It appears every August birthday of this rancid Resistance, again dont trust a Bush when speaking in French, the Jesuits taught me enough at the boys room to know that, I seem to be pounding out late summer work for someone else.
This is a varying degree of success,as somehow despite scads of work I’ve posted, low level comikers think somehow they will get something else besides Venus and Hercules all i have ever drawn since third grade and all i ever will. But have gotten my share out there, despite a Jew York Ti-ems coven and a convent of fat chicks thinking they could be an actual college of cardinals and decide a presidency, as they think they have and can since got a pig in a poke to get in, despite say having never shown his tax returns, unasked for when we needed to get a crime bill in, and if a largest stockholder of both Smith and Wesson and Walmart, and also Private jails wanted to wet her beak, what the hey...? So, am diligently reworking Hercules again, this time as The Black Knight, the last roman centurion in that wasteland that Barry's beloved Conan clomps along,a s it was a cartoon in which Aquilonius Silva, his name, eviscerated a Conan look alike, was seen as too much to an industry where Conan's bloodthirstiness was just fine, and soon would be torturing Lois Lane, BETWEEN THE HOMILES. i AM DOING MY BEST TO Hal Foster THIS UP, AS WHEN A KID, SAVED THOSE GORGEOUS PIECES OF ART WORK CALLED PRINCE VALIANT, NOW CLEARED OUT BY A THOUSANDTH CALVIN, WITH A THOUSAND HOBBES.
Still, But, I must admit a real love of this latest swerve I saw coming, as waredn Roman Bill to get out of Dodge , or better Salem, as best he could, lest again hed find out maybe he was the one, and not, Trump who had a target on his fatback, and had more to lose, as he like a character in dc comics was binned in long boxes of past. He was depersonalized, as if never made of ink or blood or drawn ay all. Duck Amuck. He’s now wiped out.And now, in dibs and drabs, house everythings like Lester the molester on NBC and Greek handmaidens have to explain how the stupidity of the people were for thinking ill of a couple who once wallowed in so much shit that the monuments they have made out of it, as seen in the history of your hated and demeaned Italy, are melting in the rain. As isn't it interesting that hours after i mentioned Mario Cuomo as the closest thing to Virgil in this peculiar hell, that nosy boy, Doofus, would so be taken aback by a hurled epithet, Fredo, that he’d didactically as some noted in lil Italy, as they always do, that he’d be willing and able to play into that role as the muddleheaded Sonny's that Jews used as muscle, back when the Bush Family was still keeping them out of Yale and the Stork Club. Now who could believe that something out of the Godfather could possibly be a slur, as if despite the handwringing if it wanst for wops making their variations of TV aged Titus Androncus fulfilled with blood, no one would be watching a film industry that Oliver Stone percipient said would get too cute.
How I wish my Mom could have lived long enough to have seen the beginning of the tasteless Program again like Italy this time against rich and powerful Jews, showing i was right again when mentioned Marcus Agrippa as their go to. I cant Wait until the enw found chorus of Pretty ,as the Jewish comedy writers woulds say, Brainy Brunettes, Della Streets all, of Court TV are doing color on the trail, yes told a gal use trail and trial indiscriminately as have watched a lot of Paladin, of fat bloated Shylock, my there are many of them now, thsout hast conquered Andrew Young! I CANT WAIT UNTIL ALL THESE PRETTY ETHNIC GIRLS ARE IN THE BOOTH TO WATCH THIS PIG FALL TO EARTH, lets Go to the Tape, Seema, AS A BAG PF SHIT CARTING BALLOON, AS PERHAPS AGAIN THEN THE BLONDISH HE AND HIS IN-LAWS POLLUTED FILM WITH FOR 75 YEARS ARE PERHAPS WEARING FUNERAL BLACK.Welcome to Coppola’s rammed down my five year old throat, it was Jesuit school after all, HOOO BOYYYYY!!!, DREAM of Italy come true, men in white suits and Sachs and each day a Columbus day, which i wait for with baited breath this year as AOC isn't sure what side to take in that principled stand what with her whiteness skin color and streetlight straight black hair being a conquistadors bequeathing. I WOULD SENT Wendy Fiore IN TO DO COLOR,
THE DAY i AS A JESUIT LAWYER WOULD CALL Bill Clinton TO THE STAND, MAKING IT LESS like Anatomy of Murder, or Orson as Clarence in Compulsion, no Attic-us Finch for me, though have always loved Gregory Peck since Roman vesaps my mother watched wistfully when I Was A boy. Let me have at Bill Clinton, hoped that Negro boy queen put him on the court, but his Miss Anne the one he bombed Magnis Leptis for, didnt want it soooooo...as i wanted to see that ball of shit go up against similar Italian- ate shyster Scalia, but alas he wouldn't be firfst lady either. I would have loved to see a #metoo parade of starlets with him as Flotus, wow there be a word Hillary sues with out least compunction, but alas think the only parade would have been going out the back door of the east wing, alert Sorkin, we have another setting for his overbolied an insult of Ma’s, Preston Stergis. A clutch of bunnies once hunted for, when Hillary was under siege with missile attacks. I was tired of what was going on in those perversion castles that Manzoni couldn't delineate as did later genius Pasolini, boy Clinton agelessly tip toes through, to the point, me without the frame of a Answer like point guard couldn't chance it,as Aids was just then an early frost and Georgetown the north pole full of toy-making elves, all yet to be given voice by a screaming later Plautus, who would strip mine the graves of Zero and Jimmy Coco. It wasn't Inherent the wind but the Great race, a line i had Christine Baransky used in my Spec Script, A BROTHER SAYS DONT SEND THEM. He still thinks Lorne Micheals stole my mob skit and ruined it in 1980, and dont feel like bothering to tell him not, that Lorne by then was gone before he realized hwe had found hid Chuck Noll’s lives work. Like, how wonderful to know that a raid of the Lolita compound, happily gone to while Wifely Hillary was failing and Flailing, like Tacitus alliteration is job 1, in the fields of Campagna, yes why we still call it that, censor all you like, but no one can un-see an image of the wall,of Xanadu, at least I called it a Villanovis, in my older tale, again to those in power who live in implausible deniability, down to collected Sabine girls, welcome to the Satyricon, girls.

The Commentaries of Clinton--The war years.
There was, seen by a swat team going up in class than usual, an image of Bill C., one time catcalling clay Roman, as set in a blue shmata and heels. Do remember to wipe your feet, dears...Ah yes, Bill in not a Toga Prextera, the Etruscan dress blues, but a Dior fabulous original hung up there, with a marionette as pendulum in a weddings dress, showing this was never the Roman lives, or even Petronius, but just another flagging, shitty, The Good Wife episode, after everyone likable left, or was pushed out. oh, Bill, i thought you were more Roman than Greek. Yes i think once weave gotten to a painting in Drag hung on the hidden wall of a Jewish Shylock child molester, maybe you shouldn't have been as vicious to the Italians as you have been. So, again I await the flub machine, Bidding, walking in a Sicilian parade, next year, a good year, my parentage on parade, as have an inkling as wonder if a post with no slurs i can think of doesn't bother a peanut gallery Twitter now being both Pat McCormick, and RW APPLE, i think Bill in drag isn't anything new as best Senora Fortuna saw him in such a garb when he was in that which i eshewed and almost feared, within the hidden vestibules of a bball factorized Georgetown.
Labels: Bill Clinton, courttv, Francis Ford Coppolla, Hillary Clinton, the good wife, WOP LIKE ME
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