part 1.
[with drawings actually accepted this year.]
2 dec17.
A gal in publishing who liked my On the mountains of the moon but
didn’t Want to deal with the
Harry Potheads it was obviously written against, told me that I was onto
something , in that a major Magazine just
spiked a story about Billy the
kid in mid century, midlife, middlebrow middle soared middle everything…seems like old times, but
they were once doing this for him and not to him.
Ouch, this must hurt, as I’ve been wondering after
this age of acrimony that Hilary is desperately trying to get ahead of, as are
the Bushes by hoping like Hannibal to stay ahead of the elephants well,
Orsuleophante…?, in abstainsia, this is
a sad note, as it means the antimony ahs
gotten into the well water and frankly now even liberals are daring asking what
they got out of destroying Monica what with what does glass steigle being gone really mean to me, ah, that second
person that haunts narcissus. The cupboard I take it is bear and as a mother
could have told the democrats don’t give it away, dears…You desolated the wrong
Colbert Madam streiga…
As I have been
waiting for that next last hurrah as I told a gal eliciting some laughs, but no
really, I want to see how well Bill can go from playing Zero in Plautus to
being Elaine Stritch in a little night music. But you cant be Plautus forever
even he tried his hand at epic, and like Virgil, enemies, teachers then yet
unborn are always willing to do the bidding of that last Caesar, the broods of
Sondheim, the clown replaced by a woman who got too soon old, as my buddy
Pittsburgh Press newsman emeritus Phil Music would say, too late smart. I have
till December 10 to get something out but am getting fatigued and am not sure i
can do it, especially even with ray guns init. Poor Bill, having an ultimate woman who lynched and drag you to these depths as the Hollywood
crowd are still in a blacklist and witch trial ,this time fine, this time okay,
this time without a Marrow and all RFKS, our
Pusedelus trapped in the crucible,
and starting to blame the wife
for everything, his last bad third act. But am told I must be on face book or
Twitter eeeeecccchhhhhhh…still want they art that some Pro Bush , Hillary was
always just a prop, sent me back my
pages torn tobits, making my brother ask what kind of animals are you
dealing with ,idiot…?, I wants my blue man to fly through newsprint skies. They
is antipathy towards him as none else Ive done, as this year even got Romans
centurions in Arab newspapers, --they never bought your Love of dancing
Palestinians soon after 300, and am told outright that its about somehow,
though legally now labeled as satire, as we label all, copyright infringement,
yet not ms Mary Amazon isn’t, or that shazam of mine as it was called, and all
that is somewhere , but this not, and am not acutely sure why.
Trying to make and enjoy a lovely saturnalia roman FESTIVAL
FOR MY MA, as one thing that makes me unable to hate old Roman Bill despite it
all as he seems to dissipate before us,
see you were complicate and who sued
that Aquinas line back when the trees were green and fled with sprites
in the midsummer that like so much the crime families thought they takeaways
from us next, in Monica so that could show your dirty wings, more than
anything. But as I said, he couldn’t just say that he loved a famous artist, it
was never Dante’s inferno, its WAS ALWAYS THE NEW LIFE .It wasn’t Ovid
Metamorphoses it was always Roman
Festivals, it was Virgil’s Eclogues not the Aeneid , and it was the
Tempest...by Eugenio Montale. Also see in a plastic sheathe in which all seven
chapters of twelve of rag are packed by me after get them anywhere, too
something I cant wraparound a stone and hurl through a window, is the pages
which my Tolkien, BDD Crumbwhieght is immolated by a pixie named Beatrice …now
that I thoroughly understand.
Im sorry but I cant quite be lectured to by the wronged box
over here, as wonder how many Monica jokes did you clowns have to make...? In
Roman farce , you can be a clown and then have a moment of clarity and wise
ness and decency, as they often do, or even cry over your slutty wife, but you
cant be a clown who is decent and noble and good all the time, because that
just means you’re heading for the
biggest pratfall of all. As if anyone
thinks I don’t know what Im taking about somebody out there seems to playing
ten little Indians and hates the same people I DO.As watching a Christmas
marathon of Law and order for no
reason than Mariska and the few that
creep allowed a pretty Italian girl
named Annie Parisi in before she was woman in refrigerated, and no one cared,
still I don’t believe our Lesbo duchy, not with every third commercial showing batman and Barbie, both boring belly
up when I was a Jesuit kid, in the same universe and I wont touch that with a
ten foot pole. ...These cunts are why I WATCH DECADES AND ANTENNA and free television, paying for
television to me has an echo of Gore
Vidal’s line about how great America was before aids and Regis Philbin ,anyhow,
the thing that I find I like watching on these channels is actual Talent, it
mattered once, now we get a constant
admonishment, but from them who arose from a tale less crypt called comedy
central, faggots and fat girls, who was
as sent by a Jewvenal who was seen on
TV, sent his minions out to harass an
Asian girl who dared ask, in Soprano land no less, why eh was allowed to
ode Richard Liu, but again, don’t see dancing PLO negreos captains with
brunettes, now that the jesters tougher
meaner kin are s are strafing as You knew they would Jeddah.
