose bodies they are building their church upon. Like
Sparta the code pink hags barely even note the hospitals we bomb.
She loved it and they were kind and nice and got every reference I
made, as subtly isn't my strong Point.
then deferred, she couldn't do it. Why...?, because this wasn't long
after 911, still a daily serial like adventurers of Superman or the
Lone ranger on Fox at least, before Kieth and bizzaro Keith's came on
to tell us what liberalism was, and if you heard we were anti
war...well...The Romans, a lovely larger black lady who like the
jurists had before didn't mind an angelic slur in the script, as I wrote
it as modrena as the Romans always were, not that Stanley Kubrick
shit, and she passed, but was quite kind. Just starting a blog then,
on the recommendation of a Jewish attorney producer who thought I
should spake up, just not with his name attached. I saw their
admiration of me, instead of allowing me to languish a 1000 views
mostly from a Kirby loving hacks and few cartoonists showing me their
work as they had in arts school thinking finally Roman Tony doesn't
lecture anyone but the hacks, I karroooomed to 4000 views by summers
end, 9990 by Saturnalia in 2007.This troop appeared on the Joey Pinto
show on wor, no else who had to push their adapted play what they
were doing, as besides Caveat... a new version of Amos and Andy, as I
like to think I showed them a minstrel show is coningent on who wrote
it and why. He called me 'that Acri cartoonist creep' because of my
hatred of the Sopranos and things he and Cha cha kaput as sibylline
books, but I got even when he asked why Hillary and Barry still got a
paycheck as senators running for praetor and why they could run for
both senate and praetor at the same time, you know more openly
Corrupt than any Roman ever been. For that nothing aside, he was
fired. Bye.
made this so important and the kind of award I relish, is that these
Negros black people so demeaned and demonized saw a glimmer of
humanity in of all the people the Romans, not the Asgard they are
told to admire ore else, not the Jewesses and the Irishmen aldermen of
Tammany, abashment of the peoples party a con since Coriolanus,and
all I said made sense to them. Now F Hamilton here again I was ahead
of you all,and had the Romans as black people, not lesbians, god
knows as usually your NBC tower effeminacy and emasculation is not so
overt. No jumping and no numbers, no caterwauling, not cooning it
up, or getting jigy with it, no showstoppers, outside of a carcass oh
I wanted made and hurled at the Roman eagle, yes Titus Andronicus is
the only Shakespeare play that doenst make me ill, all done in ways
that the swells and the yentas could not get behind, no shucking and
jiving, no Chorus line numbers, no hand jive, no bring down the
house number at act 2, no, none of that. Men in suits watching a
republic die, which I warned about long since the fake Catiline,
Boiney was the last sunshine boy, entaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, always
backing down honed like Howard the duck things got too hardcore as in
his fires hastened to catch. No, no dancing here, no mincing no
prancing, maybe Princing, no black faced superscription fathers
tapping and clogging away about the carefree days of slavery, now
made accelerated and wonderful, like the Confederate flags was when
Tuner Watson made a point he didn't buy GWTW for a billion, to put
it in a vault next to Uncle Remus and Daffy killing women at Anzio and
warning the good gi's about how they were riddled with VD so don't
let this happen you God, much less marriage. So out there, have a nip
for me as make tea each night and swallow azo caplets that taste like
Satanists piss, as my balls don't so much hurt as are sore, which is
always worse. Remember me as the boy man, who read Burr in paperback
as a boy in 1974 and never thought, This would make a great musical,
William Daniels is dead, who made the Roman senate into Compton, or
Compton into the Romans senate, remember me this weekend if you catch
Negros shuck and dance for appeasers, aren't you all as Paul Mooney
said, have a tip for me, for me, for Roman Tony, AS Warren AND THE
LAST LIVING FANTASTIK Boiney-- pass the Hydrox --Snadahhhhhhhs,
yeuck, ether take Vienna or dont, and a toast to me, who could use
am Roman hearted, which only means as Barry took the shade provided
by a march that the Italians have had for Calvino and Verdi, hes
always open to signing whatever death Warrents, see what I did there....?,
that GE faxes over, all that means is like Rocky, I expect the Roman
Boxers, and leave it at this, to never loosen the ropes.
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