As what told me mach as the body count keeps rushing as
always happens to anyone caught in a Bushman fiasco, was the day that Al
Frinken, oh Lawdie, even my sketches are even Sibylline, spit his way out of
dying senate they always do, as a inhumane Caphius, --I heard the shot he took
not at Trump but at a roman host out there, who unlike he, was a boy WHO DIDN’T
DREAM Of power, not like him, …oh you bitch!
I fall for this each time, and someone told me couldn’t send
in this picture pin ups 1962 as it was, and had to redraw it, as saw Corsetto seemingly
having to do the same thing. Bt as I did it found myself feeling as big a sell
out as Lucas, and even my Ma seeing this asked me why I was apparently
destroying this particular picture, that
she came to much like, as sorry, what will destroy the No Bigger Cause of
praetorians clowns we are not all levers
of Blond women. So did it as best as I could, stupidly having redone the
original, always my first mistake, and not just a copy, as cant recapture at
all ever this is,...but threw it all
aside, as I was watching Al, Al
Frinkens disparate attempt at again Playacting Plautus not being funny enough
for emporium of farce, and watched the little Jewish hack and his farewell to
the troops.
13 dec 17.
As literal saturnalia approached, really put on it there,
especially at night, as was actually my
mother fell ill, more than usual. She
was upset and fitful, as had placed up a tree we had won at a local supermarket so barely have we scraped
by this year as its been tough, but the cesspool called a senate is trying to
remove that carcass called Hillary still wrapped around it, as next year is
after all, a good Roman year.
And felt badly for her actually, and hoped very greatly she
didn’t go off, as it would be sad to think both of my parents died at Christmas
time, ironically as much as anything a Roman time against a dark savage age of
bluenoses and circus haters and white
miss Grundy’s who fear sex, as if anyone wants any of it from them, but then
Machiavelli said the weak think of nothing but power, the ugly think of beauty
,the incompetent think of only smarts , etc, etc...
I think she was poisoned by the fish she demands we eat now,
as it was after all a another Roman holidays of the ten tenth month that was
all baled together in a massive holiday which again Medveed and David Brocks
refuse to acknowledge a Roman sprig of as Tennessee Williams is after all dead
and I feel like shit myself. We flushed her with as much water and vitamin c
and coffee as she was dizzy and out of it, I but stayed up with her here in the dark and was with
her, on watch as much as anything, keeping
eye on her, monitoring her, feeling both sad and queasy, watching the old shine
of a golden age Carson, the Virgil ghost of this year. These were shows, amid other shows that
defined this festa to me as they did as a boy, and I sat up with her while she
was getting somewhat better and I SIGHED A BREATH OF RELIEF AS she smiled up
at me and held my hand, with her smart and clever eyes, to sue a word used
against me by Copula and his perpetual Jewry in-laws as they dream like all
niggers of spitting down from the
prosecution table, as my love of both Bread and circus and Perry mason is
beyond their imperial karts.
Again, had seen enough of a casket decorated Christmas
onceAnd which is why I never called to
Leslie playfully again. As I may not out and out love my father, and have my
trouble to this day with him and his want of me to Clintonian prostitute myself
and get ahead with that sense to detail that was a Georgetown scholarship, But I am Roman
enough to have decorum. I know Barry thinks decorum is for suckers, as it must
be a burgeoning well Christmas out there, as he still trying to as bad habits
die hard, get his cut ah, but the Hillary coven bark but the caravan moves on
dears. Some one please tale miss Focohauntus, the next time you want a
president inflicted upon America, you and Larry David, don’t call the bitch a
racist and snore at her on Valentines day,
and then pretend you are some sort of Sejanus, …

I sat up with her, my mother, as certainly couldn’t watch
that three headed Cerberus of fools this night, not this soon after saw the
ghost of Johnny from Superman the movie
days. As this time the tree was a supermarket giveaway, a market find, green
and not that big but in a land that was admitting in the Jewish times last year
at this time that almost 300 percent more people were living in poverty now as
Barry the bombardier of Mangus leptis true to settele a bill and find more
buckshot than he would have thought, and no Rachel dears say a word about it.
Our ham didn’t get free trade through, us that a demerit in Kramden yards..?
if need be, sad that that cheap wall mart fish had again smeared a
holiday. I did set up though and didn’t
go to bed , and watched, as she did, 2 broke girls at 11, that comes in if the
Turk antennae is just so or against the window, but then 22-4 and Crow and
Because science won’t come in, but left it as it was. Missed I thought, the
decades channels cop show and comedy binges at they had year ago, seemingly
deviated to what’s called lost television and must if it should have stayed
that way as showed the dreaded Betty White before she was made blond and lover of square Allan
Ludden. We stayed up, and there was of
all people as went through the channels avoided big that awful relic called the
tonight show, or the show on cbs which was better when was still old Kojacks.
There, on a free movie station was my
beloved Zero, as Max Bialaistock, producer extraordinaire , and one of the
best personages on film, up there with
Bob Blake in In Cold Blood, and George Scott as Patton, as the best exemplar of
the Hollywood producer, especially now, that
has ever been.
Bernie: Shhhwweethardt,the fiost thing they teach yas in wahr politcis and Coicus is how ta read a freaking Map.
The real Tonight show has been in a 1979 kick lately, around
that time, as recall when these were first on, and they seem more like a real
tonight show than that shit that is prepared by the clowns of mars now. As
these days of cold war Carson, the word superman keeps summing-up, and Johnny
one interviews the handsome Roman godlike Christopher Reeve, a name attached
too the strong man since I was a boy and longer before whose name denoted and
connoted the reeves of previous days. We were little boys once, we now knew was
at the end of this imperial Rainbow, as he as the effect Superman was as was
Lynda the prefect Diana in so many ways,
and even Johnny stands there with NBC studio toys and set piece then,
our parietal youth, with a mego
superman in his hands. I set up with my
under the weather, to put it mildly, mother, but stayed my Roman watch for her
in case she dived downwards. But sat in the dark that was made all the
more serenely festive by the
winkling lights n the Penumbra that was
hat supermarket tree. I think she didn’t want tow catch Perry mason, and its
orison Noir colorations right now,
though he sees him as a Forbo Chabubo, a clever fat man, and Della is the
exemplar of the stylish woman of that first
emancipated age, as is much, eventually goes to white perverts as it
always has in every curaia that ahs rolled down a seventh hill. She was a bit
out of it from a poisoning, and my brother raced to the local drugstore, as she
asked only a Pharmacist’s opinion did mom. Doctors are equally now doing the
bidding of death dealers and death cult unmarried white women, the ones who
expect you now to cry for them, while men were sent into a piratical
war, corpse men as the doge called them, not noticed, intoed, you too cry nore
for women who somehow learned theirs
Curilattte from the men tenet their beloved once and no more Bill Clinton, whom
she dispraises, she cant stand anymore
and thus they’ve all became so sanctimonious that we all became ill. She
trusts, as says don’t call any ambulances, or shell hurl herself off the steps
before she is allowed to be warehoused to die like so many. Laugh, but that
very word was amusingly used by a drunkard liberal pol as seen on tv, for
whom somehow, as with democrats and
stealers the pussy patrol is alarmingly unblood thirsted. It may seem outrageous,
however that very word was used to explain democratic policy by human spittoon
Chris Matthews who auras is showing what a delta house without Josh Mostel much
less Belushi was a fairytale we were all
handed the last few years.
He raced to the CVS as she considers doctors merely a form of Grave robbery, much alike the Bush family. While there he told me some asshole came up to him blathering about the

I keep hearing from Frank Sinatra Jr Junior that white woman
lesbians have ruled the day, but as I said, as was seated here in the dark
punctuated by a staccato of little colorful eteric light, still see as watched
law and order only for Mariska, see commercials for barman and Barbie in the same universe and boy could I commence
on thattttttttt…
She now summed better, and started talking in short blue
streaks, tiredly but in a kind of mantra
taught to her by the nuns, which
made me relax from a more stoic Roman outlook dare I have to mare this
holiday by carrying her out. I was somewhat proud of myself as I watched her as
he raced to the drugstore, the place that used to be Revco, as he wont go to
the hereby Walgreen’s as they have a cahier there, a pleasant enough girl ,
but who seems to like mister Sinatra,
Ronan’s dad, have a cold, which he wants
no part of. I was no woman about this. She says she saw people and
shadows on the wall …no, literally said she saw shadows on the wall, as is
afraid more than ever that she didn’t so much cross an ocean but the mere
straights of messina, and is in a thievery inferno called Sicily, where there
is no respect for anything or anyone, including as the Clintons can attest, a
bribe, and men kill soldiers and policemen with impunity, the hall mark of
dying medusa island empire of muck.
She was scared, but I reassured her there were just
Christmas lights outside, tree lights, saturnalia lanterns, not sirens, though
the season started with a cop getting killed only a few streets away by someone
who thought in Obamanation, that the democrats don’t weep more cops than they
do for their killers, a s to Palazzo everyday is Columbus day, and no one cries
for the killers of BART cops, not when the festival of multi- fish are here. I
consoled the old fried aged little girl
near me, whose county she said was bombed to rubble, by Jim crow rednecks making the world safe
for Jewish intermarriage, within reason, and who were tasking ever reaches as gleefully taking the votes of Klansmen, who they made pacts with, she tells
me, as she calms down, as did the fathers, don’t ever think that they didn’t,
don’t believe the Irish cunts and white chicks, they’ll make a nigger as the
brethren said for me not to forgo my Italians MARTIAL SOUL AND NOT BE ONE OF
THEIR LIVING JOKES.. THEY WOULD hang anyone, including Italians, take that
Pigmeat, to stay in Power, if not get their names on vainglorious cemented
various buildings.

I felt badly that’s somewhere to big ht those raping over
sexed scumbags at Nation Biscuit Companies
and world wide Lauers are en force more than not, an there story breaks about
Buccigross and Herbstreets, the former literally Big Kiss, as in were off, we
are amid a good wholesome decadent witch
trail, as shows the weakness of Jews when white woman are involved, know your
place, nothing my father and the priests didn’t warn me of, but then, women
make you, as they warned me, stupid. I
felt bad that a instigator, you can bring back your words, Ill bring back mine,
a stoker ace of all this , Jew Froed
MONTANA, now seen in a commercial with
beloved brunette KATERINA, worth of the name in ways I always knew that bloated
blond hag weren’t, --shameless Haaaavvveyy on line 2 Kat—that the instigated a
lot of this type to his wop creed, all Sicilians hate cops, you know why, and smothered it with afro sheen, was upset he
says openly that white woman were on the cover of Time,--watch out!-- and don’t
you forget it Guido, know woppish placed like Christie, and know who pass ahead
of you, always. As what bated me, as even my fascist mother little girl under
Mussolini, who dared be true to his Roman roots, that’s a no-no, couldn’t
believe that a police state like this actually allows its waterside niggers to
play at being gangsters the point that they kill cops, but wake me when its
nine o’clock as Ted Baxter said, as I said to admiration by liberals all year ,
I wanna watch SWAT. Yell your nigger boards before they try so desperately to
make Trumpo into a 20's president, do recall that a crime bill was signed by a
dancing pig from hot springs who put
more per capital people in jail in the
nineties than Mussolini did when still an American ally, you see those camps
didn’t matter yet…so,…remember that, dear , as at any moment you too can lose a
job to a shicksa, as when they say they don’t like brunettes, you’re first on
that list.
So, sat there with my mother
I spied up as we gave her the
medicine he bought at the store, a medicine she
usually avoids, she this time took,
as its amusing what hearing the angels can do to that creed, which is
why I don’t tryst any passavate family so enamored power, that
lets a son die with a death bed utterance that he wants pops to do his due
dalliance to keep those Ozarks pimps out of a Praetorian, in a scene worthy
again of More Puzo, lineally Puss, than
anything LIVY, but then I’ve never hid
my life of VIRGIL in the detergent blood and always there squibs. I SAT
THERE AS SHE BECAME MORE CALM, I did wish death on Keaperndick, and various
others, it bothers me Scorsese has
outlived all those Jesuit you let die of
aids or a father who said his son was a Roman centurion kin, as did GORE VIDAL, WHICH ALWAYS BOTHERS THE JEWS
WILLING TO MAKE THOR MOVIES AND NOT WINCE. Oh, look whose drunk now, and looks
whose using the workplace as a singles
bar, Jemelle, dear, and sat there, going through the few channels we have, as
the prices of the new cuty take away as many as they can, but Im never paying
for Cable until Anderson Copper dies of
adis and lives or dies out his Death in Venice creed. But there, on the national bisect company had the ruins
of something once called the Tonight show, but starring now one of the three
headed Cerberus who alas share a brain or at least a flight plan, and whatever
you do know that fat one is a good liberal, and cares so much now that doesn’t
have to have big titted cunts dance for peanuts, as then credo of America is that we all move
up a slot.
He, was Jimmy 2, like bizarro, was laughing and dancing away, was this amazingly un hectored as was Leno, heir to Carson, or so he was according to some sow on WGN until he I don know didn’t want to assassinate Trump or something, as god knows you spics aren’t as stupid as wops and don’t allow anyone to say you have Orange skin. As usually was so affable and smiled so broadly and giggling so heartily, the mask of real meeeeeannnnnnnnn drunk, I am the auger, and as my brother said, dances naked on Jonnies old desk, and just cracks up insensate a dumber version of Harvey Korman.
He, was Jimmy 2, like bizarro, was laughing and dancing away, was this amazingly un hectored as was Leno, heir to Carson, or so he was according to some sow on WGN until he I don know didn’t want to assassinate Trump or something, as god knows you spics aren’t as stupid as wops and don’t allow anyone to say you have Orange skin. As usually was so affable and smiled so broadly and giggling so heartily, the mask of real meeeeeannnnnnnnn drunk, I am the auger, and as my brother said, dances naked on Jonnies old desk, and just cracks up insensate a dumber version of Harvey Korman.
He giggled away dolefully, it made me wince, but my mother
looked up and said, Mae, qye a qesra sempri Rede…? He’s the new Tonight show
ma, that’s all he does is laugh. A
pretty girl was on, a lovely Brunette with Capotes areola of tobacco colored
hair around a pixies face, and leggy a dress slit up to there. Que Bella
Ragazza, my ma said, watching through wet and tired eyes. The pharmacist told
me to shut the over head lightsome the lamps, but don’t leave her in the dark,
keep on the tree and the TV so shed acclimate but don’t leave her in the dark.
She was pretty and the only reason I was watching.
But this was no Paar like Tonight show, this was the tonight
show what carcass it became, it was a
ruin, as a boy all three men who started
the tonight show, Allen, Paar, and Carson all has shows on TV, Paar on
Westinghouse, and Allen had a meeting of
the minds with he talking to the likes of Da vinci .So can one imagine how many
times Steven Colbert would say Ullllmmmn Eahhhhhhhh, uuuummmmn, with
Michaelangelo there reciting out of Roman diaries. It couldnt be as many as he
did with Lauren Graham, hes a bit
perturbed amid the women who don’t genuflect well. And, much less that CBS shit
where a man who sent out minions too trash an Asian co ed with death threats
and thinks assassinating a president will make him more like Matt Helm, and
less like a fag, but this petty girl wasn’t giving us stories akin to a Dotty
Goodman or Herminie Gingold, or starlets who have danced about the tonight show
as wood nymphs since Robin Good fellow or at least Morey Amsterdam, no she and
others were here, playing Charades. My goodness. What is this…? New Rocshell…?
I sat there only catching her, see Jesuitical warning above, and this smiling
dork who said, this is the Tonight show, yeah you wish, and I wondered how we
got to this place and how we got here, as this is what happens when you allowed
the Clintons to
live out an Edward Albee play we are all imprisoned in. Isn’t it funny, no one is there to hector
this marionette out of a job, like they were with Leno, who had the decency to
not say he was starring in so soon after Carson, ah but shamelessness is Dr
Evil calling card, and so, he now runs NBC LATE NIGHT, with three shows that
avoid Roman satire with all their might. I felt bad enough watching this
silliness as my mother was precariously seated there and swallowing the kind of
ad hoc medicine that italics have been having to use under various doges, but
which can get both the periapts of left and right and lesbians and Bushie
conservatives, both Patty and Lamaaar to join hands and praise the Oligarchy.
Then, in a moment worthy of Tacitus,
again some white chick at the vineyard
defamed me for my spelling, until said it was out of the copy of Chaucer in Italian I have ohho, that when they dissipate like hot wind, I saw
the moment of the season.
No, no singing cardboard boxes as the ELVISH earth foresters
SHOOT! OH I saw the moment of the Romans season, again not that dancing PLO
captain here to take your unloved brunettes away, don’t touch the blonds, you
or Franken, I saw the moment that said everything. Me and a PhD I knew named
Alan who looked me very much would read the passages of Machiavelli as if it
were a holy writ and who says it isn’t, as I was using his and
Aquinas epigrams of complicity when the trees still here and pixie filled in midsummer, as harmed Hillary tries to get
more pity from that Turnip, but just
shows that you don’t as I said, eat a pig like that all at once. I saw a
commercial for a Christmas charity for veterans, will send them something, as
avoid the usual suspects with their hands out, and like Jones, who suddenly has
a whole new audience for his madness here in Pittsburgh , ahahahahahahaha, call
it Dez’s revenge, I make sure to throw any
left over coin at the red kettle that means Christmas to me.
After this silliness and that other cunt ON A BIGGER CHECK,
where that Hazel must keep apologizing as she cant keep even her leis straight,
much less her cockeyes and jowls, I saw
a commercial for a man with no legs, like the proverb as al proverbs that
people think came
I sat there in the darkness as my mother seemed to get back
some ease. I sat there, so they don’t allow the discouraging word at gates called face book chastened in ways those crime family
button-men who dream of power as openly
as wives cant image they were so municipally demeaned for nothing, put Aquinas
quote here while Bill oggels the new first lady as he never ahs enough. But
knowing of Machiavellian morals to know they will as always happens in dying
republics will get theirs as Sicilians always do. I was quiet there in the
strange festive shine of these little bulbs on a fake tree. I had heard some
cunt in some football factory, remember connive to get Sabine in the reverie,
the absurd just loves him!, bitching
about Jingle bells and the minstrel show that all comes from, according to them who stll are allowed to use slave
labor for their blood sport, but remember were doing playoffs on New-years day
this year having heard from our alumnus…I felt chastened in ways
no Hillary apparatchik ever can, as am not a woman, or worse yet, an
attaché, and couldn’t sell myself to the doges of Georgetown as didn’t need or
want to sue them as a way out the Mud pits and hot springs. Thought of the line
from Terence and thought this image of thus broken soldier so Roman amid these laughing
twats and clowns of mars, made me feel
sadness , the sadness that is the circus, and saturnalia, too as Crow the robot
I was diminished by seeing a second of this smiling hoodlum, doing his scat dance and his charades and his attempt at a sixties life, down to the set of Googie Sarnoff play set, it make his tipping seem all the more direly and enjoyable. Go have a swig for me, Rummy, and heres hoping that Niccollo was right and that even a sky filled with angels cant stop the drunk from falling down the flight of steps that has his name on it…or was that Bill Clinton…? I couldn’t watch another bit of this idiot after that tacitus moment of imperial farce was shown, hilarity laughing and dancing and giggling while sweating rye, while men died in whatever alps that imperial crime families sent them to, and cant forget that as willingly as can someone who is fored from a frathosue like espn as they trash statues of Patreno and singsong of decent coloreds so well. My mother, looked up and said to me, told me, I feel better, but I stayed there as she dozed off watching of all people my beloved Roman ghosts ,now thers a host, Lorne, Zero Mostel as the ultimate producer, fat and porcine and lovable and georgics and there’s our Hittttttlahhllllhhhhhh!, a Zero, a Plautus from a sweeter kinder age, when shamelessness wasn’t so en Vogue. Going Vogues. I was glad my mother went to sleeps as Itried not to laugh too hard at Zero and the egart Gene Wilder, and why didn’t Mel, here at his best before gave into too kitch to mad magazine like broad parody, may we use such a as I’ve been told incensory word, well what don’t you barbarians set fire to…?, again watch that Magnus Leptis shit, wop, with the twelve chairs a comic master piece, Dick Shawn more…? I sat there and watched this, as know the roman in that broken man as they had before would and could approve in ways that wouldn’t make them sick. As for the 1000th time in a thousand Years, I, a good Roman, wished ill on all the swells, in a saturnalia they never see coming ,maybe only Bill, one they look downspin and yet, I know again for a thousandth time, they’ll get theirs like they always do. I was glad my mother didn’t die on Saturnalia and is back to being okay, as an Arab gal in one of these pages sends me a clip of Bill ogling Melania, and all that life he still repents to the fat little boys and how and what happens when Grandma sees this, and say, he feels the same way about the Republic toots, is what you never understood. I am glad to know that ma is better, as didn’t want to deal with such a thing again, as did in 1985, and which made me ever from the eternal childishness of comics just when it was beginning to take hold, as didn’t have to deal with Tinsel that had been marred by embalming fluid, which after all might be as Gore said, the only thing that makes Hillary’s fever break ,and which, after all, might be her husbands anniversary gift to her, should she not quickly understand the secret histories, or at least the laws of farce.
26 Dec 17
least one night each week of advent, Saturnalia has four holidays as
does Italian Christmas that Michael Medved has to pretend for some Jews
for Jesus reason has not tied to Woody’s Christmas in new York, I spent
the night into the two ams watching the only remaining law and order. I
can’t really stomach them, that being the one about the sexual crimes
like character played by Meloni, as hes one of the few Italians that
survived Dick Wolfe, and too, admire the better Elaine, but alas and
thus is true according to my sister, keeper of that jewey flame as shes
odes that show for reasons I don’t really get, Mariska.And, always
liked Dann Florick, generational gonniff, when he was the nineties go
to Gonniff, which I wonder how Seinfeld missed him, though am glad
they did as he played a chacham comically perfectly. But mostly I am in
this for four hours at night, this season, because alder miss Mariska
Hartigay and have a boyish crush on her as I did her mother, the only
blond of that type and from that age who didn’t make me sick.
love this woman, the fake Elaine, who like Teri, also passed nixed by
Tartikoff, who had an undercurrent of what brunettes are and aren’t, as
seen in full awful flower lately by Harve’s little black book or
booking, would’ve been a more sexy and maybe thus funny Elaine than that
hectoring witch, as loved this brunette sympatica since then. But I
watch though it is true-ley depressing and oppressive at saturnalia
time, but she is one of the few lovely brunettes how she made it almost
Harvey’s moat full of roofies is almost Herculean, and so feel a
compulsion to watch these shows, and frankly here is not much else on.
To be honest I THINK watching her, as recently as seven years ago, I had
an real devotion to doing anything but what I did, as a graffiti
artist a hit and run jobber, a Roman schoolboy amid the sanctimonious
even then, as had an inkling and said as much in scripts that Hollywood
was the cesspool that my father said and for reasons now that have been
open and shown like that can of worms that I drew behind Bill Clinton
in 1995, in a cartoon that no less a sportswriter per excel-acne named
Bruce Kiden, looking at my work when went to the Pittsburgh Press in art
school said of my collection of funnies and comics, that they were
far too witty for anything that that rag was looking for. Which was I
starting coming from the press rats, as at that time, or not too long
into it, Gingrish and the Grinch would be combined by that eventual
hack, as I did Clinton in ways white woman saw as egregious, your wit
you see is only bound by their pointed heads, heads if we are lucky,
women think with their cunts and the same Jesuits who reared Bill told
me, and soon enough Bill Clinton would be Nero too then, and on poles
like a leper, as simony is by some not to be avoided and in fact, has
been by definition monetized.
the leggy brunette, with a name like Zatana on the ruins and the corpse
called the Tonight show, that I cant watch, as with the reruns from of
all years and times 1979, as there appears again the Superman mego doll
of my youth, and there is shown some young vital heroic Christopher
Reeve who’d end up so sadly and brokenly, like say America itself under
that coon, whoso raked the earth with his ruin and now as the Jew York
times thanks Trumpie for deafening Isis in almost as little time as he
said, ah was Constantine still looking at that dollars sign in the sku,
you cant get good help anywhere can you Buster,,,,ah cant trust the lil
brown ones can you, as they thank him making each word said by beady
eyed Krugman ring more hollow and jeweie than the last, well now Isis
is finished, and we can go back to American half breed nigers and the
bush family being the only iconoclasts aloud in Geo Rapprochement.
asked to change, as have been with the blue of MS, this red of Capts
uniform or his name, showiwng as a ten year old, this, my first go round
with a penciled titan uberman I has a precious understanding of
time did see the dancing Palestinian commercial, though heavily edited,
but not the commercial, the one I had seen before, no now that my
mother is more well, or well a s you can be at 90, but back to a
semblance of Italian joyousness, the commercial with the beaten and
broken man, a ruin from perpetual war that the bishops couldn’t sell,
was this time, Gone, as my brother told me he had read in one of his
dreary newsletterspapers, whatever they are, the times I think that even
that drunken Fallow, felon, Gallon Carrington, whatever, he wasn’t
keen on such a commercial being as jarring as it was as he was busily
straying to feigning ability, and hope that the stink of scotch sweat
didn’t permeate the stage like he was in some sort of Chaivesky or
Reginald rose play on CBS when it still mattered. No as, I could have
guessed that commercial was gone and the issue done, was heavy cut so as
to seem like merely the mixed marriages that my mother told me some
Italians woman didn’t survive the abortionists, bt that was before
Barry came in his burning chariot and seemed to fall right to magnus
Lepis. Ah but a less Latin word, Hezbollah seems to have reared its ugly
head, and perkily too. Oh poor, poor, Krautie and all his lil Jewish
hammers, you mean Jewish devotion…you mean as Machiavelli said, a true
believer means waiting until you’re the second rat off the ship. But if
not that scene as that drunken hack was again paling new Rochelle
charades on a show in which both Paar and Carson once let Dangerfield
and Rose Marie and Bob Blake, and Dabney and most excellently Jonathan
Winters be the voices of various springs and nowhere comedy central
hacks wonder openly of the devotion of blond cunts who smile their ways
as the new jerked each bombastic morning, I was chastened by my mother
and glad she lived through the cold nights of this move. Her devotion
to sainthood has waned, as you’d hope and think.
is now willing to eat and not fast while a circus falls to the grounds.
Of course she never much believed in the now raging lesbians and their
white fathers who only a few years ago were imbibing, like,in the black
arts of destroying Monica and Italian women, as she never much cared as
did my father, who ahd warned me of their WopJewey hatred for anyone
like them in anyway. if not all of them were perverts in ermine,and
Jewish hags who somehow made jure who ever allowed Trump in, that they
weren’t hillary’s friend,as Miss Grundy was playing Camille for
SOMEBODY’S future options, all is a circus as Seneca said, about
Saturnalia no less, they made appetent, as once again, Boiney, don’t
call a woman a racist on valentines day and then so openly weep as they
lose, you poisoned that well, as no one really , again outside if the
curia, believes it. No one is as dumb as they pretended, as the
barristers saint said and again, Tin Lizzie, do your act somewhere else
as I have tired of it.Like Christie before you didn’t understand what’s
holy about Roman farce that will never be with dreary dull as dish
water to Tacitus, Ascheles and other things Dick Cavette thinks he
only saw because he was in them. I wonder if Bill , my equal , god help
me, in Roman devotions[--edit--see part 2 there is a fire on the feast
of Janus, hummmmm,] and editions, I might be less of a coward, imagine
that, I wonder if he’s been so chastened too and in just quiet out of
duplicity, or even shame, I wonder if he knows enough of a commedia out
lasting its pratfalls as wifey clomps her ways along, Into the Woods,
isn’t it Rich, and i present the whole companneeee, begging the niggers
and Jews to pretened they like her onemooootyyyyyme! This time perhaps, a
kibosh on meeting the crime bill even on easter, As the house Negroes
and lesbsos of the daytime our lesser than Mervs of now,both of whom if
i recall previous riff were part of this age the bushes sysnhed in or
taking things away hummmmmn, this all smarted our age of suspects in
suspended lamination, when a patrician named Gore didnt win , but again
,like Dukakis, its amusing how the Clinton always so need that open
seat, anyway she was on with both of these hacks, clomping about, on
crutches, ah, that Greek Hoard is my lord, I shall want salt, anyway,
she was on clomping about, as again I thought of th eld jokes, they had
become poor Bill with his once called by Dowd affected admiration of the
Romans STOIC, HOW DARE U!, A BRIBE ONLY GOES SO FAR, devotion to Marcus
and not Miles, but again the Clinton’s are pigs you cant all eat at
yr greasy republic this is somehow not a copyright infringement since
CC Beck and Otto Binder did that most dis- Americana of things--Lose. ]
guess I had my conversion scene, in a book ocne seen as above reprouch
as a white woman is now, but then that poison you were pad for Martin
has paid them more dividends than you’ll ever know. I hope you do too,
Bill, no foolling,you’ve been enflamed enough and still have a soft
spot in my heart if not my head for the lover Of Ovid, as i said of a
book called the tempest—By Eugenio Montale, and the hares begin to sing,
a gloomy Lucifer alights, the last Italian to win a noble prize, in
1968, ah the year that book came out, and all before was white washed
in more ways than one, a book that even was passed over by Robert Altman
and others, but vineyards are out there for the buying. I wish him
the best, I do, even ma thinks he is a disgraziato, but an affable one,
but theat wife,yeeeeech, did you actually think Marius was going to let
you wear that mantle old lady...?, are you blind now to again from the
syphilis..? I had too take stoic break this season am dangerously close
to deleting sumbittable, well wishing means nothing to the resume, as
said, don’t have a single breath to give to Cicero or those crime
families anymore. I proved my Roman worth when all the dukes had gone
Fission. hehe. Orsolephante, said Mister Durante, and I am again
inclined to agree and leave you with pretending you read the Canterbury
tales which the pastors made me as a boy, so…I started to resent
commercials constantly about dancing bears and dogs with overlays of
silent night, I started to resent seeing the three headed hell dog of
Jims who think they are the hairs to Carson and Paar, after what had
been through with my ma, I wanted nothing more to do with them or any of
this. To show my Jesuits education was impeccable, with only hours to
go until th feast of Janus, well, Hillary was openly derided and
demeaned even dehumanized as kept a victory lap going far too long for
such a thing as a loser such as she. This hag wept on too long, the
death literally of comedy, with Miles to cum before she sleeps, this was
why the Romans invented decorum, you dont let beady eyed Jews call an
elected person evil, because people think you’ve let them down,
Machiavellian second person 101. I have a feeling a truce is in the
wind. I think a cesspool that made a year of fat jokes so Marius could
shatter the the glass steigle act and say in the senate he saw as
beneath him that the era of big gummit was over, look whose talking, is
displaying a level of sanctimony that can only end badly.
[THE PRINCE-1995.]
Its been a tough year, what with me doing a Virgil SCENE with Ma on the semi beaten streets, cops shot that both frightened and unnerved her fascist itlalain heart, even the gumbas you’ve made a minstrel show, even the highway men she grewup with, said no cops or woman or children,but then your niggers hate decorum, as knew when i saw Barry described as some sort of shadow praetor, Lamont he isn’t, I thought,him…in the background...…what and leave show bidness…? And for no one was it tither than for Godell, and his minions, as the last game this season was canceled, Cowboys out of it, bad day at black rock, showing bread and circus was something that the Jewish hearts of our doges now couldn’t ever get behind as a loss leader is after all the only evil there is. It was-ant just for myself that i deduced a few years ago to reconstruct a boyhood Tony liberaiea as much as it was to get revenge on those hacks and hags and sick bags who thought and still some did that they had the baracian sniffy place and sissy sancitomny right to tear up my work, well, to you as got my own anti Harry Pooter in somewhere as always wished to save the Hippogriff and the bestiary from the clutches of that white woman who are now tar as they have never beens tarred before, Oh, poor poor David brooks where without Rose will art they go to pretend thou hath read Thomas Aquinas anymore, as the priest of middlebrow, bless his heart, was early on gotten by the kotex patrol. I am Romanus Sum, dont think ill cry for amazon hags to ugly and or unwilling to find sugar daddeis in the Ozarks. And again see a ubiquitous Law and Order, skipped watching when it made a lovely cite Italian girl, only watched the secret storm for when soaps were on because she was that beguiling, Annie Parisi, of course replaced by a posing spic, oh just like the democrats, why you lost all those great lakes, you all really should read those Roman stuff Bill Clinton pretends to have read, into a carcass in a refrigerator, saw the grand D’Onofrio have a case about niggers and pimps and spics, those white woman admired darkeis that Whooppie bleeds for now no longer needing a circus of dumb wops and tun-elle chicks behind her as background, that somehow had to bring Bill’s father, Marcus Aurelius, into it and never understood this or why. As I tally up a good year in ways, I find is till cant get that azure and safron Roman legionary superman to take flight,really he has an antipathy towards Gino one else gets as it is even called copyright infringment by some, even had to change the blue of his uniform to a dreaded nobel savage torqiose, which doesn’t exist in satire or Commis, happy birthday Stan, as somehow besides all else was accepted by arabs and lesbians ,somwho he is still a hero that gets under your skins and has him slef torn up by barbaric hands,which maybe as close to Peckinpah as I can ever really come.
The next day after my Ma had calmed a bit but she was skiddish through the holidays, I was again paid for work with a gift card and had to go redeem it at the local rite aid, where I.d put it in my pay pal. Im told I may not have to go through all this has have done this about four times since July ,but like a ride. I resolved not to watch that wearing cesspool, Markiska or not, called law and order and its only remnant, of course once tarp happened, about those strangers out to always get your children and white women, as I guess meat-head is after all dead. Or at easy cbs is. Fell into watching, of all things, Hill Street blues, a show I loved as a adolescent, and which I again don’t mean to cast aspersions, sort of augred when I sent an idea for a show into nbc, of an Italian detective, in where else, The Hill, where my brother was an expected, accepted, sepia, before it was orange and still olive, skinned interloper. Of course it was I and not August Wilson who mentioned Jefferson street Joe in a play, so remember that when the milk duds explain how ell Ben the rapist plays in Garbage time. I liked watching it again, as actually liked the idea of an Italian cop in a suit, world weary and tired, and not a supercop, or a house nigger as she lawyers does demanding ‘someone pay’, well, toots, I was like Bochco reading Ed Macbain a longtime back, see, no one has to pay, and say that to a senator sometimes, as no one pays , you have to make your case, hows that for a admirer of Bill Clinton at my Jesuit best, kids. Travanti in a suit and world weary and Bullet like shtypping his brunette girlfriend, better than any one on LaO, EVEN YES Jill Hennessey, as these cops were pivoted by Carnegie Tech alum and not some fake liberal who as greasing the skids for a crime bill in which these buttoner families would make narcs of us all. I liked seeing it agan, and now, like Mom watch it all day as let a lot of deadlines go past and cant quite care, like Obama was in a pretendersy, so don’t cry for me or yourselves Perseipolis, as hear there is much turbine spamming out of control in Creation ,ah the empire that never twas, as again the men of god didn’t spelt the take evenly enough. Ouch. Put Cicero line here, who is mute when stomachs are heard, which is why you cant just burn all before, like the Romans, not if you want to survive, or at least like Bill Clinton get he jokes. There at Rite aid saw something that didn’t fit, as cleaned myself of various Wolfs. I saw a sweet little clay terracotta play angel like my Beatrice, seen above, strange and jarring in all and where they just love, love, love, their niggers and terrorists so much, and yet on this case all the angels where not only white, mister Bidden, but where of course blond. Breaking the change meant to put in the kick, I bought the angel, and some nacho chip and chocolate milk and brought it back to my ma as a small saturnalia gift. She took the small figurine and held it as if it were magic, and ma kissed it, again showing without the Romans you full of shit Aryans always make the same mistakes.
Labels: Miss Mary Amazon, MisterStupendous, Pinups, Rag Comix, Saturnalia
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